Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by Jaakarikyk

How do you feel about the following:

If guns are holstered, Stim gives +40% speed.

If guns or ordinance is in hand, Stim gives only the current +30% speed.

This way Octane as an opponent would remain the same as he is now, he couldn't attack or even reload if he wants to keep his higher speed, if he wants to fight he has to come back down to the speed we're used to. Speedy strafing while unarmed isn't that bad for the opponent as the tradeoff is Octane's offense. This might not even boost Octane's efficiency rating but speed is life amigo.

I understand if you can't give an opinion on it but maybe you could just say you've read it?

As you can see from the patch we felt that always giving 40% while sprinting is acceptable. The important part is we did NOT speed up how quickly Octane strafes left/right while stimmed (because that's what really makes you hard to hit)


Originally posted by Cobalt9896

thanks for buffing the speedy boi! We can clearly see you are all working hard and im so happy that this community is one where we can all interact and discuss the game that we all love

Let me know how you feel about the buffs!


Originally posted by Mozog1g2

is there any chance lifeline revive shield gets any bigger or at least vertical

Interesting! Do you feel enemies often shoot over her shield?


Originally posted by potatopowahd

I see :)

Thanks for the answers, you're going ham in this thread

I'm a little overwhelmed! I had no idea people were that excited to talk :) I'm falling way behind on my messages (because I also have to, you know, work ;P) but I'm doing my best. In my mind, when I grew up playing games you could never get any answers from devs, so now that I'm on the other side of that I can give you all what I didn't have.


Originally posted by aupa0205

The fact that Silence cancels his Gun Shield too is a game changer in many of the fights I’ve had versus him. Definitely allows my teammates to be a bit more aggressive/confident fighting him as well while silenced. Not to mention negating one of the best ults in the game, especially in late game circles. I’ve also noticed that Silence creates almost a placebo effect or something similar with less skilled players. I’ve had several fights with multiple different Legends where they choke/run away despite having an initial advantage. The only thing I think Rev needs, if I may say, is a small buff to the height in which he can climb, but otherwise, I think he’s in a fantastic spot where he is. Many people just don’t play him well, I think.

We removed the range restriction on his ult. I don't think we ever needed to have it. Hoping that'll help him. Another thing the pros brought to our attention is that Revenant is much less reliable at wall jumping (where you slide jump into a wall, let go of controls, and then jump off the wall). We think that's because of his passive and how "sticky" it is to walls. Gotta figure out what we can do about that.


Originally posted by DelSolSi

Ever since the Silence effect disables the gunshield Rev has been a great counter to Gibby.

That's awesome! It doesn't fully address the Gibby frustration IMO; the answer to one problematic legend can never be found in just one other legend.


Originally posted by fastnfurious22

very interesting, everyone i pllay with still feels gibby is super strong and all have encounter where we feel we've lost to gibby just because he's gibby (gun shield is OP, he has 300 hp type complaints) to hear that he is third lower encounter win rate is weird. Maybe he's getting focused. I notice if i play gibby or caustic in ranked I get focused more by multiple players

It's really just he's so much easier to hit because of his big hit box.


Originally posted by fastnfurious22

third lowest encounter win rate? how, after all the buffs, that's hard to understand, and just for curiosity who are the 2 legends with lower encounter win rates

It's Crypto (~47%) and Bloodhound (~45%) at the very bottom. Last I checked Gibby was very close to Crypto.

I don't think anyone fully appreciates just HOW much of a disadvantage the large hit box is.


Originally posted by SkrimTim

I'm curious as to what the argument against could be, because I can't think of one, but I appreciate the response!

There's an axis of aesthetics/"realistic" visuals vs gameplay clarity. It's never black and white, and I'm not doing the against argument justice here but it's basically "why would the gas be green for you but red for the enemy". Again, we already violate that in a bunch of places like Gibby dome.


We're aware and looking at it.


So cool. I'm gonna start collecting these "Wattsi" fan art! 👌


Just forgot to update the text, sorry about that!


Nah it was a bug on our end it should be updated... Sorrryyy

    EA_Kent on Forums - Thread - Direct



That means there isn't any cross-progression across hardware platforms. So your progress wouldn't transfer from PC to PlayStation 4, for example. If you're playing on Steam and Origin you're still on the PC platform, so your progress would still be there. 




... Read more

finally, some good content! <3


Originally posted by Maxx_T013

Let’s go! How long does it take to usually create and input skins? just wanna know if it’s worth me saving my apex coins :)

If it got started right now, this very second, you might be able to get it for Halloween 2021


Originally posted by ReaperYash05

Yeah yeah make skins for legends but don't balance Pathfinder's abilities properly.

im the make skin guy, not the lower cool down guy

    EA_Darko on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Rlseman accusing others of cheating simply is not allowed on AHQ.
