Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

07 Jun

06 Jun

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Camping and slugging are valid strategies and not bannable. Please read the game rules and if people don't break the rules, they won't be banned, no matter what:
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by McDonald`s Basement:
Originally posted by Christopher Robin: Yep, it is. They dont care about AFK so much, but that macro/botish type farming they dont tolerate if its reported. Need a video.
okay thanks,i got one on vid so will report in official forums :)
Please don't! Report them to support: Read more

05 Jun

For technical issues, please go here: A tech savvy mod might be able to help you.
In the game, you can click on a killer and check their perks and abilities, that's how you can find out how they work and in which ways. Generally, if your trap was put on before the last gen was finished and you run out of the gate, it'll kill you. If she puts it on after the last gen is done, you won't be killed.
If you assume someone is hacking or has hacked, please report them in the game and send additional evidence to support:

You can read here for more:

Estoy usando un traductor para el español. Si asumes que alguien está hackeando o ha hackeado, por favor repórtalo en el juego y envía evidencia adicional para apoyarlo:

Puede leer aquí para saber más: ... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It does work, what you need to do is report people in the end game and send additional evidence to support:
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Accessibility should not be blocked behind a perk. This is a matter of accessibility, not a matter of balance.

04 Jun

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is a grey area, but we do recommend playing the game. If you AFK every match you play in, this will be bannable as you are not playing the game and ruining it for others. There are other scenarios out there too. Please play the game how it is intended to be played.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, I've already answered your thread on the official forums.

03 Jun

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For technical errors, please go here: Some tech savvy mods might be able to help you :)