
Eco Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Add a to your configs folder containing this:

"EnableRentFeaturePreview": true


02 Feb


Yep, thats intended. For mining, there is upgraded machinery available to improve this instead of modules.

29 Jan


Originally posted by Ponzini

That's fine but then why not just remove it from the game temporarily that way people playing the game don't accidently choose a dead profession without knowing that there is really nothing to do with it. It is a huge bummer.

Because you do need paper for some recipes and removing stuff that will be fixed eventually just takes useless development time and has the chance to introduce bugs you can avoid by simply keeping it as is.


Originally posted by t6jesse

Do you know if there will be multiple sizes of boats, or just a single Minecraft-style boat?

There will be multiple sizes of boats, but not necessarily all of them released at the same time.

28 Jan


Originally posted by Ponzini

Really? I would think some quality of life and polish would get a lot more people into the game. The amount of content in game already is a bit overwhelming at times. I think you guys just need a good advertisement push more than anything. A few sponsored steams on Twitch or something. Many of my friends had never even heard of the game.

For paper milling specifically:

There is simply no use for paper in the game yet, and as long as that is the case it stays as is. E.g. there simply is nothing planned for it yet, it's a WIP placeholder. Nor uncommon nor any sign of slow development.


Originally posted by Ponzini

Really? I would think some quality of life and polish would get a lot more people into the game. The amount of content in game already is a bit overwhelming at times. I think you guys just need a good advertisement push more than anything. A few sponsored steams on Twitch or something. Many of my friends had never even heard of the game.

We do not do any intense marketing currently next to budget reasons, as we do not want a big influx of players in the current phase of Early Access. We're more than happy with whats going on currently but it doesn't need to be any more. QoL and polish doesn't create sales - it keeps players. Which we do. But features still need to be at least a third of development time.


Originally posted by t6jesse

While you're here, what do you think about adding a steam shovel? The change from pickaxes and shovels to excavators is enormous, but I think the progression of transport vehicles is very well done - every upgrade (minus powered cart ofc) is useful and reasonable.

A steam shovel would make dirt moving and roadbuilding easier, but if it's slow and clunky and can't dig over it's own height then it could have a good niche while still leaving a very good reason to upgrade to the excavator when it's available

A steam shovel has been proposed a few times now and seems fine for me, but we currently have no plans to add one. The next 'vehicle' will be a boat and then other stuff is coming before new vehicles are considered, though.


Originally posted by SLG-Dennis

I'll need a screenshot to understand what you mean. Just upload it somewhere and link it here.

Thanks for the links. I'll redirect that to the developers.


At least I dont have issues with people soloing on my servers. But they'll notice themselves quite soon that collaborative efforts pay off much more for themselves as well.


Originally posted by Ponzini

I am new to following this game but it seems like the development is moving pretty slowly. I saw that paper milling was near useless over 2 years ago and is still nearly useless. I wish they would worry less about adding new features like renting property coming up in the new patch and more about polishing what is already in the game.

Well, we'd wish people would like that more as well. Unfortunately that's not the case. Sales are driven by new stuff.


Originally posted by MyFyreByrns

The trello roadmap, because the tree on is worse than meaningless.

The trello roadmap has never been official and was used for only a very short time. It's totally meaningless.


You can, but collaborative efforts always pay off more.


I'll need a screenshot to understand what you mean. Just upload it somewhere and link it here.


Please read the important notes in the changelogs. You need to set residency on a single deed. Can do that by clicking on that deed. (It should be the one that contains most of your furniture)


Your Housing XP is gone because you didn't set your new deed to be your residence yet. Open your deed where the house is on and set it as residence, maybe this fixes it.

27 Jan


Originally posted by Draemon_

I think the problem with them used to be that you didn’t have the ability to even make them until well after steam trucks were available. Now at least you can actually get them before steam trucks. They just came at a weird time in the tech timeline where it ended up being useless more or less, so they hardly ever got built. I only ever made one once and that was just to try it out cause I had extra materials.

That's what I said and was intended, it was subject to be removed.

It's way too big, clunky and drives like a 40t truck. It doesn't even fit typical road curves on servers. It was the first vehicle we made and is officially replaced by the Steam Truck. We just keep it for history now.


Originally posted by Cavias

I was an admin on the official servers for a while, and one of the things we implemented on the white tiger server (after doing it several times on a non-official server) was to massively increase the resource costs for the computer lab which is required to destroy the meteor.

I think it worked well, because in the base game a solo player can destroy the meteor themselves with a bit of effort, and a group of friends can do it easily. We set the resource requirements at a level that would require input from all players across all professions as a sort of 'global effort.' I think it worked both thematically, and as a way to discourage those isolated groups.

I actually think the multiple governments concept was borne out of these 'friendship groups' too. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Ah, you are one of my former admins. Full ACK on everything you said :) Feel free to reach out to me in Discord when you got time, always interested how people have been doing :)

For others: The non-official server was pretty much the same, my private server just was converted to an official one, as I had no more time to keep up a private one anyway.


Originally posted by Cavias

His experience is just the game working.

He wants to create an economic cartel that wields disproportional market power but then views the democratic will of the rest of the server to discourage that sort of economic activity as an abuse of power.

He says that he always plays that way, which means he has never experienced the other side of that 'competitive,' 'just a few friends playing together' scenario. I suspect if he tried playing differently then he would become more sympathetic to the laws that try to keep that behaviour in check.

In the end, learning about those shortcomings of economic systems is the educational side of the game (perhaps it might illuminate why we have laws against cartels/oligopolies). If you stick to just trying one thing over and over again, you are missing the real value of this game, in my opinion. Try different things on each play through and be open to the question of 'am I the asshole' as you are playing those different st...

Just out of interest: Are you the australian Cavias, one of my former admins? :D


Playing dnd is one of my favourite hobbies, but due ro corona not really viable.

I can recommend Fantasy Grounds, works very well :)