EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

18 Nov


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We are currently testing a possible fix. I’ll provide more info as I have it :slight_smile:


Hi folks

We are aware that the client is not working on M1. Investigations are happening internally into what options are available.


Hello! Thank you for your feedback and we have delivered it to our dev team.


Hello! Thank you for your feedback and we have delivered it to our dev team.


Hello! Please update the APP to the latest version to see if the issue gets resolved.

17 Nov


I do not believe anything went live today, but will investigate and see what’s up with that. Thanks for bringing this up!


The maintenance is complete and all services are green. Tranquility is back online and accepting connections. Fly safe, everyone o7


The maintenance is going well and there are no issues to report. Still a bit more work left before we can open the gates.


Working on it. Hold on tight!


Things definitely changed since early days when maintenance have been longer, but we do strive to keep it to the very minimum not to disrupt your gaming session too much.


Greetings, everyone,

The maintenance is now underway. I will keep you posted on the progress, especially if we will be looking at finishing the work earlier. In the meantime, feel free to check several bug fixes that are going live with today’s patch.


Only Admins and the moderation team are able to open private conversations with forum users. Is there something you would like to discuss in private?

16 Nov


Hey guys,

We are actively investigating the issues with contract creation and search for in-game characters not working properly. I do not have an ETA at this moment but rest assured that we are working on resolving both problems as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience!


This is an ongoing work, so we should expect this extended downtimes for database-related tasks to happen from time to time.



The maintenance is complete and all services are green. Tranquility is back online and accepting connections. Fly safe, everyone o7

The maintenance is going well and there are no issues to report. Still a bit more work left before we can open the gates.

The maintenance is now underway. I will keep you posted on the progress, especially if we will be looking at finishing the work earlier. In the meantime, feel free to check several bug fixes that are going live with today’s patch.


Hello, everyone,

There will be an extended downtime tomorrow, 17 November to continue the backend work on our database. We expect the maintenance to last up until 12:00 UTC but will start accepting connections to Tranquility as soon as possible.

I will keep you updated here and on EVE Status Twitter.



Thanks for this very detailed suggestion! I have passed this along to our sound designers to take into consideration :slight_smile:

14 Nov


This appears to be isolated to Jita local. Your corp channels are only affected if you were in Jita when you logged in – a relog outside Jita will fix the corp channels. We are investigating what is happening in Jita, please enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.