Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

27 Jul

Originally posted by HitooU2

Thank you for this link! As another aspiring audio designer, resources like these are so helpful for me.

If you don't mind me asking, what would you say are the best "ins" to the video game audio design field? Would it be doing freelance work to build your portfolio so that you have something to show when you apply for jobs? Would it be getting a job with a small, indie studio to start?

Yeah that's what I did for years! Any audio freelance work I could find, especially related to games and sound design. Indie games are great for that. That finally got me a job at Microsoft and then a big outsourcing sound design company, and finally Bungie. Having an impressive sound design reel will get you pretty far too

Originally posted by palijer

I love your work!!! I play mainly on my Focal Solo6 be's (40th anniversary edition in leather, I spoiled myself) and using a Cambridge Audio CXNv2 for converters. Got enough treatment in the room to really enjoy them too. For party stuff I use 7506's into an Xbox controller. Can't go wrong with the classics.

Typically have the music down/off because the audio is too useful for gameplay, it provides great feedback and is superbly done. I never find myself lost when the visuals are hard to read because the sound really paints a clear picture of the play environment the entire time. The soundscape of this game is nuts.

Question for you/the team: What are some of your favorite effects I should go hunt down and listen to next time I am playing?

thank you for the kind words! That is a super fun question. Hmmm I would say go listen to Osteo Striga and feather the trigger 1 bullet at a time while you're under about 15 in the mag. You'll notice a new sound that trails after each bullet as the mag disintegrates and gets louder and louder with every bullet fired. It gets the loudest right at 1 bullet left and then you get a special sound on the last round being fired as the mag gets sucked out of existence

Originally posted by RTXSophie

As someone finishing up university and super interested in sound design, do you have any recommendations on how to go about it? So much about Destiny's soundscape is so utterly inspiring for me, weapon sounds especially just hit different as others in this thread have said far more exquisitely than me 🙌

A peer of mine created a website with hundreds of resources specifically for getting into game audio!

Originally posted by BillyBarue_psn

Gotta ask. The Forged In The Storm ViDoc right before Lament came out had a big chunk of sound effects coverage. A breast pump was mentioned being recorded. My clan decided the Lament rev up sound is definitely the breast pump sound sped up. Confirm or Deny?

I recorded the breast pump and also made the sounds for Lament. 100% deny on it being used on that sword! It's used in 3 different spots by now. Not anywhere in Stasis either

Originally posted by Themasdogtoo

I’m curious- how loud did you think Vex Mythoclast was when you ported it from D1/ designed it before you guys made it as it is now haha?

The sound was way too loud and noisy haha. It would not mix well with the Destiny of today and had to be cleaned up and remade completely to fit into the game's mix and not feel so oppressive while still retaining its unique voice


This is a bug and not an intended change, we think it may be related to our fix for the stasis glow that was the wrong color. Thanks for reporting it, we are currently investigating.

Originally posted by GameNationRDF

Witch queen sounds have been so satisfying omg we have been talking non stop about it with clan mates. Oh, especially the solar scythe!!! Face melting sound design, really reeeeeallly crunchy and goosebump inducing <3


Thank you so much for your words! I had a blast making the sounds for that scythe


Originally posted by dmg04

Here's the thing, the harassment we've spoken to isn't just rude replies on twitter or vague comments. There have been real threats towards our people and our studio. We're taking them seriously, which is leading to an amount of reduced communications as the team plans future protections / strategies to help avoid these sorts of things.

I will be very clear in saying that I appreciate the studio in the amount that's it's helped me personally after some serious harassment towards me and my family. I'm taking time off in part because of this. Just because you can't see it directly in a given tweet or forum reply doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

None of it is meant to be a punishment to the people who can leave clear and respectful feedback for our developers, mind you. There are no instances at Bungie where people actively look at a conversation and plan retaliatory actions towards our playerbase via hotfixes, updates, or comms strategies. Sometimes, we just need...

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Yup, we’re still looking at everyone’s feedback every day and discussing the best strategies to keep everyone safe moving forward.

With dmg on leave (who really shouldn’t be responding here while on leave - naughty naughty), others have stepped up more to help the community team.

Originally posted by TR_Ollington

Yeah I can give you that, I’ll keep hope but I won’t hold it to you guys! And now I have to go Chuck on my Astros and head to the Enclave and fire me some Tractor Cannon and Lorentz and for myself, The Lament and Whisper.

Thanks for the reply!

Lament is another one of my babies!

Originally posted by Xsorrow256X

When you say sound design, do you mean sound effects only or do you work on the sountrack, too?

Sound design is only sound effects! The soundtrack/music is made by our amazing music team who we collaborate with closely

Originally posted by im2sappy

Lorentz and Outbreak have two of my favorite and most satisfying kill sounds in the game. I hope you guys give future exotics (or new weapons in general) their own unique sounds. I love em and keep them coming.

It's usually dependent on if they have perks dedicated to kill sounds! I love them too and hope we get more of them

Originally posted by TR_Ollington


Bungie’s Halo:CE was the first game that made me appreciate how amazing 5.1 digital surround sound was.

With Gaming headsets being so sophisticated and even consumer home theatre systems implementing ways to incorporate spatial audio, are there any plans to introduce more immersive spatial audio into Destiny?

Or are there certain technical limitations that prevent that? What about the Xbox Series X having a dedicated Soundcard, has that ever helped the process for that system (I play on PC)?

Lastly, what exotic weapon has your favourite sound?

Spatial audio is fun, but complicated when the game is so big and so old. Maybe one day, lets hope! And I would say for me Tractor Cannon for one that wasn't made by me, and Lorentz for one that was made by me

Originally posted by Beast_of_Fire

Requesting a change to Eriana’s Vow. The way that thing kicks makes it seem like you’re firing an artillery cannon, but all you get is a little “ting.” Legitimately never use the gun because it’s so unsatisfying.

What do you use to listen to the game? We actually pulled back on the bass a little bit when it was made because it was sounding too big. My guess is your system might not be representing those frequencies properly, maybe!

Originally posted by TherealAggiegamer

Haha I’d never check this if I worked there

I'm always lurking looking for players talking about the sound design (👁 ͜ʖ👁)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by doesnotlikecricket

I'll simply never agree with this. For the record, you could check every social media I have and you'll never find harassment of the type you're describing. I don't agree with it. They're terrible people. But they're a minority.

If you went to a restaurant and the waiter wouldn't serve you because a different table in the corner had been rude, how would you feel?

How is this situation any different from that one?

Personally I think think this kind of focus on the rude minority is a deliberate pr driven attempt to reduce communication without backlash. And all the companies are doing it.

Back in 2019, Alex Legends released an event that was the scummiest mobile game style cash grab imaginable. In the thread about it, there were thousands, honestly thousands of reasonable replies. But one of the devs scrolled all the way to the bottom and presumably opened hidden threads to reply to a heavily down voted rude comment to imply that all they were receivin...

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Here's the thing, the harassment we've spoken to isn't just rude replies on twitter or vague comments. There have been real threats towards our people and our studio. We're taking them seriously, which is leading to an amount of reduced communications as the team plans future protections / strategies to help avoid these sorts of things.

I will be very clear in saying that I appreciate the studio in the amount that's it's helped me personally after some serious harassment towards me and my family. I'm taking time off in part because of this. Just because you can't see it directly in a given tweet or forum reply doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

None of it is meant to be a punishment to the people who can leave clear and respectful feedback for our developers, mind you. There are no instances at Bungie where people actively look at a conversation and plan retaliatory actions towards our playerbase via hotfixes, updates, or comms strategies. Sometimes, we just need...

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Originally posted by TherealAggiegamer

Haha I’d never check this if I worked there

Me neither.

17 Jul

16 Jul

Originally posted by CurlyBruce

Genuine criticism, but even in the case of them "being nice" you should really run it by the CMs since it IS their job to communicate with the customers/community and they have protocol for what can and can't be said, etc. The issue that people are bringing up as validation for the current streak of silence was due in part to this exact issue, a developer (read: NOT a CM or any other front facing part of the company) was sharing random tidbits of the process without any sort of filter other than what they considered good sense.

Problem is, what they consider good sense isn't necessarily what constitutes good sense from a PR perspective so it was really only a matter of time before they said something they really shouldn't have (even if it's just a harsh reality/truth) in a way that rubbed people the wrong way. The fact that presumably Bungie knew Kevin was sharing these insights and didn't give him a crash course in PR or dealing with potential ne'er-do-wells is ...

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I hear what you're saying, but essentially you're saying you don't want the more casual interactions with devs and instead want everything perfectly vetted and sanitized and like you said, "on a leash". Funnily enough that is what's happening as more devs stop communicating directly with the community in a casual manner because of death threats, etc. You'll still have your twab, and your interviews in, and the designers having little excerpts in twabs and other spots like that. That hasn't gone away. But I guarantee you a lot of people really enjoy the more casual way to engage and even get little tidbits of info, the way Kevin used to do. I personally do that with people that engage with me in a respectful manner from time to time and it might not be the most official and perfectly vetted, but it's super cool and fun and different from the more structured ways of communication. If you don't like it, then don't follow those devs on Twitter or what have you! No one is for...

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Originally posted by Yourself013

The feedback on reddit was overwhelmingly in support of the devs. I was here. The toxic individuals were heavily downvoted and/or removed by the mods.

The problem right now is that the community has gotten so big, that even if a small percentage go absolutely psycho mode like they did, it manifests in a very prominent ugly way that's hard to ignore.

It's not hard to ignore. That's why moderation tools exist. That's why downvotes exist on reddit, why mods can remove posts or ban accounts, and that's what should be enforced. Again: punishing the entire community for a vocal minority is not fair.

Sure, Bungie doesn't have to tell us anything, in the end it's their decision whether they interact with the community or not. But we're talking about goodwill here, and how the relationship between the community was prior to the controversy. All I'm questioning is the reasoning for stopping to interact with the com...

Any dev that chooses to talk to the community is just a nice extra, they don't owe it to anyone. If they feel their mental health is tanking because of it, it's their choice to pull back for their own health. It's not a punishment to anyone, they never HAD to speak to the community, they just enjoyed doing it. And then that enjoyment stopped. It's not even remotely in their job description in the first place

07 Jul