Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

01 Feb


@Vhaeyne Heh - after I saw this kind of stuff in clips of Lineage 2, I started asking in the monthly Q&A's whether we'll see skimpy outfits. Steven was a big L2 player, but we still don't know his feelings about thongs and bikini bottoms in in AoC. I'm personally hoping it won't be in, as it subtracts from immersion, for yours truly.

We do indeed know his feelings on that front, and I believe I shared a ... Read more

25 Jan

Hi there friend! Our moderation team received a multitude of reports throughout the weekend that there were identical messages being posted in the Q&A thread, and the exact duplicates were removed accordingly :smiley: as much as possible we like to encourage that folks share their unique questions in the thread, so we can get the chance to answer a variety of them! If you like a particular question and would like to see us answer it, please feel free to use that lovely "Like" button under any post!

Please keep in mind that we choose the questions for the stream randomly each month, rather than being based on how many likes or different iterations of the same question there are - that way more folks feel like they have an opportunity to get their questions answered, and it's more fair to everyone in the community! <3
Some folks have made some interesting points here already on different sides of this discussion - in terms of balancing what would help you get more familiar with a character so you made a more informed decision, vs. that being a tradeoff on immersion and your "choices mattering".

One of our planned Dev Discussion topics for this year is in regards to new player experience, so I'm excited to see more of what you all share here and in that upcoming thread!

22 Jan

Hello again friends! Thank you for taking the time to vote in our poll and add your responses to our login rewards Dev Discussion here.

I've put together a recap of your notes for the team (and included them in the bottom of the original post here), but please feel free to continue voting above and ... Read more

20 Jan


whatever the hell a flanggler is

A flanggler is a beautiful and rare treasure to behold <3

As for our spiderbros here, who's to say it's not a prehensile tail? 🤔

The creatures of Verra are often a unique spin on IRL equivalents (even just the colors alone in the pic OP shared are likely a bit of a deviation from nature), so maybe it's to spin webs, poison you, or just to wave hi :tongue:

They may not respond to every suggestion on the forums, but they seem to be looking at them.

Oooooh you better bet we're looking at them 👀

I think a system like OP mentioned could certainly have some interesting potential depending on how it was implemented, and for certain games it does seem to have impacted community and developer relations in a positive manner. Would love to hear more examples from folks on how similar concepts have been implemented in other games you've played, and what worked well/didn't work well :smiley:

19 Jan

@Vhaeyne The costume cosmetics that are included in each month's pre-order set are indeed a full piece, and when you put it on it will cover your entire appearance. You will not be able to mix and match/toggle those pieces individually (other than your helmet) when you're wearing the entire costume.

This is partially why there is a separate category for accessories - those are able to be worn/equipped on a more individualized basis, so you can mix and match to your liking!

In terms of applying dye to cosmetic items, previously we've stated that they would affect certain tagged portions, and the "dyeability" would depend on the costume specifically.

Hopefully that helps clear things up a bit further! <3

18 Jan

Hello friends, a quick clarification on the shop cosmetics.

There will not be recolors or material swaps on the monthly cosmetics as a means to populate additional achievements in game by player characters. There will however be variants of the cosmetics for NPC populations including quest-givers, guards, merchants and creatures. Additionally, from an armor standpoint, we cut armor sets up into many different pieces. These pieces can sometimes be used as part of other sets, that may include helmets, wrists, gloves etc. So while you will not see an achievable white version of the corvid castigator set in the game for example, you may see its shoulder piece used in another set, or its leggings, or wrist piece used in another set (not every piece as to form the whole set, but perhaps a couple pieces). This would be difficult to notice at first glance, due to the material, texture and color variation used, but this modular approach to content creation makes achieving a wide variet... Read more

15 Jan

Hiya! As I can't seem to find a solid reference at the moment for where we've discussed previously how visible "death" messaging would be to others in your area, I might recommend asking this in an upcoming live stream Q&A thread! <3

In the meantime, loving the thoughts folks are sharing here on what death messages/info you've found helpful in other games :smiley:
Hi there! You can check out a bit more on where we've discussed the plans for our transmog system here, as well as more details on our planned dye system here.

As others have noted, while the costume... Read more
Hiya! As a few folks above have noted, some of your early feedback on skills you're seeing (such as those in the Mage video) have led to direct changes from our team. For example, here's a quote from Steven on Discord from shortly before the holiday break:


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Come to Toastopia, where taxes are low for anyone who agrees to never wear pants in town!
YAY I am so glad to see you got this posted up, I know it's been a huge undertaking for you! <3 Think I mentioned this to you earlier but I'd love to see this in a simulated situation as well, so folks can test out the cards and play!

I can't wait to see how you expand this further with more art moving forward! :smiley:
Big thanks to Atama for the detailed and helpful answer on testing above!

To the OP, we plan to give you an update on Alpha One sales in February as noted in the most recent Creative Director's Letter, and if we were moving forward with it we would likely provide you all the relevant de... Read more

14 Jan

Loving the comments and opinions. Please make sure to also vote in the poll thread. 🙏
Hiya everyone! As an addition to our ongoing Dev Discussion topic regarding login rewards, we've included a quick poll for you here to make your voice heard in a more numerical format. Votes in this poll are anonymous, and if you'd like to share more details on your thoughts, please let us know your feedback in the original thread here!

Didnt we already have a Megathread about this topic with 200+ replies? Seems like a waste to me to open a new one and makes me feel like the community management isnt really watching this forum.

I promise I'm here and watching and definitely saw and read through that megathread already ;) in fact, this Dev Discussion was a direct result of both the response to the recent live stream AND the forum threads that popped up in its wake. We wanted to have a more official topic on the matter as you can see here, and provide you some more context that folks here on the forums may not have seen. Plus, we wanted to phrase the question more specifically to get your feedback on certain angles!

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #26 - Login Rewards
What are your thoughts around login rewards, whether on a daily or longer-term basis for cosmetic items? What reward systems from other games have you liked and disliked, and for what reasons?

UPDATE: ... Read more

13 Jan

Thank ya Jam, that is excellent feedback <3 I think our team noted a similar thing on our end as well, that in the future we'd like to make more clear that each of those sections are clickable to more goodies. And I do plan to include those recaps in our previous Dev Discussion posts moving forward, so you can see all the feedback and responses in one place!
To clarify a bit here, we were more specifically soliciting your feedback in that email on our new email layout and design, to let us know if you enjoyed it more than the previous format <3 that being said, we always love to hear all kinds of feedback here on the forums!