Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

19 May

18 May

17 May


Hey there!

Can you please describe the issue in more detail? How often do you experience crashing? Is their consistency? Does it happen only under certain circumstances? You player ID and OS version would also help to investigate this crash.


Originally posted by Bennyscrap

If it doesn't have the legendary border around it, then the answer should be no.

this is the correct answer

16 May


Originally posted by kjan12

Hi Daria, it looks like trophy requirements has not been deployed with last maintenance

Hey! Yes, we had to go on the extra maintenance to assure a smooth Goblin Cage release, and I had to warn you that trophy requirement change will have to be postponed to the next maintenance. Sorry for this!


wow! this is impressive. how long did it take to make?

15 May

14 May


Originally posted by benphili


And while they're at it, change the clan trophy requirements (increase) as well...

That is, from

  • 4900, 5200, 5500, 5800, 6100, 6400 they get changed to

  • 5000, 5300, 5600, 6000, 6300, 6600,

Also, as u/BlahBlahBlaaaaaaah pointed out, allow us to set a trophy requirement that looks at their 'personal best' instead of their 'current trophies' (avoids from changing it every start of the season)

PS. Updates regarding clans and clan wars would be greatly appreciated, regarding clans I mean, more badges, more roles (General would be nice, higher than elder, able to start wars for example) etc.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated u/Supercell_Daria , 1 week has already passed and you haven't commented on anything (even though recent posts were just memes) but as you said

I believe that a lot of toxicity come...

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Hey u/benphili, great catch! The updated trophy requirements will go live with the next maintenance. Note that it will still be set as a current trophy count, at least for now. Changing numbers is super easy in this case, but changing pretty much anything else is, unfortunately, not.

About clans in general — although there is not much to share with you right now, I can tell you that we are very eager to work at and deliver improved clan experience to you. I'll be back to you at some point with proper info.

13 May