Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

07 Oct

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very cool Imagery! It's so impressive what these AI can create!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! This is a great idea! You'll be pleased to know that this is planned content. Here is what Steven has said regarding this in the past: "NPC ships will be present on the ocean that are adversaries or monsters that will be targets for players to try to raid or hunt for treasure" -

Be sure to check out the wiki if you haven't. There is a ton of useful information there! ^_^
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
In case some of those here haven't seen this, you can see what Steven has said regarding iframes in the past here, on the wiki!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
In addition to the information that @SongRune provided, you can also learn about what has been said regarding cutscenes here, on the wiki!

06 Oct

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Some interesting theorizing happening in here! :)

On a similar note, I'm curious to know what you feel the class fantasy for a summoner is, or what it should be? ‘Class fantasy’ could be defined as your expectations and perception for what a class should look, feel, and play like. ;)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Looks like there have been plenty of helpful answers to your questions! I love to see it ^_^

I'll throw this out there for ya too: Make sure to check out the wiki and read through its many pages of helpful information!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Reddit is a platform better suited for AMA posts at this time.

For example, the thread is already at over 900 comments on Reddit after a single day. Once this has been up for some time, there will likely be many more questions. Sorting by upvotes makes doing something like this scalable.

Currently, the forums don't support that feature. However, we definitely want to do things such as this on the forums in the future and will be looking at ways to do so! ^_^

For now, I hope you're all able to submit questions here:

I also hope to see you all on the livestream as Steven goes over the questions!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello all!

We prefer everyone be well unto each other. We do not have a say over what individuals say on their own platforms outside of our communities. However, on our own platforms, we do not allow for the use of name-calling with the 'R' word.

A helpful tool we suggest around the forums and Discord is the 'block' function. With that said, if you don't like a user's content, I suggest blocking them or not watching the content!

We want the Ashes of Creation community to be a positive one, centered around a love for MMORPGs and sharing that common interest with one another. I appreciate anyone and everyone who is willing to help keep the community awesome! ^_^

Side note: Let's make sure we're being well unto one another and keep the conversation on-topic. Thank you and carry on! ^_^

If everyone is loaded up with epic and legendary items, is anything really special? 🤔

In Ashes of Creation we believe things like legendary items should actually FEEL legendary... and that means they won't be easy to get. Here's a clip from an older interview where we talk about this.

05 Oct

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community, we’re excited to do an AMA Livestream with our Creative Director, Steven Sharif, on Friday, October 14, 2022 at 11 AM PDT (convert to your local time). We'll be streaming the answers to this AMA over at

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Glorious Ashes of Creation Community, we’re excited to do an AMA Livestream with our Creative Director, Steven Sharif, on Friday, October 14, 2022 at 11 AM PDT (convert to your local time). We'll be streaming the answers to this AMA over at ...

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While we always welcome feedback, we're still working on the UI and customization options for the UI. 😎

Here's a timestamp to the part of the stream replay where we discuss this briefly during the September 2022 Development Update.

04 Oct

03 Oct

01 Oct