Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Ooh that looks amazing. Thanks for posting!

04 Jul

01 Jul


Originally posted by amiro7600

Nightfall ranks? Nightfalls dont have ranks. Hopefully that means nightfall rewards and not vanguard rep, especially since we've had vanguard rep already but no nightfall rewards.

Double Nightfall rewards would be huge especially for people gilding conq. 6 different nightfalls in 1 week, 4 of them being very easy, and double loot throughout

It was a mistype. It should say extra Nightfall Rewards.

16 Jun


Originally posted by engineeeeer7

Just to clarify, the exotic perk (ingition on kill as described in updated description) breaks too. Both things lose functionality with the explosion of the proximity knife which is most of the damage.

If the exotic is off all functionality works with the explosion or knife hit. Let me know if you need more specifics. I've been obsessed with this one.

Just checked and yea they are also aware of Ignition not working properly and we are looking in to fixing it as well.


Originally posted by Abulsaad

Also caliban's bugged state still not acknowledged

Apologies, I thought we had called this one out.

Team is aware that defeating targets while Radiant with the Knock 'em Down aspect is not refunding melee energy when used with Caliban's Hand. We are currently working on a fix for a future update.

Originally posted by gargoyle37

Now I'm the curious one: do you use loudness measurements (LUFS, etc) as part of your mixing efforts? I appreciate the game isn't a compressed loudness monster, so I'm guessing yes.

Absolutely! We do it at the premixing level per designer as we make the sounds, and we have dedicated mix sessions with a professional mixer plus a bunch of us that goes on for weeks, per release.

Originally posted by goldensunni

Would you ever be able to show or talk about the type of processing you do when making sounds? E.g. compression, stretching, stereo width, chorus/flanger/delay and so on? I’ve always been super interested in how these sounds are made and have just started experimenting with making them on my own!

I share a ton of that stuff on my twitter! But you'd have to dig back a lot to keep finding them haha


Originally posted by MeateaW

no one tell him about the interdimensional rez breach tecnique

Oh I know about it lol, I was an avid oob explore back before I joined Bungo and I still keep up with new discoveries now and then.


Would be neat but that sounds like it would break the game anytime it forcefully teleports you somewhere (duality for example) because it would allow you to undo the games teleport.

Also would totally break our map loading areas. Being able to teleport from one side of the transition to the other would potentially allow you to get into an area of the map without it actually loading properly.

15 Jun

Originally posted by StatusCalamitous

Can I give some critical feedback/question? Whilst the audio in this game is largely fine-to great, there is an incredible lack of low-end anywhere in the entirety of D2.

Even the tracks that have some semblance of bass have close to no low-end. Is this some sort of design choice? Is the studio afraid of driving bass or low-end in general?

I remember when they pruposely toned down Graviton Lance cuz it sounded too deep and powerful lol, and that was the best sounding thing in the game imo

I'd be curious what you're using to listen to your game and what your listening environment is. We certainly have plenty of low end and bass on everything that calls for it, which includes weapons, etc. There's still a conscious choice to reign in the low end where needed in order to save headroom and fatigue to the end user.

Originally posted by nojokes12345

Tbh I have to say: nice bloody work on the audio. I finally picked up a good headphone and those creepy slithering sounds are definitely a massive part of the soundscape.

The voicework has been near universally excellent too: from Savathun herself to Eris narrating Zavala's life with her trademark detachment but a hint of empathy.

100% most guns feel satisfying and sound is a big part of that too.

Wonder how much effort it takes to differentiate gun sounds especially for exotics because so many of them are honestly so recognisable from so far away. Same with ability noises and even jump sounds.

We appreciate your words! There is definitely a ton of work that goes into making each exotic sound unique and fun. Iteration that goes on for weeks on end for just a single exotic. Not just the fires, but the reloads, readys, scopes, perks, projectiles, you name it. But is is super fun and rewarding once it all comes together!

14 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team just shot me the bug number - looks like this was rooted a bit deeper in code than initially anticipated, which brought some delay to getting a fix together.

Targeting a June 28 hotfix. Stay tuned for official announcements from BungieHelp or TWAB confirmations, as there may be additional delays if another issue is discovered.

10 Jun


Happy to have you back

09 Jun


Originally posted by mckinneymd

Weird to see no mention of the disappearing spark and end-of-match transmat-loop issues from Iron Banner anywhere.

I can't be the only one who experienced quite a bit of that, right?

Edit: a word.

We had mentioned those issues in last week's TWAB.


Originally posted by ColdAsHeaven

Alright, I'll make the call.

/u/Cozmo23 or /u/Dmg04 can either of you guys pass this bug along to get looked into?

Post has the numbers broken down for easy replication of bug and what exactly is not working as intended

Sure thing, passing this to the team now.

27 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We recently limited Tower population size to help with stability, and we’ve uncovered some silly jank with Telesto on the Gunsmith. Team is still investigating general crashes and stability issues. This is definitely high on our priority list, and we hope to get fixes out as soon as we can. Stay tuned to BungieHelp on twitter for updates.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It’s going to take some time to identify builds, find synergies, and get into the swing of 3.0. We learned this with Void, and we’ll likely see some similar chatter when Arc comes around.

That said,

There is entirely valid feedback in many of the posts and conversations. Difficulty in finding a given build is great feedback. Not understanding new “costs” for a given build that used to exist in the 2.0 paradigm is great feedback. New verbs being confusing or hard to understand is great feedback.

I do wish that some would take a bit more time to dig, or avoid saying things fueled entirely by frustration after a rough play session, I’ll never expect every piece of feedback to be perfectly worded or devoid of emotion. The only feedback I’m not super into usually deals with personal jabs, overly harsh language, or straight up saying “lol someone should be fired” - none of that helps us to make stuff better. Totally fine with critical and harsh feedback, but there...

Read more

26 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eltoma90

I'm testing on the last wish armor sets. This may be bugged or it only works on armor acquired this season?


Thanks for the additional context - I'm just diggin in to some reports on as well with the player support team.

We're getting in contact with some folks to see if we missed a patch note. We'll provide updates when we can!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

These mods are still available on armor pieces from the Last Wish raid. I'll dig in to patch notes, but I believe we made this change years ago.