Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

22 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! Looks like unknown got you a helpful answer above regarding how you should expect for your characters and progress to be wiped multiple times during testing, and then for launch itself!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!

19 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! Throughout our test phases, you can probably expect to see multiple wipes of characters and content, as we continue to roll out new features for testing. At the moment, we haven't announced any plans for you to be able to carry over those types of designs, but you can always keep an eye out for upcoming blog posts on those features for more details as we get closer to having you help us test them!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!

18 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! Looks like Ventharien already got you a helpful answer above regarding what it will cost to play once Ashes of Creation launches, and we also cover that for you in our helpful knowledge base article here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's any other questions we can help answer!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! As I don't believe this is a topic we've covered quite specifically before, it may be something you'd like to ask in a Q&A thread for an upcoming live stream! As it stands at the moment, each Intrepid account has its own subscription that you'll use to log in and play.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with!

15 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! As some folks above have already shared, Ashes of Creation is not released yet, nor have we announced a release date! You can keep an eye on our latest plans for Alpha and Beta test dates from our helpful support article here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! Catching up here and trying to answer a few of your different questions/topics that came up in this thread:

1. Your username is just your login username, and won't necessarily be your character name in-game! Some folks who have early Kickstarter packages or some of the higher-tier packages from our shop have "Name Reservation" included as a perk, which will allow them to reserve an in-game name earlier than others. Other than that, you will likely be creating your character name once you log in and play!

2. In terms of forum categories, at the moment we currently are featuring a few generic topics (such as our General Discussion), and will be splitting those out into more specific categories as we get into having you test our in-game systems, so you can provid... Read more

11 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - you can check out more on where we've discussed gear enhancements and enchantments over on the helpful community-run wiki here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help out with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! While at the moment we have yet to show off any scythes or scythe-like weapons, I definitely recommend keeping an eye on our social channels and news page as we release more details on classes, weapons, and the like in the lead-up to having you help us test them!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back ou... Read more

08 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - as some folks above have suggested, getting involved in a guild that shares your priorities or staying active in your local node could be good ways to help build that sense of community you were looking for! In addition, you can check out where we've discussed the family system and marriage before over on the helpful community-run wiki.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but plea... Read more
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - sounds like someone above got you some helpful answers, and in addition, being the first to "tag" will come into play on what percentage damage you need to win out:

As we have you hop in and help us test this during upcoming sessions, keep an eye out as we look for your feedback on what plays well and feels right in terms of loot tagging!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - you can check out more details on where we've discussed certain elements of the crafting system before over on the helpful community-run wiki here:

We'll be continuing to share more details on these systems as we get closer to have you helping us test them, so be sure to keep an eye out for future blogs and/or videos on these topics! In the meantime, if there were any more specific questions on crafting you had that weren't covered by the wiki above, I'd recommend bringing them to an upcoming live stream Q&A session so our team can dive in further.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! Looks like someone already got you some helpful answers above for the ... Read more

04 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - looks like someone already got you some answers above, and you can also check out more on where we've discussed raid sizing and loot rules/tagging before on the helpful community-run wiki here:

All of this will definitely be something we look for your help with testing in upcoming phases as well!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist you with!

02 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there! As Alluring mentioned above, the lifetime subscription does not currently show up as a separate item in your inventory. However, you should indeed see "Alpha 1" listed as its own separate item - I also note that it appears your forum roles and badges may not have updated accordingly, so please go ahead and reach out to our support team here so we can assist you further:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help you with!

01 Sep

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! Sounds like our friend above got you some handy links from our forums and the helpful community-run wiki; you can also see the articles that feature our monthly pre-order packages on our news page directly here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can assist you with!

    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - you can select the "View Inventory" option under the Additional Actions section of your profile to see everything you have access to, including the test phases that were part of your package. If you're still not sure on which test phase you have access to after reviewing your Inventory, please go ahead and reach out to our support team directly so they can take a look and assist you further:

You can also stay up-to-date with our latest plans for Alpha/Beta releases in our helpful knowledge base article here: ... Read more
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - the packs currently available in our pre-order shop grant you access to our future Alpha Two phase at the earliest as you've noted (which is planned to be our persistent test server). You can check out our latest plans on Alpha/Beta release dates in our helpful knowledge base article here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can help with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - you can check out more on where we've talked about dismounting and having your mount follow you around in the helpful community-run wiki here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help out with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there - the packs currently available in our pre-order shop grant you access to Alpha Two at the earliest (which is planned to be our persistent test server). You can check out our latest plans on Alpha/Beta release dates in our helpful knowledge base article here:

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with in the meantime!
    LieutenantToast on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like some helpful folks above provided you some of the fun benefits of PvPing, such as scoring some of that excellent loot off of a caravan!

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything further we can help out with!