Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

24 Oct

Thank you @Natasha for your helpful answers! ^_^

22 Oct

21 Oct

20 Oct

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't have the data on this but I know the March 2020 pack is a fan favorite just from having seen it mentioned so often!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Why are bards not in every MMO? I don't know.. However, I'm certainly happy they will be present in Ashes of Creation! I myself can't wait to play a Bladedancer :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct



This doesn't QUITE clarify enough, @Vaknar, so if SOMEHOW you have just ONE more answer from Steven it would help, especially if y'all aren't planning to make a whole specific post about it (someone else surely will, might be me).

I just want to know if we can interpret this part EXACTLY AS WRITTEN.

Abilities with CC effects do not apply to non-combatants. The target of a cc ability must be flagged in order to suffer the CC effects. This prevents players from opening attacks that stun players during a pull for example.

I think the most reasonable way to interpret this is:

"If your ability does only CC, it cannot affect non-combatants. If it does damage and CC, it can do the damage but the CC will not function."

However I can see an interpretation that is:
"If your ability does only CC, it cannot...

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    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I love reading through threads like these! Keep the great additions coming! ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you to those who provided sources of information to answer OP's question! Love to see it ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello all! Lots of big thoughts in here. I thought I'd stop by and share a well written post Steven wrote on that YouTube video, which can be found here

I'll also copy-paste it for ya here as well:
"Greetings brother, awesome video!

Just a few points Iโ€™d love to add.

Much of the Ashes corruption system has taken into account these concerns. In my experience with similar flagging systems, such as that of L2โ€™s, there were very apparent flaws in implementation.

Some of the adjustments that have been made for Ashesโ€™ approach to open world flagging system is as follows;

- Abilities with CC effects do not apply to non-combatants. The target of a cc ability must be flagged in order to suffer the CC effects. This prevents player... Read more

In Ashes of Creation, Enchanting won't be an artisan profession, although materials from professions can contribute towards Enchanting.

You can learn more about what we've shared about Enchanting, in the wiki here:

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream will be Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11AM Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.) We'll be streaming over at

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Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream will be Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11AM Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

Similar to our past streams, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread ... Read more

19 Oct

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this glorious Office Hours session on the Ranger archetype! :heart:

18 Oct

17 Oct