Good question! I double-checked with our community folks just in case. Yes, this is against the rules for EVE and Twitch as well. Community also mandate that every giveaway is done in such a way that everyone has equal chance to win.
Good question! I double-checked with our community folks just in case. Yes, this is against the rules for EVE and Twitch as well. Community also mandate that every giveaway is done in such a way that everyone has equal chance to win.
All right, lots of valid questions, let’s try to unwrap it.
Hi there
I’ve heard from AVG today, and they have confirmed they have whitelisted the file. They say it make take up to 24h to take full effect. Please keep your product up to date, and hopefully it should just start working when you get the updates from AVG, if it is not already.
Many thanks!
That’s very nice of you, thank you! I’ll try to answer as detailed as I can.
Extraction was introduced in 2016 and yes, it definitely was a major pain at some point, when Team Sec did not have tools to deal with it. I wouldn’t say that it’s worse now, accounts do get hacked/shared/sold, you name it, but in the past year I personally don’t see a huge spike or something like that. Just business as usual. Use the two-factor to avoid that, pretty please!
I think it usually comes to case-by-case scenarios. There is alpha exploiting and botting, those are a bit different in our books. Usually exploiting multiple alphas results in a permaban, no exceptions. If t...
Thank you for your engagement! Always feels nice to talk to you guys
Stinger vs Wasp: A battle for the ages… ok maybe not, but still an interesting fight. Who will win???
My pleasure to meet you too
Uff, after 10 years in CCP and multiple Fanfests and other different EVE Online events, you are the first one who picked that one up.
Yes indeed, but I never got too deep into it, I did read some novels regarding Mech Warrior but the name was forged back when internet presence was been established (can’t remember the year) but this was one of my first SciFi online games that I played in a Clan and I had to choose a Nickname and for some reason Stinger got stuck. Still remember the landings on the planets to capture them and to throw out the clan who was defending.
Good job, I actually completely gave up hope that somebody would pick it up
This is a new trend that we are now pursuing, more transparency in the actions of Team Security.
Don’t need to be sorry, no one is standing behind us and forces us to be here on the forums.
Worst case, we still have the ban hammer that we can use to deal with you guys
Its our pleasure. We are here to protect EVE and the players in it
Haha, good try with the Indonesia trolling. But it would be a shame to ban so many accounts, if you know what I mean
It is not something that Team Security planned, but other teams might have discussed it, I am not sure about that.
Yes. There are some types of game play that allow the drone ships to farm AFK. Those are the Vexors, Ishtars and Gilas. They are very much liked for a nearly AFK farming.
But again, there is nothing wrong with that, apart of the fact that this is also very much favorite setup to run bots on them. We investigate each and every case and only after that we swing the ban hammer.
Yes, sometimes it causes false positive bans, but when a ticket is submitted we re-investigate the situation and yes we do lift bans and do apologize for the false positive ban. Somehow this fact does not get the attention of the player community, that we do lift bans for false positive bans and do compensate the time that the accounts were suspended.
Regarding the Jita loot bots, this situation was investigated multiple times this year by multiple eyes and it did not yield any results. The allegations that were mentioned in the said videos did not hold ground when we investigated them.
... Read moreAs mentioned on Fanfest and in previous Team Security Dev Blog, we are working hard to take all the bots down. It is possible that we have missed some or it is possible that what players think is a bot, is actually not. We have changed our approach regarding account suspensions for botting, now we really make sure that the player is guilty and only after that we swing our ban hammer.
There are multiple tools and logs to our disposal, yes they are not perfect but we are working constantly on it to improve them, but they for sure offer more information to us rather what players see in EVE Online.
Please submit more reports via Support Ticket about any suspicious behavior and we will investigate it and take action where it is necessary.
Hey Theiene, thanks a lot for trying out Photon and pointing these issues out to us. I did actually read this thread back when it was created and it prompted me to immediately fix the bookmark color issues back then. However, the issue where bookmarks don’t appear in the separate location group windows fell between the cracks and didn’t show up again on my issue tracker until very recently. I hope you’ll be happy to hear that this issue will finally be fixed in the upcoming December release. o7
It was a problem with special characters in overview settings.
Singularity has been updated now and these problems (especially the black screen and buying things from the market) should be fixed now. If you find further problems, then please let us know (best would be if you write also a bug report).
Those are extremely specific scenarios. To be honest, I have not seen any of those while being in Team Sec, but it also does not mean that it has never happened. It’s just wasn’t part of my experience and part of what I do, that’s all.
We try to look at problems en messe, simply because it’s more efficient. It does not mean that we don’t discuss edge cases, but they are edge cases for a reason.
Hello everyone,
The Photon UI team is excited to introduce a long-awaited feature: Multiple Overviews.
This is currently on the Singularity test server, and can be enabled by hitting escape, navigating to Feature Previews, and then enabling “Multiple Overviews”.
image863×624 82.2 KBAs with Photon UI, we would appreciate any feedback you have on this feature. If you have any general feedback or ideas you have on Photon UI in general then please consider making a new thread in the appropriate section so we can better see it.
Thank you!
Thanks a bunch, this helped! A fix for this is in the works!
Very sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for the reply.
I’ve checked the file on Virus Total, which tests the file against many different AV vendors. It is showing as clean: VirusTotal
I am reaching out to AVG about this issue to see if they can help on their side. This is part of their “Behavior Shield” defense, which tries to figure out what things a virus may do, and preemptively stop them. A good indication is that it is a “Generic” and not a specific match to a known virus.
Unfortunately it is more common than we would like that some anti-virus packages get tripped up by our frequent patching, along with capturing input (so we know what keys you have pressed to play the game ...
Thanks I’ve passed this along internally, for follow up directly, please open a Support Case with this information.
I’m not seeing this myself, nor when I test it on VirusTotal.