Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

21 Oct

20 Oct


"E-mail not found" means that there is not a single registered account on such mail at the moment. So your account is registered to another mail)


there will be more intermediate clothes later. right now we finishing adding top tier clothing


this battleroyal will be fixed soon


Originally posted by adflet

Ok, so I realised I could probably get the info the support team needs from PayPal. I logged into PayPal, but the history doesn't go back to Aug 2017 - it only goes as far as October 2017. As such, I sent a screenshot of the transaction when I upgraded to EOD in December 2017, but this wasn't accepted as it "has to be from the original purchase".

I don't see what the difference is - both transactions are purchases.

In any event I managed to find the PayPal email which linked me to the original transaction so I have sent through a screenshot of that now, but can you see how frustrating a process this would be?

I've been doing this through the support portal on the website, not via email. This is another frustration - the mere fact that I can login to the website should be enough to tell you that I am the account holder - it uses email authentication, the only difference is the auth code is actually received, whereas it isn't to log in to the launcher.


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Security protocols are made for a reason, they are needed to protect your account. Unfortunately, this can be a bit of a problem if you are unable to provide information.


Originally posted by DOOM94MF

BSG support, may i ask a quick question? Every PMC raid I am "loading map 100% for about 4 minutes, then load everything else and always late spawn. Is there a fix for this?

I'm not Nostradamus) You need to make a support ticket and specialists will look at your case

19 Oct


yes. sorry. it will be included in the on of the near hotfixes


So there is no problem with VPN? So the problem is in your connection


Originally posted by adflet

And yet you don't accept a receipt from an upgrade, it has to be the original purchase. Your process is completely f**ked. How is me showing you a receipt from when I upgraded the game to EOD not valid proof of ownership?

How is me showing you a receipt from when I upgraded the game to EOD not valid proof of ownership?

Sorry, I didn't quite understand this question. Could you rephrase?

And write to my PM your e-mail with which you wrote to us.


Originally posted by adflet

You aren't answering the question though. Why is it necessary?

Further, if the xsolla receipt isn't adequate proof of purchase, why ask for it?

Because we need to confirm your ownership of the account.

This requires as much information as possible, including all receipts and so on.

18 Oct


Originally posted by adflet

Yes. And I am asking you why.

So... why is that needed? Why isn't the xsolla receipt enough? It is proof of ownership.

Because it is necessary. And the information that you provided is not enough.

This is a security issue and everything is extremely strict here.


You can contact xsolla support with this question.


Originally posted by Sam41Gaming

I've brought up the issue that I have them on a regular basis. Support just gives me the same generic response every time. No escalation at all. And 99% of the time re logging doesn't get my items back like it should. Sometimes a chunk of the items moved will be in their original place from before the back end error, but again 99% of the time they're just gone.

Write me the support ticket number


Originally posted by adflet

Why? I have provided the receipt from xsolla. I have given the dates the account was created, and upgraded to EOD. I’ve provided the ingame name, and any changes to it over time. I can prove I have access to the email tied to the account; both because I can log into the site to submit the support request and from the xsolla receipt.

How the hell is that not enough information?

If this information was enough, the mail on the account would be changed. However, as I wrote above, we also need a payment receipt from your payment system.

17 Oct


Originally posted by kullzer

not yet

Write me your support ticket number


Originally posted by adflet

I have provided proof of purchase. I haven’t provided a payment receipt from a transaction which was made more than three years ago from a bank account that is now closed.

All I will say is that I hope you never have issues receiving authorisation emails and need to change your email address.

You can contact the bank and get this information. This information is really necessary