
Eco Dev Tracker

15 Dec


*secretly upvotes*

11 Dec


No plans for consoles for at least until the end of early access, sorry :(

07 Dec


Originally posted by lord_cyb3r

thank you for bringing that to my attention. I discovered that the direct server downloads default everything to 0, the steam version however defaults to values other then 0

We just downloaded the server files and cannot reproduce that. Sure you didn't make any modifications?

03 Dec


This matter was brought to me directly via DM as well after the posts here. As usual in such cases (but typically not discussed in public), a ban is being placed on that admin team and server to advertise the server on our channels in the future, just in case it comes up ever again. No matter the fact admins are paying for their servers and don't owe anyone anything, basic deceny is expected - that includes no unannounced ragequits, no matter for what reason. Such servers are not what we wish for our community and we want to protect it from such, hence the measure.


Originally posted by ArthurMorgan_dies

Is the wiki incorrect? It says SpecialtyCostMultiplier is no longer in use.

Seems so!

02 Dec


Originally posted by Minato_b

Does it regrow like in minecraft from the closest patch of grass though?

There, dirt blocks that are not connected to a dirt block with grass on it never grow it on themself.

Or is it just overtime with just some sun above.

Yes, it does. There also is a little chance for dirt to turn into grass without any adjacent grass, though.

The big grass on a grass block on the other hand regrows according to plant rules, which are too complicated to describe.


Originally posted by M4mode

Yes its really weird, from what I've seen the devs took an approach of starting aspect of the game to make it playable and then slowly remaking the parts "right" An example is the mining aspect that got heavily redone with 9.0

It feels more like the devs "didnt focus on it properly yet" than the feature not being there at all

That's pretty fittingly described.


Originally posted by nrkyrox

Can you pipe the air pollution/smog underground so that it doesn't cause polluted rainfall?


01 Dec


Thanks everyone for your suggestions, after a lot of consideration Ecos name will be:
生态物语 - Tale of Eco

28 Nov


Originally posted by turtlesrprettycool

You guys might want to start contributing to it. Nothing frustrates a new player more than finding information that turns out to be wrong. I'd contribute, but I know nothing.

Well, i help with its setup and stuff the admins need, but we simply do not have the resources for adding the content ourselves currently. Wiki work is extremely timeconsuming.


Originally posted by ArthurMorgan_dies

I found this in the template

{ "CollaborationPreset": "MediumCollaboration", "DifficultyModifiers": { "SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 1.0, "SkillGainMultiplier": 1.0, "SpecialtyExperiencePerLevel": 25.0, "CraftResourceModifier": 1.0, "CraftTimeModifier": 1.0, "PlayerExperiencePerSpecialtyExperience": 0.0 }, "EndgameCraftCost": "Normal" }

The only difference with low collaboration is the skillgainmultiplier? Does that refer to the stars/specialization?



Originally posted by ArthurMorgan_dies

Does it also affect the specialty cost distribution? (e,g, 2, 5, 20, 50, 200... soon)

Where is a list of all these settings? The wiki seems to have outdated information.

No, the distribution can not be configured, the cost is affected by SpecialtyCostMultiplier. A full list can be found in the file.

27 Nov


Originally posted by PhasmaFelis

The wiki is abysmal.

It's astonishingly bad. I think it's mostly because the last major version update redid a whole lot of the recipes, so they practically had to start from scratch, but...that was months ago now.

The wiki is a sole community-wiki, we only provide the infrastructure.


Originally posted by ArthurMorgan_dies

After changing the value, how do you 'update' the existing players? Does it rollback or roll forward specializations?

It was changed in the file, server was restarted, but nothing appears to have changed in-game.

In the you need to change the other values as well, "LowCollaboration" is just a preset used by the Server UI. Sorry, forgot to mention that.

Low Collab equals
"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 1.0,
"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

26 Nov


Originally posted by AlaskaLuvs

As said, I understand that you can apply realism to it, but it doesn't feel realistic, and it most certainly doesn't feel designed to be a realistic hunting sim. Even if I play the patient hunter, have got the right gear to reduce detection range, and wait for the perfect shot I'll still see the doe 'sit' with its head halfway into a tree or meander up and down a sheer cliff.

My only question is if we're going to see some improvements to the way animal AI behaves, or if this is just something we're going to have to deal with.

Yes, one day. It's not a big priority, but there is an AI pass currently worked on though.


Originally posted by Jarinzar

You are creating air pollution with your Equipment which leads to ground pollution

This. Air pollutions rains down to the ground, the more rainfall the more ground pollution.


Additionally to the other correct answers of the command and the server ui, you can also change it in the config file.

24 Nov


There is no admin command to do that, you might be able to do it with Nid's Toolbox, though. I have no idea how that works, though, as I'm not using it myself.

23 Nov


Originally posted by SpyrexDE

No I wont pay that much money for just developing the game by my self ._.

Well, it's just an option we offer - one that nearly no other game has.
Unfortunately for us doing an ARM version makes absolutely no sense, as it wouldn't be used by any noticeable amount of people and we don't expect it to run any good either.

22 Nov


Originally posted by SpyrexDE

And how to get them to do something like this?

Not at all, but you can try yourself when you have Dev-Tier package with source code access.