
Eco Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by RandomCanadianDev

Can you do an ipv6 address behind a DNS entry and have your friends use the DNS entry? Assuming you can get a cheap domain name. It's a little bit more complex but it sounds like you know what you are doing. Then just allow the ipv6 traffic through your router (assuming you and your friends get ipv6 through your ISP) another option is a VPN, it will add some overhead but it would be better than nothing.

Or if you are feeling brave duel boot into a Linux distro like Ubuntu and try running the Linux version of the server 🤷‍♂️ its pretty easy to do once you get used to Linux

Eco servers don't support IPv6 - you need to have IPv4.


Yes, Eco has regional pricing, we use the recommended prices by Steam for all regions but Argentina and Turkey, given those are countries that are heavily abused to gain the game for cheap due to their economical situation. Steam has also reacted to that and starting next month both countries only allow purchases in USD so developers don't need to adjust prices all the time. I think the recommended prices for Argentina and Turkey in USD go up with that change as well, so I think we are actually using the recommended ones for those regions after the change to USD as well.


We have aussie players on all official servers, while ping is not great, it doesn't really matter much in Eco. The only other alternative would be gathering an australian community and start up your own server locally hosted there :)

17 Nov


Originally posted by Sad_Bat6053

How would it hurt to also have achievements that recognize those that like to play single player?

Not at all, but this is the first iteration - which we made for the intended design of the game. Doesn't mean there can't be other achievements later.


Originally posted by Sad_Bat6053

:D Interestingly, sustainability is ultimately achieved when individuals are personally motivated for doing the "right thing" as opposed to communal expectations!

I think it is great the way ECO is designed/built. As I have mentioned before, I have over 1400 hours play time, I clearly enjoy it regardless. Achievements are not game-design choices, and if you look at the percentages of players that have chopped down a tree, it looks like only 1 in 200 people choose to play it the way the developers want us to.

Achievements are only available on Update 10 and not everyone plays logger, given you don't need to on multiplayer servers. It's basically rather indicating of the opposite you are stating *g*


Steam achievements only work on Update 10.

Eco is a society simulator game, hence our achievements also revolve around that. The intended way to play Eco is on public multiplayer servers, it was built for exactly that.

16 Nov


Our goal is to make them migrate, but anything incompatible will simply be deleted. Generally, major upgrades do not support migration, though.

11 Nov

27 Oct


Originally posted by Teagan_75

I just see this whole town system making groups even a worse problem than before. Sharing isn’t bad but it does end up being a popularity thing. Sharing with the buddies you have in town but not with the strangers who joined your town. People are people tho and Eco exposes people for who they really are

Doesn't seem worse to me if their influence is limited to a town and they get strangers hitting their plans - all while the majority of non grouped players is in other towns, unaffected. None of our systems can fix human attitude, but we can limit its influence. Imo, it's in opposite getting way better.


Originally posted by working4016

I like the idea of different towns and generally giving groups the ability to have their own town. I hope the Immigration desk will be accessible from the start cause I want to make a really neat town with friends and only accept people we want in our town.

We purposefully did not do that, as towns aren't intended to be friend-groups per se (like companies on White Tiger), but administrative areas of _general_ cooperation. You will be able to make these restrictions, but you will need the desk and a few materials for it - so usually if you found the town outright, you can't change it immediately, but it only needs maybe half a day or so if you wait to start off with it. It's on purpose to limit group power and delay it a bit - and the factor that we intend towns to be spaces anyone can join and work together, no matter if premade group or not. As usual, anything can be changed on private servers to personal desire as well, so there will be servers for everyone.


Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

I find it reassuring that a major complaint about Eco is that communism is too effective to be allowed to compete in a fair market.

Just that there actually is none. If you managed to get so many random people into a town and then on top actually have them forgo their money and trading to do communism out of nowhere, I'd call that you won the game. I've not seen anyone win the game on playtest.


You can turn off the settlements system for a legacy mode that is only supported for singleplayer, though. New interlinked features may not be supported with that mode going forward.

I do, however, not agree with your assessment or conclusion of it. The system actually empowers the so far solo / loosely grouped players by incentivizing government and settlement creation as a core gameplay part and strengthens their ability to stand against groups that now get limited in size due to the town mechanics. So the advantage of groups is actually decreasing, not increasing. It also limits their government powers upon other players severely.

Market and economics play as much role as before - the system still works as before, you can still and now even must - due to the claim restrictions at your own place disallowing you to go super far - set up shops / resource gathering and get property in other towns, only now you are incentivized to talk and cooperate (which is Eco at c...

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19 Oct


You are not allowed to advertise playtest servers. (And none at all outside the megathread) Post deleted.

16 Oct


This mod allows checks for height, but I'm not sure it can do exactly what you want:

15 Oct


Originally posted by KwaioMax

In my line of work, you don't ship code without the associated documentation update. But I understand. Looking forward for update 10. Thanks for the awesome game

Our systems change heavily during EA all the time, hence the documentation unfortunately has no priority currently.

12 Oct


Balance reasons, that always comes first - and abstraction.

09 Oct


This system completely changes in Update 10 to a flat bonus configurable by the server admin depending on amount of residents, with no complicated calculation for additional residents anymore.

25 Sep


OP was verified and received explicit permission to post.

21 Sep


You'll need to do stuff once and use WorldEdit / Civics Export Import mod to reuse things on a new world.

18 Sep


Originally posted by TopSecretPorkChop

Where did you get the idea that it's a torus? Seems pretty spherical to me. My impression/understanding is that the "cubes" are just slightly off from being cubical (or maybe they're just rendered that way).

It's indeed a flat earth wrapped in donut form, using shaders to make you believe it's a sphere. If you take a closer look at some things you'll notice it's an illusion.