
Eco Dev Tracker

06 Jan


There is nuclear fuel hidden in the game, that's all I'm going to say :)

05 Jan


Do you have a controller attached to the PC? If so, try plugging it out, restarting the game and then try again.


Originally posted by Kumik102

That's good to know. It now does make sense that a lot of people were complaining about the reliance on servers

That is unfortunately necessary, Eco is first and foremost a multiplayer game and the game checks not only if you own the game but also which user tier, what objects you have access to, what drops, user icon and special features you have when you join a server so that data is available and updated if some of it changes, like you upgrading to Developer Tier, getting a new icon or new drops, plus anything that may be introduced in the future. It also needs to confirm you are actually you when you are voting, otherwise you could find ways to vote as often as you like.

Singleplayer in Eco is a local dedicated server, the exact same as if an admin hosted a multiplayer one. It hence works the same.


The reviews are mostly down due to the auth server outages we had during the holidays, some of which due to malicious attacks we have no experience with and no expertise was available when everyone is taking off time. We're working on getting that rectified once and for all.


Configuring that is possible,

"GiveStakesAndClaimsEvenWhenSettlementsAreEnabled": false,

"ClaimStakesGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 1,

"ClaimPapersGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 5,

Change to true, done. You can't have fractions of one, though.

The items are the same, claim papers get "tied" to a settlement, it's like additional data on them.


Originally posted by Objective_Vacation_5

Thank you! But it does not really cover our use case. As I understand it, this triggers the moment a citizen enters the "Abandoned" demographic and therefore it is fine for all citizens in our country who stop playing.

But our main use case is this: There is property of abandoned players in the world. As our country gains culture and expands borders, these properties can be annexed (for free). We would like to also claim the property, but the moment this law takes hold, the people in question already are abandoned. I tried tinkering with a law that executes every hour or something to do this, but also no luck.

I now modified the law to check for the demographic change "Someone becomes citizen of our country" and then if that person is also abandoned to transfer the property. Will test it once we have the case again. Thanks for your help, much appreciated!

It was an example. For one-off transfers you wouldn't ususally use laws, but an executive action, where you basically say if property is owned by X, then transfer to mayor. In law you could use citizen timer to do the same, just more complicated.


Just increasing the time in will also work after a restart.

04 Jan


Originally posted by Objective_Vacation_5

I don't see the option tp post a screenshot here. The law I was trying to create reads as follows:

On event PROPERTY TRANSFER where Current Owner is ABANDONED where New Owner is CITIZEN OF XYZ Ignore Auth

This does not work, when I try to initiate the property transfer it says I am not authorized to do it. However if I replace the demographics with real player names, it does. And yes, in our tests the players in question were definitely part of the demographics.

Thanks for the hint, I have enabled images in comments.
The law you're trying to make is odd, you would usually do allow a specific title to ignore auth for property transfers or make the transfer happen by the law, like such:


Originally posted by Objective_Vacation_5

Update: If I put the names of the players (the abandoned and the citizen) directly into the law, it works. But if I just put the demographics ("Abandoned" and "Citizen of..." resp.) it does not. I also tried putting an explicit player in one place and only the demographic in the other. No luck.

I would need to see a screenshot of what you're actually doing. Abandoned laws are like the most common laws and they are definitely working fine on official servers at least. It should be as simple as making an executive action that moved property owned by player in abandoned demographic to the mayor.

03 Jan


You can just transfer them to another player that can then unclaim them.

02 Jan


Originally posted by Seawolf87

Will this hotfix fix instability around stockpile range being greater than standard?

My server admins were saying the extra range was causing server crashes and with this restart we did it certainly is more stable server side.

No - the setting specifically mentions that raising it can cause severe performance impact and instability, especially when the increase is not only marginal.


This is a bug that is addressed in the next hotfix scheduled for this week.

31 Dec


Originally posted by turtlesrprettycool

Prior to update 10 my server forced groups to form companies (using the companies mod) and then taxed them more. This worked out most of the time. Sadly, that mod isn't updated yet for u10.

This current run we're doing is vanilla for the most part. Next run I'll definitely be adding in mods and an already in place government to help combat this problem. A tax on all sales and a rebate for all buys is quite effective. This way people that have a near 50/50 buy/sell amount will not be taxed as much as people that only sell things. These large groups often only ever sell and have very few buy orders.

If you ask thomasfn (the dev) nicely, you may get the development builds - they already exist, White Tiger which the mod originally was made for had the mod active through the whole playtest. It has a few rough edges still, though. Some of them may need changes on our side, though. The mod also is open source, so maybe you can acquire them yourself as well.


What does the embassy table show? Is the homestead surrounded by town influence and not part of a different town?


Originally posted by Chribblai

Not 100% sure, but regulating immigration policies, such as who can become a citizen and what happens when they do.

That's in the Immigration Table.

The Embassy Desk is the correct one for annexations.


Originally posted by Chribblai

If thet are within your towns influence and the resident is classed as abandoned you should be able to do it with executive action.

Homesteads not part of the town are not considered to be in influence, laws don't apply there.


Originally posted by M0nzUn

The dev commands are intended to be used by QA and are generally destructive as well as useless to actual servers.

I sometimes use them to test mods, but apart from that I don't think there is a single dev command I've used for my server of 4 years.

With that said; you can use them if your account has dev tier or you enable them via a EM.Framework permission group.

Nothing more needs to be said :)

29 Dec


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

The term competitive IS used correctly. Both specialties provide the same function, food. No one was buying baking food because it was "worse" than cooking food. It was worse because it had lower values assigned than Cooking did. The stomach has limited capacity, so people must make a choice what to buy.

Baking was "buffed" to become more in line "cooking". Now more people sometimes buy baking food in stores instead of its competitor, cooking food. Both are useful now, so the buff was successful.

I get you want to bring the game closer to its design goal. I get you don't want to encourage competition. That there is such a long response that completely ignored the simple example says a lot. There is nothing to be afraid of using these words when it applies. You could just say you don't consider the brick change to be a nerf.

I did not, I did acknowledge in the very first paragraph that the baking example can be called one.


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

I agree, it doesn't make sense to try and fight this industry term, a term that is applied to all different genres of games.

At one point Baking was buffed to be competitive with Cooking. How was it buffed? Some numbers for food values for Baking was increased. One specialty was made better to be more competitive with another that fills the same role.

Feel free to call that an "adjustment" and not a buff, but everyone else understand that is what a buff is.

You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it a fact :)

The term "competetive" is not used correctly. We don't adjust things to be competetive, but to be fleshed out and usable, given we have tons of WIP stuff. The game is not about competition. We make changes for the game to take longer in general (as some people noticed correctly and which is not a "nerf" - if it is for you, expect tons of nerfs coming, though) and for gameplay to work out as we intend. There is no thinking about something is too "weak" or too "strong" with very few exceptions. We only assess the effects it has on gameplay time and interlinking mechanics. I'd agree on changes for baking being such exceptions, as in that case they were specifically changed to give them more use. In the long run baking recipes will simply be required for other things, though, so this was a simple bandaid. How that could apply to pickaxes, no idea. They must be used, there is no need to incentivize them and no ...

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28 Dec


Originally posted by Difficult_Tough4270

What does MMO have to do with anything?
Buffs and nerfs are how you balance any game. For example nerfing charred food? Buffing other foods?

I guess it makes no sense to ride the horse to death on terms. We don't use these terms and don't feel them applying, they are a fit for MMO's and competetive multiplayer games - not for Eco.

Our balance does not revolve around any kind of competetive advantage, singular player perception or "strength" that needs to be brought in line, but solely around the concept of interlinking mechanics to facilitate the necessity of cooperation on the scale of a "default" public server. Of course you are free to call that 'nerf' or 'buff', I don't think it fits.

I'm hence not even sure what you would mean with "nerfed" pickaxes. I know we fixed the modern axe and the chainsaw, as one was intended to be optimized for cutting logs and the other for felling trees - but that wasn't the case. If one now is "worse" for the other purpose you probably would call that a nerf. We don't use that term. It is now working as intended.