EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Sure it is, at least the real life humiliation part. Getting hit is battery, which is usually a misdemeanor.

Nope. It really isn’t. Justification is also an affirmative defense, which means if the prosecutor decides to push the case, you’ve g...

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There were a number of issues yesterday with servers that Apple run, which caused issues for non Apple applications on Mac: https://twitter.com/lapcatsoftware/status/1326990296412991489

I believe these have been resolved now, but we saw issues internally too as a result of this.

I don’t know if this is directly related, but thought I’d mention it as many issues I was having have cleared up today.

12 Nov


Try clicking on the Main Bank details area within the ESS window. It should give you a list of characters for the last two day.


I have had to remove some inappropriate posts…please keep within the forum rules please.

1.Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

In order to maintain an environment where everyone is welcome and discussion flows freely, certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

Personal Attacks
Racism & Discrimination
Hate Speech
Off-Topic Posting
Pyramid Quoting
Rumor Mongering
New Player Bashing

Hey all…we’re looking into the wine64-preloader issue now. There are a few things happening.

  1. The crash monitoring process is not closing gracefully on exit. So the preloader apologizes in a “Program Error” popup window. People who see that window simply close it and all instances of wine64-preloader close. Click click, we’re all fine here (except for the aforementioned lack of grace and subsequent crashmonitor crash, oh the irony).
  2. On some Macs, however, the popup is not properly displaying and instead appears like a tiny cursor under the menu bar. The other indicator is an wine64-preloader exec icon in the dock for the (not visible) “Program Error” window. You must quit these manually to end the processes.

We are investigating immediate solutions to both issues now, but this will be the situation at least into next week. Until such time as we can ferret out the core problems, please manually close those windows from the dock on exit. We know thi...

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And we’re fixed!

Update 16:50: A hotfix has been deployed which should resolve this issue - please dock up and restart your client to receive the new patch.


It’s okay. Not everybody can be cool.


This is something we’ve discussed, I’d really like to see this as well.


We have deployed a fix today that should resolve any map issues. If you still experience any, please file a bug report.

We are investigating the cause of the crash monitoring process having issues.


There is a known issue with the market where, when updating an order, the first digit of your entry does not enter correctly - this can cause your sale to be much lower than intended.

We are aware of this issue and a patch is currently being prepared to resolve it.

We will keep you informed as further information becomes available.

Update 16:50: A hotfix has been deployed which should resolve this issue - please dock up and restart your client to receive the new patch.


Hi! I’m the audio programmer on EVE. The removal of music in stations was an intentional choice when we updated the hangar atmosphere last month. However, if you still want music to be playing while in stations you can enable the “Override dynamic music with Classic EVE music” option in the audio settings :slight_smile:


We have a fix in place that will go out with the next deployment either today or tomorrow.

EDIT: Might have jumped the gun here as there seems to be a few edge cases that still need to be addressed before the fix can go live. Will keep you posted on the progress!


Hello! Thanks for the feedback. Our dev team is aware of the issue and working on a fix. As a temporary solution, we recommend you to uninstall the APP and then have a fresh reinstall from Google Play. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

11 Nov


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10 Nov


Hi folks. Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re looking into this.

It shouldn’t stop the ability to play, but if this is not the case, please let us know with a Bug Report.


Thanks for the report, guys! I have forwarded it to our tech team internally.


Thank you for the reports with some windows having rendering issues with AA enabled. We are currently investigating this.
For the moment, disabling AA should resolve the issue until we deploy a fix.

Edit - We have a reproduction now. Thank you for all the bug reports.


This is actually intended. The main entrance is facing the most trafficked space lane now :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for your report! Your report is the reason, why it is listed here. Unfortunately we did not manage to implement a fix in time.

We are currently looking into this. Could you please file a bug report about this as well (best from ingame - F12)? Which v...

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Tranquility is back online accepting connections. Fly safe, everyone o7