EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Hello patriotic Capsuleers!

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The annual Caldari Union Day event ended this week and this year it included a new competition between the Big 8 Caldari megacorporations. Capsuleers could choose to support any of the megacorps for the event and the points they received as they demonstrated their combat, exploration, mining, and pvp skills were be added together with the other supporters until one megacorp emerged the champion!
The winning megacorp will be honored with a lucrative supplementary security contract to assist with the protection of Jita 4-4 until next year when a new Union Day event will choose another winning megacorp.

Without further ado, here’s the resu...

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Sorry to hear it was a pain. The issue with queues over 50 is known, however any other issues that you (or anyone else) experiences if you could let us know via reporting on Android or IOS that would be fantastic.


Comparte tus comentarios y sugerencias sobre el texto en español de EVE Online.

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Esperamos poder implementar los comentarios a tiempo para el lanzamiento oficial en español de este año.

¡Gracias por tu paciencia y por tus comentarios!

07 Sep



Just wanted to let you know that if you file a support ticket, a GM will be able to get you sorted and apply the 1 million skillpoints to the right account.

Fly safe!

06 Sep


If you could pass along a bug report for the issue you’re experiencing in the Native Mac client we’ll be sure to take a look at what is causing your problem


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Los foros oficiales en español de EVE Online

02 Sep

Not a problem! It’s still just chill stream, it’s not going anywhere any time soon.

Oh, I’m on the list! I feel honored.

Also, happy hunting!

01 Sep


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Greetings spreadsheet enjoyers,

We have a brand new Monthly Economic Report for you steaming out of the press. The MER can now be enjoyed in Full Dark Mode™.

Click this to view the report → REPORT

As always there is also the downloadable data for you ...

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31 Aug


Deutsche Telekom is now asking for more details; they need the exact timestamps of disconnect events to match up against their logs:

When you have a disconnect, please send us a support ticket with the following information:

  • Confirmation that your ISP is Deutsche Telekom
  • Your geographical location
  • Your IP address
  • The timestamp of the disconnect event (date and time as exact as you possibly can; in UTC timezone, EVE Time)
  • The traceroute to TQ: tracert tranquility.servers.eveonline.com in a CMD window
  • The Cloudflare colo info: https://eveonline.com/cdn-cgi/trace in a browser

If you are up for it, please look at ...

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Last time I checked, the ecosystem team were happy with how the insurance calculations were working (and they were taking into account the proper values)

For @Bibiana_B - insurance for T2, faction, and certain capital ships is (by design) much below their value. Insurance for T1 ships is much closer to their value in game (though not exact) and doesn’t cover additional modules fit.



Thanks for letting me know. The EVE Portal team has been tinkering with a few issues, two were unrelated but affecting the same thing, and they’re still keeping an eye on things to ensure everything is working correctly. Waiting for their double thumbs up - but glad to hear it’s working for you!

One issue which is still causing problems is users with a training queue beyond 50 skills not getting recognized properly.

30 Aug


Our internal network partner, Advania, now has senior people working on this with our external network partner, Cloudflare, and DTAG. We are hoping to be able to provide Cloudflare and DTAG with more data to help them narrow down the issue.

EDIT #1: DTAG in their latest reply indicated they would escalate this issue.

EDIT #2: We are not excluding the network path between Cloudflare and CCP, but if there were issues there then we would expect to see more ISPs being affected; so for the moment that is on the sidelines...

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29 Aug


Those remaining issues are being worked on.

For the time being the audio changes has been disabled on Singularity, and will return for the next mass test in a few weeks.