Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

13 Aug

    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @Nellafem !

We're always down for hearing more feedback on any topic, no matter how far along it is, but I would recommend having those discussions over on the General Discussion forum section and not in our Support and FAQ section.

I'll be closing this thread, but if there are any other issues we can assist you with further, please reach out.

    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @"Prose Cauldron" !

These are some heftier questions, and would make for great topics to discuss in the General Discussion forum section instead of the Support and FAQ area in the future. ;)


Prose Cauldron;d-45826

Any confirmation on bonuses tied to gathering/processing/crafting as a group? An example being something like two players being able to tame a creature that's otherwise beyond their capacities individually. I would love to tame something wildly dangerous with a few buddies.

There are a few General Discussion threads on this topic if you want to pop in and disc... Read more

12 Aug

    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Outside of the wiki I was having a hard time finding out how the cosmetic's/transmog system will work. One of the biggest questions I had was as you pick up new items do those models get saved to a library? If someone has a link to video's or a post that would be appreciated.

Hi @MyReality !

Cosmetic Skins from the packages will require a user to first attain an In-game Item that the Cosmetic Skin is compatible with. You'll then place the Cosmetic Skin on the item in the cosmetic slot. These cosmetics skins purely alter the look and do not give any in-game advantage or benefit...Other than looking cool. 😎

We have not shared a lot of specific details on how the system works as far as other in-game items and saving their models, but we'll have more details about that in the future, so stay tuned.

I'll be closing this thread for now, but if there is anything we can assist ... Read more
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there @AdamB !

We currently don't have music soundtracks available for content creator to use, but when we do, we'll be certain to let folks know.

I'll be closing this thread, but if there are any other issues we can assist you with in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @Beta !

We had a revamp of our forums and migrated accounts, so some users may have had to make new forum accounts. In order to get your account flagged, please contact our team and they will assist you.

For those who already have a ticket in our system, we appreciate your patience as we have a large influx of tickets. <3

I'll close this thread for now, but if there's anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll close this! ;)
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @xXSkreamXx !

Glad you found the answer. In the future, I recommend posting things like this in the General Discussions forum section as it's not a Support matter. <3

I'll be closing this thread. :smile:
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @Sharp3 !

As @Nagash stated, the Ashes of Creation Apocalypse servers are currently unavailable. We'll let folks know when it's back up though. =)

Going to close this thread, but as always, feel free to reach out if there is anything else we can assist you with! <3
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks @Dolyem !

Will close the thread. <3
    MargaretKrohn on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi @"Big Man" !

Please, reach out to our team directly so we can assist you with your account issue.

I'm going to close this thread, but please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything further we can help you with!

07 Aug

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - at the moment we're currently utilizing DirectX 11, based on our plans to develop Ashes of Creation for Windows PC.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! The character creation options you've been seeing in our early testing videos certainly don't display the full range of the options we plan to provide you - you can check out more on our plans for our character creator in the helpful community-run wiki here!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can help out with!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Welcome to the forums, friend! It's like they know me too well :wink: you can check out the helpful community-run wiki here to see where we've discussed the character creator and its potential availability!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! I believe I've already mentioned to you a few times a couple references where you can find what we've discussed previously on this topic, and these archetype details are definitely something we'll be sharing more notes on and getting your help with testing in upcoming phases!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's any other topics we can assist you with in the ... Read more
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! It looks like other members above helped point you in the right direction, by sharing our current philosophy on APIs as discussed on the helpful community-run wiki here. If you have any follow-up questions based on this, I'd recommend bringing them to an upcoming AMA or live stream Q&A session so our team can dive in further!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - it sounds like another user above saw something similar and was able to help point you in the right direction! If you purchase the Voyager Plus Pre-Order Pack for one month, it automatically includes all of the cosmetic items for that month, and will allow you to buy the upcoming cosmetics on an individual basis moving forward.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist with!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - we appreciate you reaching out with this helpful suggestion regarding 2FA! As this isn't really a Support & FAQ topic, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now - please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! Thanks to Bearheart above for providing a helpful link over to the community-run wiki with more answers on that front! If you have any additional questions after taking a look over there, I recommend bringing them to an upcoming AMA or live stream Q&A session so our team can dive in further!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can help you out with!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - you can check out a bit more about where we've discussed potential API plans over on the helpful community-run wiki here. If you have any followup questions after checking this out, we recommend bringing them to an upcoming AMA or live stream Q&A session so our team can dive in further!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! At the moment some users may be experiencing issues purchasing packages through the MY.GAMES site, so we're directing them to the Intrepid Shop instead if they'd like to make a purchase. Steven recently shared on our Discord that updates on EU would be coming in the near future, so stay tuned as we post additional details on that front!

I'm going to go a... Read more