Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

25 Aug


Originally posted by waytooeffay

FYI, even though Resilience not working for Arc Titans/Warlocks isn't under the list of "Known Issues" here, according to their help forum as of 3 hours ago they're aware of the issue and investigating. I assume it was simply brought to their attention too late for it to be included in the TWAB

Can confirm its a known issue we are investigating.

24 Aug


Originally posted by The_ginger_cow

People would abuse the living shit out of negative commendations. Someone killed me with a fusion in pvp? Negative commendation. Someone kills too many ads in strikes and I can't finish my bounties? Negative commendation

Straight to jail!

23 Aug


Originally posted by DuelaDent52

“Eramis has broken free”

Oh my gosh, who could have seen this coming. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.

There is no way we could have prevented this. She was clearly frozen.

Originally posted by mEnTL32

The new hunter super will go something like BZZSH... kkkkZzZsSHHH PPSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

This is disturbingly accurate actually...

18 Aug


Originally posted by GunfireFWC

Definitely was hoping for a GIF or two showcasing some of the abilities, but I think this preview was excellent despite no visual info. Great work folks!

Saving the showcasing for the showcase. :)

17 Aug


Originally posted by pineboxpyrell

Really appreciate this info being released before the season instead of waiting until the day of.

Appreciate the feedback on messaging here. Glad everyone is enjoying Arc 3.0 on paper, but also can't wait to see everyone see it for the first time during the D2 Showcase on 8/23 and then immediately get to play it when S18 goes live. Going to be a fun day.


Originally posted by MisterWoodhouse

Please note that the blog has been edited with two corrections:

  1. Thruster is a ground ability.

  2. The blind audio effect is no longer a flashbang sound, but rather a washed-out audio distortion.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Highmooon

All the people hoping for a new super are going to be in for a world of disappointment.

EDIT: Well well well, looks like i need to eat my words. Can't believe the mad lads did it.


16 Aug

Cloudstrike - love how much space magic fantasy this weapon embodies. A magic lightning rod with a gun built around it to harness its power is so cool!

12 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You were lighting me up pretty good.

I am by no means a "god" - I have some good games, some bad games. Sometimes I can't hit the side of a barn, sometimes I can thread the needle for some headshots.

All in good fun! Good luck on your cards this weekend. GGs.


Edit: We just contacted the winner. Thanks everyone for celebrating Gjally Day with us!

Once again, the mods are asleep and it's time to break the rules by asking for up votes.

On second thought, I don’t really care how many upvotes you give as I’m giving away this thing away regardless, you can’t stop me. Better be at least more than 50 though.

Anyways, leave a parent comment below and you will be entered to win one of our ...

Read more External link →

04 Aug


Originally posted by N7Varren

Community additions to the game is sick, but I think more preliminary voting would be better personally. Like,

Step 1: the community all votes for their favorite exotic weapon, out of all exotic weapons available.

Step 2: the top 3 voted exotic weapons are given to the artist for sketching/idea phase.

Step 3: the community votes on the new ornament they want to see in game.

Either that or take the 3 exotic weapons that haven't gotten an ornament in the longest time and put them up for the vote.

Thanks for the feedback. This is our first go at something like this so we can definitely look at the possibility of expanding the voting(maybe not ALL of the weapons) if we get to do it again in the future.

29 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tuberculosis_Crotch

Ran a GM with dmg today, dudes cool as hell!


28 Jul

Originally posted by I-touch-your-nipples

I miss the sound of pluperfect

what the heck! I have never heard anyone say that! that was literally the very first legendary weapon I ever made sound for hahha

Originally posted by nahyalldontknow

You did Lorentz!?!?!? The best sounding gun of any game tbh. I continue to use the gun just for the sound. Might I ask what the black hole sound is based off of, and how you came up with it?

I modeled it after the seismic charge from star wars! Tried to hit the same vibe but made it my own

Originally posted by 4D20_Prod

quite a bit late but in case you see this, love the sound design. I do live sound and studio production and was curious.

do you use a good bit of foley or is it mostly synthesized? game audio is still one of those magical realms to me.

never even hears of traveler but that looks super cool

I record a lot of sounds, use a lot of our own Bungie library of sounds, and a lot of commercial library sounds that I then mangle and process with all my plugins. And also from time to time I use soft synth and rarely use modular eurorack synths as well

Originally posted by HauntedVortex

You know Friendlybassplayer is already lurking in this thread.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Originally posted by NewPhoneSmurf2

What are your top 3 favorite effects? (Hardware or VST)

Cool question! It varies per the type of sound I'm making but some big favorites are Traveler (fully loaded Doppler plugin), Serum (soft synth), kilohearts frequency shifter

Originally posted by sckatterbrain

My favorite exotic, with its sound being my deciding factor in how much I love it. Can you give us a list of the exotics you were a part of, by chance?

So many to name but here's a bunch! Xenophage, Erianas, bastion, Tommy's, heir apparent, witherhoard, ruinous Effigy, ticuus, Cloudstrike, duality, lament, Lorentz, cryosthesia, parasite, osteo striga,

27 Jul

Originally posted by NickAppleese

One of the sound designers in Twitter said they were looking to replicate the sound of a black widow web breaking. Can you confirm?

First Skitterscare sparrow, now this!? =O

That was me! Still looking for that web