EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

10 Dec


Hi everyone,

I have updated the original forum topic regarding drone behavior changes with the following statement, and I’m cross-posting it here for visibility.

A lot of healthy conversation surrounding the recent drone change is happening and we have been monitoring and discussing your feedback internally.

Our goal is to make PvE activities with drones a more attentive player experience that relies less on low or no attention gameplay moving forward, but the unintended impact on how...

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Hi everyone,

A lot of healthy conversation surrounding the recent drone change is happening and we have been monitoring and discussing your feedback internally.

Our goal is to make PvE activities with drones a more attentive player experience that relies less on low or no attention gameplay moving forward, but the unintended impact on how the drone assist functions in certain scenarios is something we are not happy with. For this reason, we will be changing the drone behavior back to how it was before Tuesday’s patch in an upcoming deployment. We should have news for you on timing tomorrow.

We gathered a lot of valuable data and feedback from you and the CSM in the last couple of weeks on this matter and would like to thank everyone who shared their thoughts with us.

Fly safe! o7



The Wightstorm data sites from the Winter Nexus event that started today are incorrectly rewarding some Capsuleers with Nightmare BPOs, as opposed to single-use BPCs that were intended to drop. This bug will be fixed with a patch tomorrow, 11 December.

For the small number of players who receive Nightmare BPOs in the meantime: do not trade them with other players or create extra copies using the original blueprints. We will be replacing all acquired Nightmare BPOs with single-use BPCs after the bug is fixed and reversing any transactions that might have taken place.

Thank you very much for your cooperat...

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09 Dec


Thanks for bringing it up! I wanted to let you know that we will be reverting the change which restricted the setting of Medical Clones when no active Clone Bay service is present with tomorrow’s deployment.

There are improvements to be made to make the rules surrounding Home Stations clearer, and enhancing the sense of home in EVE is something that we are excited to explore in the near future. But we want to find more elegant solutions that do not simultaneously interfere with the gameplay everyone got used to over the years.

Appreciate your feedback. Please keep it coming!

08 Dec


No we didn’t revert the interdictor changes (or Arazu). This was a bug that reverted some traits which we’ll be fixing in an upcoming patch.

Apologies for the scare in the meantime.


A quick note that there was an error in the patch notes and there was no change to how Ice Belts are spawned. Instead, we adjusted the rules for spawning Ice Anomalies which are:

  • Ice Anomalies are randomly distributed in any of the ice systems after completion.
  • It is possible for more than one Ice Anomalies to be present in a single system.

Sorry for the unnecessary confusion, everyone!

07 Dec


Thanks for your question. As part of the ongoing language localization efforts, GMs who speak officially supported languages have been asked to assist in moderating the pertinent sections of the EVE forums while the ISD:CCL team processes applications for new bi-lingual members. The CCL are still the primary moderating force of the forums, but the GM team will help out when available as part of our regional language duties.




  • No subsystem skill loss occurs on destruction when piloting a T3 Cruiser


  • Minokawa Yoiul Star SKIN unintentionally displays Police Lights VFX
  • Weather effects do not display when ‘looking’ at objects other than your ship in space
  • Mobile Tractor Units are missing their icons

User Interface

  • Missing Cosmic Signatures when Scanning

Missions & NPCs

  • R&D Agents’ Research Service is not behaving correctly and often fails


  • Ice Storm Nebula Environment has too much bloom when Post Processing is set to High
  • Daily challenge rewards will sometimes not appear in the redeem queue until a relog


  • Unable to self-destruct pod in certain stations

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Please use this thread for general feedback and discussion about known issues with the Mac client in this monthly release (Version 18.12).

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

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  • No subsystem skill loss occurs on destruction when piloting a T3 Cruiser


  • Wightstorm data sites are incorrectly dropping Nightmare BPOs, as opposed to single-use BPCs.


  • Minokawa Yoiul Star SKIN unintentionally displays Police Lights VFX
  • Weather effects do not display when ‘looking’ at objects other than your ship in space
  • Mobile Tractor Units are missing their icons

User Interface

  • Missing Cosmic Signatures when Scanning

Missions & NPCs

  • R&D Agents’ Research Service is not behaving correctly and often fails


  • Ice Storm Nebula Environment has too much bloom when Post Processing is set to High
  • Daily challenge rewards will sometimes not appear in the redeem queue until a relog


  • Unable to self-destruct pod in ...
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Hello there,

Our monthly deployment (Version 18.12) is going live today. Please use this thread for general feedback and discussion on anything that will be released within this version.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

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Good day, everyone,

Please use this thread for discussing and reporting known issues from the monthly deployment (Version 18.12).

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

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この記念すべき日を迎えることができて本当に嬉しく思います。フィードバックや提案を寄せてくれた方はもちろん、EVEをプレイしてくれた方々全員にお礼を言わせてください! 今回のプロジェクトについて詳しく知りたい方は公式発表からご覧いただけます。

私はゲームクライアント、公式サイト、各種ニュースの日本語ローカライズに関して、あらゆるフィードバックを集約する公式な場所としてこのスレッドを作成しました! 投稿内容はなるべく詳しく説明していただき、可能であればスクリーンショットも添付してください。また、ある事柄について誰かが先に意見・提案を述べていたとしても、遠慮なく自分の考えを投稿してく...

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(Also @Ramona_McCandless @Nana_Skalski @JuuR_Zibaoo)

First and foremost, please excuse the significant delay in my reply, and that the reasons of deletion were not made clear enough at the time of removal.

The posts in were removed because they were considerably off-topic and rather inappropriate for discussion on these forums and violated the following clauses of the ...

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04 Dec


I understand the frustration when an OS doesn’t have the features you use in an upgrade, I’ve been there myself.

My comment is really aimed towards the OS versions we are likley to support. There has not been a decision yet on which these are, so don’t read into it too much. We want to support as many users as we possibly can - but it is fair to say that we’ll be making sure it will run on the latest versions of macOS.


In short: Jumping to another OS is a big move for us. Jumping to another OS on a different architecture is even bigger.
We still need to tackle many of the same challenges for both, so it makes sense for us to bring it to as many users as possible.


Comparing against Wine isn’t really something we’re doing right now, mainly because we would be comparing Metal against a DirectX 9 codepath.
We also don’t have a number of optimisations in place right now: both on the rendering side, and for the rest of the client code. That will come in time :grinning:

It’s fair to say that we are aiming for parity with the Windows DX11 client in the future.


There is some assembly kicking about, yep, but it’s not just that. There is a number of areas in not only the codebase, but the systems around it that will need to be adjusted. Getting the native Intel based client working is a huge step towards the Apple Silicon version though.

I hope to do a devblog with some more details in the future.


Hi folks

We have just posted the exciting news that we have been working on a native Mac client over on our news page.

I have started this thread to discuss the news. I will try to answer questions where I can, but as development is ongoing, I will not be able to answer everything.

Here are the answers to a few common questions that I expect to come up:

Q: Why a native client?

A: The native macOS client w...

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01 Dec


Wow, this is really impressive!