EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Hi Demortis

If you can provide a screenshot / file information of the quarantine, we will look into this. However in past cases, it has been the anti-virus vendor detecting a false positive, via a heuristic scanning approach.

We of course take these cases extremely seriously and we’ll look into it as soon as we have further information on the specific file causing an issue.

Best regards

    ISD_Drew on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, can you share the popup your getting so it shows more information about the alert? It’s not showing for me.

    ISD_Drew on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Demortis can you share a screenshot of the exact alert your getting? Otherwise would recommend opening a Support Case directly to troubleshoot.

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We are aware of those issues after the latest update and are looking into it.

Edit: Although: If you are affected by the black screen, then please send a bug report with logs. So far I don’t know yet, what is causing this.


You’d be surprised, but it’s not always a bot posting those links. Some have very much human input. I think it might seem for many people that there is a lot of bots in chats, since Jita is being Jita.
Of course, some edge cases are investigated, our brave ISDs are actually reporting lots of them and pick them up on their watchful radar.


Absolutely! We welcome questions. Well, most of them :smiley:
Using alpha accounts at once is a no no and is bannable indeed. We also can see it very clearly and those cases are never a grey area, since it’s just… well, very obvious in most cases.

21 Nov


Hard to say, to be honest… I think it’s kind of one of those very specific questions regarding a very specific matter, that takes some time to answer.
I can tell you that much - we never really talked about those kind of setups, I am pretty sure it falls to the “modification” side, but not botting per se. Unless he is using hundreds of accounts to mine all belts clean :smiley:
But yeah, I am afraid that I just can’t give the definitive answer to that. Not because I want to hide something from you or your friend, but mostly because it just seems like a very specific case.


Exactly, we are sort of uninterested party. We gain nothing from this game-wise, we have zero interference with in-game politics or something. And yep, sometimes we don’t even see alliances of players.


No, I don’t think so, to be honest. This is way too internal stuff even for NDA. Our tools are pretty specific, it takes a while to learn them, and the results are barely the same whenever we do our checks. It took me half a year at least to sort of distinguish those cases, learn to see grey areas and clear cases of botting. And mind you, I still have doubts even now.
So yeah, as much as exciting it sounds, I don’t think it’s possible, sorry!


Thank you for these words!
We do care, our devs care as well, I know it for a fact.


Thank you! We try our best.

This question sort falls into the “personal” category, even if it’s not about the player, but about the alliance. I’ll try to explain though. From my experience and point of view I can tell you that neither alliances, nor the origin of its members matter to us. In fact, for the most part we don’t always know and we don’t always see these details until we pull up statistics and everything.
Lots of players (or rather botters) are a series of numbers for team Sec. I mean it in a literal, not figurative sense :slight_smile: Not in a… “nothing but a number” meaning, but as an actual part of bot hunting. We learn names, corps and alliances later on, if the case requires us to dig deeper. But I promise you that it has never ever ever been like “oh, this guy is from THAT corp/alliance, must be botting”. It’s just...

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Thank you SO much for these words, it means the world to me, no jokes. One of the team goals for this quarter was to try and be more transparent and engage in more dialogues with you guys, and if we manage to do it… Well, that’s just a reward on itself, for real. Thank you again!


That is a good question and for that we will need to pull out the graphs of accounts banned from this years Fanfest 2022

To be honest with you, I see no correlation between the amount of accounts banned for Botting or other violations and the sometimes lower amount of players online. I think it has more to do with the real world situation, as pandemic is slowly going away and people are spending more time on different activities rather than video games.

Especially, the numbers of the suspended accounts are kinda huge, but when we brake it down to what we have said a...

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The emails sent to [email protected] were forwarded to Team Security.
But we decided to slowly transition away of reporting any violations in the game to that specific email, as it was setup for something different, like InfoSec.

So now the best way to reach Team Security regarding botters, fraudsters, RMTers and hackers is via a support Ticket. This for sure will end up in our queue and get attention it deserves.


We definitely try! Always fishing for those big sharks out there…


Good questions, thank you!

  1. This happens, of course. This is no secret and I see no point in making this topic taboo of some sort. There are very different scenarios for this situation. Some of them are covered in the blog, it’s the part about ISK selling and possible consequences for individuals. Ironically, in this case the seller is more in danger from other capsuleers than from us. ISK selling is such a slippery slope, the initial success leads to eventual mistakes and, well, consequences.
    Besides, those people who are determined to get rid of anything, might have change of heart later on. But the assets are gone and, well… the account is kind of damaged already.

  2. Easy answer - nope, it does not. It brings some level of frustration to the team because we investigate the big amount of reports, and if there is nothing to act upon… well, what was the point of those? But again, reports on its own do not do harm, if the ratters did not use any mo...

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That’s not exactly how botting works in EVE, but who knows, maybe one day it might. Personally I have never seen the bot doing all of this together. Bots, or rather the human behind them (who is creating them) usually have very clear goals and rather simple means to achieve them.
But the phrasing of accelerated rate is absolutely correct, you are right.


I know what you mean!
That’s probably for the other teams to be discussed, but I’ll certainly bring it up and see if something can be done :slight_smile:



A lot to unwrap, but the bottom line is “do not bot”. As most of the user agreements, EULA needs to cover as much as possible in a short amount of words and in the comprehensive manner (more or less). Hence the choice of words.
I personally think that this quote is rather self-explanatory, and accelerated rate means, well, the automation. Simple example: it might take a human to win a game of chess in 2 minutes, for bot it will be half a minute. Same here.
You are absolutely correct in your observation, automation exceeds the human input tremendously. And it is very much visible. There are many things that are considered EULA violation and botting is one of them.

It does not matter what exactly Ishtar does. It can engage in PVP, it can go search for drifters, it can dock and undock just for the sake of it. But if automation is used in any of those actions - that is considered botting. The gameplay as a whole is important, not the action itself.

We ...

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It might have been forwarded to Team Sec before, but if it was a couple of years ago, then it was before my time and I can’t answer this, sadly.