
Dauntless Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by ThePikeOfDestiny

i don't know what happens if there is an actual exact tie. i have lost #1 before by a 1/20th of a second and the game correctly updated the player's placement on the leaderboard to be higher than me, so i know that even if the game doesn't show it, it does precisely count each and every milisecond.

1st: 32.679 seconds

2nd: 32.882 seconds

18 Aug


Would recommend checking out guilds recruiting on Discord as well and look for an active one that fits your interests.

14 Aug


Originally posted by Cultural-Ad-1781

what input do you make to swap weapons? people on console are gonna have a harder time finding a button command for this since we have less buttons then on keyboard it might have to be a whacky combo press that you will missclick like half the time i hope that they find a good answer for this

At the moment, it is on LB, in place of Lantern tap while we test it. We'll be finding one or both of those things a more permanent home as we continue to explore the feature.


This feature is still very early in development, things are far from polished, and no balance tuning is done yet, but I thought you'd all appreciate this sneak peak at how it's coming along. Look forward to a blog post within the next month where we'll go into proper detail about this system and how it works, but for now, enjoy this peek.

12 Aug


You should get them in a coming patch, minor mishap. Sorry about that!

08 Aug


Originally posted by Serfrost

Sorry about this, I've forwarded this over to be looked over by Support, though you may want to contact Player Support directly on the website.

Thanks, Frost!

u/AForce5223 we're looking into this now, thanks for reporting the issue!

03 Aug


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

I would really like to participate Will there be a info on how you can try to participate in this testing?

Certainly! u/slayerdk-PHX will post about it once we're ready to bring folks in.


Originally posted by GENM_ACT

Dauntless has no way to see and sell their inventory. Any plans to improve this? Behemoth materials and limited currency with few uses are left over, and behemoth materials are rotting and stinking badly.

Not an inventory per se but... lots of uses for you unused behemoth parts.


Originally posted by Firefly_Girl2016

I realize that Cosmetics aren't important to you guys, but they are the money maker. It seems the ptb shot themselves in the foot. Many of us like our 'digital paper dolls'.

I have everything in the game, have been loyal, but with nothing new coming for a year or so... We already have been teetering.... I'm concerned about many things. Many of us feel our voices have gone unheard. I don't want to leave Dauntless, but the Slayers are important. It seems it will be a brand new game. Will it? Will you be leaving the Slayers that have been and stayed the course with Dauntless in the dust?

Yes, new cosmetics for sure. They are super important!

As for leaving slayers in the dust, I sure hope not. The goal of this is actually to go back to the game's roots a little bit (longer fight times, more specific hunting goals) but update it to make sense today.

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MrHorris

What past update/rework would you say has been your favorite (and why)?

Okay, old school answer, but Reforged (v1.5.0). I loved what the addition of the Slayers Path did for the game. It's also the last feature set that I was involved in, so it's quite special to me.


Originally posted by Charetta

I still have mixed feelings about the State of Dauntless post and have so many questions, but had to pick a few.


1) About the new permanent progression and enhanced core gameplay, is it like an overhaul the same scale as Reforged update where it changed the way we hunt and progress and our current progress will migrate to the new system, or is it just additional content that won't conflict with our current progress (ex. Slayer's Path, Mastery, etc)?


2) You mention "surveys and community playtests", does that mean Experimental version on Epic Games will make a return?


3) You certainly have heard lots of feedback on the loadout menu, like requests to improve it (reminder it lags switching between each loadout on PS4 while on PC it browses smooth like butter and it doesn't scroll like a carousel from first to last loadout or last to first with a single tap), the ability to name the slots and adding more loadout slots. Is this QoL ...

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  1. bit of both of those... Slayers path still relevant, mastery more relevant. But leveling weapons to 20 and then back to 1 for a reforge isn't the way we want to move forward.
  2. It might not be the Experimental Build, but something like that exactly, a separate test build.
  3. UI is getting a BIG look-at

Originally posted by Arcknoc-Enforcer

I do not know if anyone else posted this or not but do you guys have any plans for new exotic weapons in the future, maybe for new or existing behemoths?

Expect all weapons to be a little bit more like exotics - unique in important ways.


Originally posted by Ecresrylca

With the changes to hunting grounds and the "new" pursuit style hunting will we have a better way to switch between loadouts? The current system of a box for refilling consumables is nice but limited and being able to swap loadouts while staying on the island would be nice

We don't have plans for any further ways to change loadouts on an island, we're focusing more on making sure the loadout you choose to bring to the island matters.


Originally posted by Southstarlion14

Will there eventually be new gamemodes or other new content for late game players in the future since the game hasn’t had a fulfilling update of new hunting grounds, new omnicells, or even new weapons for awhile

Do you guys plan on doing frequent updates on the game after the summer 2024 update like say every 2-3 months a new behemoth gets added or new armor piece is available to use?

Yes - we are definitely looking at end game.

And yes, after the big update in 2024, back to regular cadence of Behemoths and weapons.


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

Adding to the second question of Satisfaction my question:

As you stated in you Post yesterday there are going to be more community-tests; -surveys and -activities which is really great.

As you probably know there are many players who created their own behemoth concepts and shared them on the platforms. I would really love to see(maybe in the future after Summer 2024)community events where people post there concepts to give you inspiration or even to be in a voting with the highest voted Idea being implemented into the game. Not only would the developer-community relationship benefit but it would give the community exactly what they voted for… Would this be something to give a shot?

There is so much talent in the Dauntless community!!

Of course, a lot goes in to creating a new Behemoth encounter. And, we haven't been able to work on new ones as much as I personally would have liked to recently - but that is the nature of making games some times. Now, we're ready to do a lot of cool behemoth stuff - including Crudge! Which was concepted with the community on a live stream (way too long ago). That'll be the next new Behemoth next year.


Originally posted by TogglingTyrant

I have defended you from some of your prior partners here on reddit, I have always given you the benefit of the doubt on issues, needless to say I have shown you loyalty over the years. Now you want to give us a new game, great, I am down with that, I am excited for it to be unveiled in a year. My question is for us players that want to continue to play this game in the meantime (waiting a year), why would you forsake us and give us nothing for a year with no new anything? Why not utilize us and throw some variation of the content yet to come and you will get the feed back that is needed to make the game in a year amazing?! Use everyone in the current game of Dauntless as a soft run, sure major content keep as a surprise, minor content we can help you work out the bugs in the application.

It's simply that there is no way to do both at once. The same people working on this update are the same people who would make that new content. We didn't make the decision to do this lightly, but we all believe here on the Dauntless team that this update is necessary to keep the game on a healthy road we can keep maintaining for years to come. We also know you've heard that from us before, and we'll try to remain transparent through this whole process to make sure we're giving you the same confidence we have.

At its heart, and in the way you play, this game should still feel like Dauntless, the game you love is still the soul of the updates we are making, and we hope you'll come on this journey with us!


Originally posted by TogglingTyrant

I have defended you from some of your prior partners here on reddit, I have always given you the benefit of the doubt on issues, needless to say I have shown you loyalty over the years. Now you want to give us a new game, great, I am down with that, I am excited for it to be unveiled in a year. My question is for us players that want to continue to play this game in the meantime (waiting a year), why would you forsake us and give us nothing for a year with no new anything? Why not utilize us and throw some variation of the content yet to come and you will get the feed back that is needed to make the game in a year amazing?! Use everyone in the current game of Dauntless as a soft run, sure major content keep as a surprise, minor content we can help you work out the bugs in the application.

Thanks so much for your support, seriously means a lot.

One great way all players can help before the update is to participate in the test builds. Starting in October or November, we'll have regular test builds for players who want to join - to test out new features, check out early versions and give feedback that we can act on.


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

So that means that depending on the weapon there could also be different combos like one sword has the old sword mechanics and one the new one…same for chain blades etc that sound nice

It does mean that exactly


Originally posted by Threef

What's the reason for lack of development in recent months? We have rumours and ideas, but no official statement

For the most part, because we've been focused on the changes in this update, engine upgrades, growing the team. But, we didn't want to start talking about it until we knew we had what we needed to commit.