EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

09 Nov


Good afternoon capsuleers,

It has come to our attention that there is a malfunction in the retroactive recruitment process whereby some recruiters were receiving the wrong rewards. Recruitees were correctly receiving 1 million skillpoints, this was only affecting some recruiters.
We are investigating this but in the mean time, effective immediately, the retroactive recruitment link has been temporarily disabled. In the interim, you will still be able to use your recruiter link for new pilots.

Thank you for your understanding as we work to rectify this issue and restore intended use to the recruiter tool. We will update this thread as we know more information.

EVE Online Dev Team

E: as of 15:35 on 10 November, the issue has been resolved and the retroactive recruitment link is back online and giving the correct rewards. It may take a few moments for the fix to apply, but should be up and working well before 16:00. Thanks everyone, and h...

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Yes this is intended. The tier system no longer exists now that it’s tied into the warzone status, so missions are paying out regular 100% unmodified payouts.

08 Nov


The attack on Intaki started during Uprising Launch trailer this morning:

World news to follow, no doubt!


Can you provide any details on what is happening? When does the game lock up? Are you using Windows? Which GPU?

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Hello everyone,

Here you will find a list of any known issues as we become aware of them for patch 20.10.

Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues.

Quick Info:

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Known Issues:

Factional Warfare

  • Players can take standings hits for completing Rendezvous points
  • Rendezvous Sites do not despawn when completed
  • Loyalty Points are being paid to both winners and losers of Battlefield Factional Warfare sites.
  • Music in Factional Warfare Battlefields not respecting audio settings
  • Propaganda Beacons are working correctly but Advantage Points gained through their use is not obvious due to the user-interface not showing decimal points.


  • Level of detail transitions for dreadnoughts can be inconsi...
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Hello everyone,

We are excited to release the Uprising expansion to EVE Online. Here you will find links to helpful information to regarding Uprising in various forms to view changes added in patch 20.10.

Please use this thread for general feedback.

Quick Info:

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07 Nov


Hey there!

Sorry for the slow response. We are aware that there are valid reasons to want to change a characters name, while also preserving identity in a single shard universe where a capsuleers actions are permanent. There are some amazing ideas in the community that would combine both these concerns.

That being said, gladly will continue to relay this desire to relevant parties and will update as soon as I know anything.


I mean everyone will still be getting medals, this was just supposed to be a nice thing for people who spent more time on the event.

05 Nov

    ISD_Drew on Forums - Thread - Direct

fyi the timeline on Frontlines Wargame on Singularity has always had test server going offline after the test:

  • 4 November - Wargame ends at 14:00 UTC when Singularity will be taken offline and we begin to analyse the result.

As mentioned above, Singularity was taken down yesterday at 14:00 UTC and it will now stay closed to the public until the Uprising expansion launches.

04 Nov


The wargame concluded today at 14:00 UTC. Thank you all for taking part and leaving your feedback here and this thread.

I apologise for my presence in this thread dropping off during the second half - we’ve all been heads down at CCP working on things related to the launch of Uprising on Tuesday.

Congratulations to the Red team for winning the wargame, gaining two systems from the Blue team!

... Read more
    CCP_Bee on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Excel-lent news capsuleers,

The Monthly Economic Report for October is ready for your enjoyment.

Click this to view the report → REPORT

As always there is also the downloadable data for you here to do with what you please.


03 Nov


Just be forewarned, we’ve taken a firmer stance on this during the Alliance Tournament season and this is a clear violation of policy. Hoping that “nobody cares outside of mass tests” is an unwise strategy.

01 Nov


As I mentioned in the post the current iteration on Sisi that was just updated is incorrect and they’ll be being bought in line with my post above :slight_smile:


Not currently no - you can find all the other ships that are having a balance update currently scheduled over here: Balance Updates Coming with Uprising!


Just updated this - the second one here should have been " Fuel Bay Capacity" - good spot!


Hello Capsuleers!

We are pleased to announce that coming with the Uprising expansion are new Navy Dreadnoughts and new Navy Destroyers!

These will be arriving on Sisi later today (don’t be alarmed if some of the stats appear different from the below, as Sisi is a test server, and some of the details are still being finalized!)

Navy Dreadnoughts

Naglfar Fleet Issue

Versatility in fleet ship designs has long been a watchword of Minmatar naval doctrine, and the Naglfar Fleet Issue continues that tradition by building on the strengths of the already highly-adaptable base Naglfar-class. Across-the-board upgrades to defenses, impr...

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31 Oct


That would be most welcome news if Deutsche Telekom and Cloudflare resolved this issue; a direct reciprocal peering is what we at CCP first and foremost suggested. This here still looks like it’s via Level3/Lumen but hopefully a more stable and less congested path.


And now it’s back to not being broken.