Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

01 Oct

30 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Magic Man

I'm kinda disappointed and Steven literally saying ''we lean more towards tab targeting'' was uh..expected but yikes anyway. Spell effects are decent and the mobility ability was cool. Other than that.....4/10 I'd say

Would you care to elaborate more on why you feel it was a 4/10?
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback on the Alpha Two Basic Range Weapon Attack Update and Ranger Demo discussed during the September 2022 Development Update Livestream.

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters:
[*] What aspects of the basic range weapon attacks are important to you?
[*] When it comes to Ranger archetype fantasy, what are you wanting to see and not wanting to see?
[*] Are there types of basic range weapon attacks in other games that you feel are done well? If so, in what ways?
[*] Is there anything in particular you’re excited or concerned about regarding what was shown with the basic range weapon attacks and the Ranger archetype?
Please don’t feel limit... Read more

While towns will be protected by things like NPC guards, towns are not "inherent safe zones." If you're looking to assassinate a player in town, are you up to the challenge? ⚔

To get a better idea of what safe areas of Ashes of Creation will be, see the wiki here.

29 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all! The results are in! They can be found at the link below: 😈
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
🏹 An enemy Ranger stands between you and exploring the rest of the Verran deserts.

🎯 In classic fashion, you both prepare for a duel. #WWYD?
We will be revealing the results in roughly 4 hours
(Click on the Twitter link below to submit your answer!

28 Sep