
Eco Dev Tracker

19 Jan


Our Wiki has pages on each sign, you can find them via search:

They explain where each sign can be made and what it costs.


There has been maintenance yesterday and a change of DNS servers, so stuff can be a bit unstable currently. Sorry for that!


Huh, Coast Redwood hasn't been the anarchy server at a time? That's new to me, it was made for that purpose :)

18 Jan


Originally posted by Night-Sky

I'm fine with baker and cookers having to work together to reach the next tier.

The issue is the baker doesn't need anything from the cooker to reach the next tier. Its not bakers and cookers working together. Its bakers have all the power to advance to the next tier and cookers are left out needing the bakers help.

The advance cooking skill book requires a baker to make

the advance baking skill book also only requires a baker to make.

If cooking skill unlocked something that bakers needed to unlock advance baking I would get that and be fine with it.

There is no reason to pick cooking ever if you want to advance the cooking skill tree.

The plan is that both professions are interlocked. I've been quite sure that this is actually the case in the progression tree. I'll have balance team a look in case something got lost. But if changes were to come, they would make it more interlocked, not less as you requested.


The first is planned and should be implented soon.
The second is intended. You're not supposed to waste a star, but to trade ;)

17 Jan


Originally posted by hyrle

I'm not sure you guys have started yet, but a 9 km2 map is MASSIVE. Your players will likely get frustrated with a world that large, as they tend to lag a lot more than smaller worlds, as well as travel time between players can be excessive. I wouldn't recommend going any larger than 4 km2. Even at 4 km2, travel times to get to other players can be as long as 15 minutes.

Plus that size is not supported, hence no help from us when issues arise.

15 Jan


There is alrady a suggestion for it on our tracker :)


In Eco you need to give the whole config file, just the seed won't help.

14 Jan


That's only possible with the latter idea of several claims in the shopping center.

12 Jan


Ecko decided to take this old tree away from you as you didn't deserve it. Let them live.

10 Jan


Originally posted by Charlie4vb

Thanks Dennis! Where can i read more about White Tiger?

08 Jan


White Tiger Official Server might suit you well :)

02 Jan


Our focus in Eco is on collaboration between real players in every single mechanic, hence we decided that NPCs are not suitable to reach this goal and won't be included in Eco.


Originally posted by Icy-Ad-5050

Actual days

Actual days are ingame days :) The day-night cycle is only aesthetic.


Originally posted by vitorrf90

Industrial tables takes precedence. So if there's any industrial table in a room, it's an industrial room instead of a house room.

That is correct.


This is not a bug, but intended. You can only transport smoke up to ten blocks horicontally, as those are supposed to be chimneys, which you simply cannot make go horicontally forever. It's an exploit fix. If you exceed these limits the smoke will simply plop out on top of the machine.

24 Dec


Originally posted by M0nzUn

Eco supports making partial overrides and extensions to the base .cs files.

These mods shouldn't override the whole base files anymore as it creates these types of issues where unrelated aspects of modded items override each other.

Not much help for users, but hopefully modders will switch to doing this instead over time :)

Edit: Shouldn't server owners just be able to apply the existing mod versions though? It may overwrite changes in this update, but it should still work 🤔

Yes, nothing changed. Existing mods can just be reapplied.


Also, version number recognition is strict, so any update that changes version needs at least a dummy server update.


Originally posted by Rasip

The game used to, and sometimes still does have issues with remembering to save. If you pop over to the Discord Pam might be able to help you find the missing data.

Hello Rasip,
Pam is no longer active since pretty much a year now, but the rest of staff will love to help as well :)