There will also be some forms of PvP that are lower risk and opt-in, such as arenas!
It is interesting to theorycraft other node types besides the four (Divine, ... Read more
- Caww
the wiki has about as much as we know
I think they are working to ensure there aren't any egregious mismatches, like my personal favorite, an igloo in the desert...
- MybroViajero
Cool , new blood for the genre, better for everyone.
- Birthday
Lore-wise I see it as a problem to include an aquatic race which is on par with all the races we have now because supposedly all the races are made out of the ancient gods who split themselves up in tiny pieces thus creating all the races.
We still have some lore missing and some gods unrevealed so with new information we'll get to theorycraft more. It's hard to believe that all the gods split and not a single one of those gods wasn't a aquatic god. It's even harder to believe that if there was an aquatic god his splitting up would have created only the Nikua(I mention them because they are the closest to sea-related race we have right now).
- vettond63;d-52053
Tell me if this is stupid or flawed or just bad.
- unknownsystemerror
You are just going to get their standard line. "We are constantly looking at new technology and ways to utilize it in Ashes of Creation, while we don't have an answer for you now, anything is possible."
- mcstackerson
I've always liked how souls games deliver lore. It feels like it's a story you discover by playing the game instead of being fed to you like it's a movie or any other non-interactive medium.
I love how a lot of the environments tell a story. I love seeing something in the world and wondering what happened in the area. This is made easier to notice by the minimalist HUD which hides itself whenever it can. It really helps with immersion and i hope they take a similar approach.