
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

27 May


The $15-$20 range was my own initial guess of the ballpark, but it might end up being slightly more.

The captain (or anyone else) can indeed betray the crew. The consequences of that depend on the server you're playing on: some servers are more strict and may kick you for actively trying to sabotage the mission, others may have the traitor feature enabled and only allow sabotage if it's required by your secret traitor objective, and on some servers anything goes.

17 May


Originally posted by The_Co11ector

I'm not gonna bother explaining because it's useless, but suffice to say that there's games meant to have voice and ones that aren't. I hate this trend of forcing it into everything multiplayer.

I would argue that Barotrauma is exactly the kind of game that should have voice chat. Co-operation and communication are crucial aspects of the game, and text chat is often too slow for communicating effectively in an emergency situation. But of course, not everyone likes to use a voice chat or even has a mic - and in that case you can simply disable it and use text chat instead.

06 May

03 Apr


We're sorry to keep you waiting. We were hoping to release it during the first quarter of 2019, but there were still so many issues (particularly in the networking side) that we needed to push back the release. The current estimate of "Spring 2019" should hold though, and we will be announcing the exact release date very soon.

06 Jan


Sorry for the late response, I don't check this subreddit as often as I should...

In case you haven't found a solution to this yet, I believe you can fix it by disabling GameAnalytics. Normally you would be able to do so by selecting "no" when the game asks you on startup whether to send analytics to the developers, but since you can't launch the game, you need to change senduserstatistics="true" to senduserstatistics="false" in the config.xml file inside the game's folder.

I'm not 100% what exactly is causing the GameAnalytics extension to throw this error, but I'll look into it and try to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. Thanks for the report!

22 Nov

    Regalis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Я так считаю. Несмотря на то, что первая версия раннего доступа не будет иметь переводов в ней, новая версия имеет гораздо лучшую поддержку перевода, а модификации могут создавать неофициальные переводы, пока нам не удастся создать официальный перевод.

Опять же, извините за грамматические ошибки, я использую Google translate. :)

20 Nov

    Regalis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Извините, это было переведено с помощью google translate:

Я рад видеть, что вы, ребята, в восторге от предстоящего выпуска! И, честно говоря, я тоже очень раздражен этими ошибками, которые попали в трейлер. Мы сделали это в огромной спешке для Games Connection Europe 2018 и не успели полировать ее так, как хотелось бы. Эти глюки будут исправлены для версии Early Access (некоторые из них уже исправлены), и мы также создадим новый улучшенный трейлер для выпуска.

04 Aug


Originally posted by EclipsesEcho

That pesky life getting in the way of things huh. But in all seriousness its brilliant that work is still being done, would you consider making a post here when there is an update?

Sure! I don't really visit Reddit that often but I think I could start making a post when I release an update. You might also want to subscribe to the blog @ if you want to get email notifications about new blog posts (I usually announce every major update in the blog, and there are also posts about upcoming features every now and then).


Originally posted by EclipsesEcho

I wouldn't say that it has been abandoned, just the devs don't have much motivation to put lots of work into it because of the low pop player base. We need a post to appear on /r/gaming, that might be a good boost to player count.

I haven't abandoned the game and not intending to do so. The development is this slow due to the fact that I'm the only dev working on the game, and I'm can't do it full-time (even though I'd like to) because I also have a day job and a couple of other projects going on.