EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

09 Aug




  • Some sections of the Sabre texture appear incorrectly

Missions & NPCs

  • Asteroid Belt NPCs were not spawning at the Desolate Asteroid Field, this will be resolved on Wednesday’s downtime.
  • Ships can become temporarily stuck inside asteroids within Desolate Asteroid Belts

User Interface

  • Some checkboxes in Corporation Management are not working correctly.

  • The Assets window can sometimes get stuck on the search tab.

  • In Photon UI, the volume/capacity bar is not updating correctly when dragging items into the Inventory. It ...

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Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.07 version of EVE Online, first released 9 August 2022

If you are experiencing graphical issues when starting up the client while using DirectX 12 on supported hardware, we encourage you to contact customer support and ask you to please attempt starting your client while running ...

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A new patch has arrived (20.07) on 9 August

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:


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04 Aug


Just replying to let you know we’ve seen this and we also think this sort of concept is super cool :wink:

03 Aug



We have just released a development blog going over the upcoming Factional Warfare changes and the Frontline system! Please use this thread to discuss it with other Capsuleers. You can also submit more questions for the upcoming Q&A on the official EVE Online Discord.


Hey there! Just wanted to confirm that we’ve seen your request. I can’t comment at the moment on if it’s something we’re willing to explore, but I didn’t want you to think you were just throwing well-reasoned solutions into the cold vacuums of space.


Hey there! I’ll relay this to the EVE Portal team and hopefully get an update for the French localization soon (not soon™!).

Thanks for the feedback


Hey Gozer,
I think this could be a useful addition to the MER data dump, a description of the files in the data dump. Will add this to the MER todo list!

But for the ones that you asked about, here is a short description of those:

price_change: The monthly price change of the sub index.
total_value: This months total trade value (volume*price) of the sub index.
price_change_weighted: The monthly price change of the sub index weighted by the trade value of indices within the main index.

entry_sink_value and entry_faucet_value: Are just the actual values, no rounding/flooring/ceiling. In the simplest terms, this is calculated by aggregating transactions between players and NPCs. Transactions from players to NPC is a sink, NPC to players is a faucet.

02 Aug


=VLOOKUP() Battle of the decade!


Hey Gustav - just to note that you’re not going mad - I noticed shortly after the post went up that it directed to the June one rather than the July one - I subsequently changed it, apologies for any confusion. I can see CCP Estimate has responded to your query already, but it is a little clearer in July :slight_smile:


I regret nothing!


Hey Gustav Mannfred,
The figure you posted is from the June MER. In the July figure

, its a little easier to distinguish the different lines. I however agree the clutter on the June MER figure is really difficult to read, and needs to be redesigned to make it easier to read :slight_smile:
Hopefully we will have that sorted for the August MER.


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Greetings fellow spreadsheet makers,

Yesterday was a national holiday over in Iceland, so it’s a little later this month - The Monthly Economic Report for July 2022 is now available!

As usual, you can obtain all the raw data used to generate the graphs here. Happy number crunching!

29 Jul


I don’t support this, but I will ask them about it.

26 Jul


Hey, happy to chime in here.

There are several policy mischaracterizations in this thread, intentionally or otherwise.

To be abundantly clear: there has been no policy change for ganking, and there are no ‘undocumented GM-specific policies’ of any sort. I suspect the parties who were warned are very aware of the reasons they were warned, however they can always reach out to the GM team in their ticket for additional clarity. I’ll also add that no warnings were extended to the other gankers in New Eden.

Asymmetric PvP, as well as ganking, is still allowed in EVE. Harassment, however, is not.

I hope that clears things up.

25 Jul


The fix that I made doesn’t change anything with the loot tables, I only restored the NPCs spawning again. As far as I can tell, this is how it’s always been.


According to Eve University this agent in the Minmatar COSMOS requires 5 of them to be turned in. So this seems intended to me.

21 Jul


No, you weren’t.

What Shines said here is key.

... Read more

At CCP Games, we are committed to maintaining a friendly and inclusive community that celebrates diversity and welcomes players of all backgrounds, religions, beliefs, sexual orientations, and other characteristics that make them unique.

As discussed in our Addressing Community Safety announcement, in the past week, we have been made aware of actions and allegations which are completely unacceptable.

CCP are the stewards of the community, but this space has been shaped and maintained by players for over two decades; enacting new policies for protecting the community are decisions that we want to take together with you. To that end, we’re opening the floor for ci...

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Various issues affecting the usability of the EVE Portal app, most notably missing skills, have been updated. If there are any issues, you may file a report on the app or post here and we can look at getting them solved.

18 Jul


Hey there. I submitted a change last week which fixes the issue of regular NPCs spawning instead of COSMOS NPCs in the COSMOS constellations. This should be testable on SISI now if you’re interested, and it should make it into our mid August release.