
Eco Dev Tracker

16 Nov


Not a duplicate as been reported, but I'd ask to not do the clickbait title on your next post, otherwise nice post :) Good luck with the server!


A cookling :)


There is no official numbers for this, but I'd recommend nothing below what your plan is supposed to give full-speed.


Your nutritions shouldn't be gone to begin with.

"/sim setlayer Potassium, 0.75"
"/sim setlayer Nitrogen, 0.75"
"/sim setlayer Phosphorus, 0.75".

08 Nov


The IP address in your is wrong, but i guess you are the person i already chatted with in Discord :)


Only allowing the machete should do that?


Please report such issues over on our bugtracker. Mac and Linux aren't and never were officially supported, but whenever we have free resources we take a look on such issues and try to fix them. As we have not a single team member using either of it, we cannot test fixes, though and have to rely on the community to do so.

06 Nov


Have three of the listed items in the tag in any combination.

05 Nov


Originally posted by Raptor007

I'm playing with a few friends in "no collaboration" mode (more skill points) and no meteor.

If you want the challenge of defeating the meteor, you'll probably want a lot more than 30 days to get there with 2 people.

I'd recommend to set the CraftResourceModifier to 0.8 for just two players as well.

02 Nov


boats are being worked on currently and hopefully make it into 10.0. It will only be one or two for the start until we revisit it later.

Trains are something we want to do and chances especially for minecarts are very good, but don't count on it before leaving Early Access.

Aircraft is not planned and i don't see chances for it to be implemented.

31 Oct


Originally posted by MetallicDragon

You can change the permissions on the land claims so that you both can do things on those lands. However, only one person can get the experience multiplier for a particular house, and your skills and experience will be separate.

To change the permissions, if I remember correctly, one way is to hold a land claim stake in your hand, stand on the property, and press E

The XP stuff changes in 9.2 with residents, but you get a penalty of 10% per additional person living on the deed. And you can only have one residency claim.

30 Oct


We got that issue on the list!

27 Oct


Originally posted by myotherusernameismoo

If your in the EU, Hetzner kicks ass and has great prices.

They indeed do.

26 Oct


Originally posted by Gippip

I can't speak for 9.0.5, but I know back in 8.0 cutting branches helped reduce the amount of tree debris on the ground afterword (those little piles you smack and get wood pulp from)

And was the only way to get seeds :)

21 Oct


Originally posted by k-loy

it didn't know this game has easter eggs. lol

There is at least three more.


That's not used yet :)

20 Oct


The active demographic is available by default, btw. You can configure it in

18 Oct


Originally posted by TSS-Gaming-Network

The server wipes every 6 months

Then it's one ad per 6 months as by the rules.

15 Oct


Originally posted by TSS-Gaming-Network

9 days isn't a cycle?

One cycle is one playthrough until reset. Both messages state server was started on October 1 - so there was no reset.


Originally posted by Meow874

I thought you were supposed to wait 14 days between posting server ads on reddit.

That's discord. Here it's one per cycle. Cycle not over, post deleted.