- JustVine
Nice try Intrepid Spy ;) but no really.
A giant octopus that can javeline you off the ship with a tentacle and pull you into the watery depths to drown while paralyzing and poisoning you is pretty high up there.
An angry storm cloud that can change shapes to use different class abilities on top of its lightning based magic. Ignores hard cc unless it's solidified for an ability.
- McShave
I've always enjoyed game modes like Gears of War's "Horde" mode, where you have to defend from increasingly difficult waves of bad guys. I enjoy testing my abilities with the ramp up of difficulty, and if the game is made well, you have to work together with your teammates when it gets really difficult.
- Dolyem;d-50989
Really hoping that trees, and rocks, and Crests of hills , etc, all play a part in line of sight for both action and tab targeting. It will make a world of difference in world PvP. How important is this to the rest of you?