Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Thank you for the provided information.


Originally posted by trainfender

thank you! this is really good

The Skier quest "Bullsh*t" is bullsh*t


many of thing in this list are being work on or done


Originally posted by sunmachine_

Sup Nikita and co. Gonna go ahead and compile a master list of every issue I can think of and that others have listed for the sake of organization.


  • Full auto bug; gun will stop shooting when on full auto. Appears to be related to how the game reads single and double click inputs.
  • Reload freeze glitch; character will freeze in reload animation and be unable to perform any actions until relog. Appears to be related to inputs during the reload animation.
  • Silent grenades; back again for the nth time.
  • Ghost bullet bug; rare and difficult to reproduce. Your gun will do no damage and all of your shooting will be client side; teammates and enemies will not see or hear you shooting and your bullets do no damage, otherwise there is no indication. Upon relog your gun will have an empty magazine.
  • Invisible player desync; rare and difficult to re...
Read more

thank you! this is really good

29 Sep


H E L L O W!

So, we decided to do it before the 12.8, cause, usually, right after the patch ppl are focusing on the patch and not on writing annoying problems on forums. And right now we want your feedback on what is not right in current version of the game.

So, type the most annoying bugs, most annoying features, questionable gameplay elements and balancing issues you think are in the game right now. Vote for them to increase visibility. But please - type and vote deliberately. It's not the rant post - let's make it useful and constructive.

Your feedback will help us to determine future 12.9 patch goals.

Much love, patchnotes for 12.8 are soon!

External link →

Originally posted by aefnor

Hello, yes I made a request number. I was unsure if to post it here, but since you asked for it - #7462952

This is a case marked "resolved" - #7462952

Ok, thanks


Please DM me with the email address that you use to contact with us.


You should contact with Xsolla support (


Please be patient and follow our social media.


Did you create a bug report through the launcher? Could you write a request number?

28 Sep


Close all programs opened in the background and temporarily disable your antivirus program.


Remove mods that might interfere with folding the stock (AK sight, rubber on the stock, etc.)


Originally posted by lilApeOnSteroids

It's not only max attention man, it's everything combined: desync, silent grenades, cheaters, attention bug, late spawns

You mix everything into a pot and evetime you go into a raid there is a big chance for one of theses things to kill your raid experience. It's extremely frutustating.

Yes the content you guys are adding to the game with each patch is amazing, but if we can't experience it proprely it's hard to be hypped honestly.

for christ sake just STOP bringing content to this like coders make content too. please!


we started working on this max attention bug couple of weeks ago already so it will be fixed in 12.8

27 Sep


The transaction may have been delayed for some reason. You can clarify this one here -

26 Sep


we will do it for sure but later - patch 12.8 is locked already


He needs to contact us with [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This can be done through support, but you will need to confirm that you are actually the owner of the account.

25 Sep


Originally posted by tr14l

I'm expecting my email from May 2018 to get answered any day now.

Write to me in private messages the mail address from which you wrote to us. I'm sure the answer is there.