Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

10 Mar

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Woah! Neat idea!!

What other combinations can you come up with?

02 Mar

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Kaelar female. We shared our most recent art of this race during the February Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Py'rai female & male Concept. We shared our most recent art of this race during the February Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more

17 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The wiki has a page that discusses what we have said on this topic in the past. You can read more about servers here! :)

As for this specific question, I know Steven has mentioned in the past that certain accounts will be able to pre-register. We've also discussed what our plans have been for server population, which helps us plan ahead for when the release date comes. You can see more about what Steven said on this topic on this page of the wiki :)

16 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Reading these thoughts makes me think of those who not only created, but also learned fantasy languages such as Klingon, Na'vi, and Tolkein Elvish. Learning languages is a personal hobby of mine, and I've always been very intrigued by sci-fi/fantasy games, movies, and shows that create new languages!

From my understanding, some of these are only developed enough to have basic sentences, and others have had... linguistically gifted(?) fans fill in the gaps. I think you can learn Klingon on Duolingo these days!

Regardless, very interesting and intriguing thoughts that are fun to discuss!

15 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Others have done a good job of answering this, but I'll also just make a statement here for you as well! We are always looking at the latest technology to see what would make sense for our team to implement! That's how we ended up converting to UE5, after all! :) However, our plan is to support just Windows at this moment. That is unlikely to change from now to release. Steven and Margaret talked about this during the December Development Livestream which you can find timestamped here :) I hope this helps ^_^

12 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct


I'll... be sure to get this feedback to the developers as fast as humanly possible.

Please do! I am actually being serious about the flatness of the butts. :)

I believe the plan is to have sliders - including a butt slider :)

As for an absolute dump truck as the baseline.. I'm not so sure of!

If you haven't already, please make sure to leave this feedback on the main Kaelar feedback request thread as well!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll... be sure to get this feedback to the developers as fast as humanly possible.

11 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
This will really come down to the augments you choose for your class. The archetypes abilities remain largely the same. So, Cleric will have Cleric abilities and Fighter will have Fighter abilities. However, how you augment those abilities will change the flavor and feel of the class.

(Side note; Paladin is one of the 64 classes ;).)

Let's say you combine Primary: Fighter with Secondary: Cleric. That gives you a ... Read more

05 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting idea @MybroViajero and also great observation @Lex ^_^

04 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
There are some people here at Intrepid Studios who are also very into and interested in 3D printing! Maybe the marketing team should go talk to them about it ;)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

These ended up amazing, both male and female look the part.

Curious if this is a "dwarf females can have beards" kind of world or not so much?

The female Dünir can have beards :)

03 Feb

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Niküa race seems to resemble the Dünir race based on height and body shape however they do have a more tribal look to them which leaves me wondering what their background would be based on game Lore.
Not sure if there is some relation to the two races and later on took separate paths and evolved with slight differences.

Good observation :) This is essentially exactly the case. Both races are Dwarves. Specifically, they're Dünzenkell Dwarves. You can read more about them here, on the wiki :)
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Kaelar race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Dünir race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Niküa race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Ren’Kai race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more
    Roshen on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Vek race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our ... Read more

26 Jan

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Steven and the team's vision is all about risk and reward and the symbiosis of the two. With the nature of open world PvP and a majority of non-instanced dungeon and raid fights, PvP in direct correlation to boss fights, quest objectives and other desirable objectives is unavoidable!

However, that doesn't mean you need to directly fight a war for a chance to kill a monster to complete a quest. For example, perhaps you're a crafter for your guild and instead of fighting in a guild war, you choose to spend your time and energy supplying your guild for a battle.

If they win the battle, you win! And you'd get your chance at that quest objective without fighting the front lines of a PvP war, if that is what pleases you. The opportunities are endless and the possibilities are many! :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll just drop this statement here - which ofc applies to AI and all things regarding the dev process in and out of the game:
Our team is always looking into the latest technology to see what would make sense for us to implement in-game!

I'm sure the team is looking at how best to program creature AI, what makes sense, what is possible, etc :)