EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

19 Aug


Hallo zusammen,

wir untersuchen gerade die Verbindungsprobleme, die in letzter Zeit manche Spieler in Deutschland betreffen, vornehmlich Kunden der Deutschen Telekom AG.

Wenn bei euch seit dem 1. oder 2. August gehäuft Verbindungsunterbrechungen auftreten und euer Anbieter die Deutsche Telekom AG ist, dann erstellt bitte ein Support-Ticket. Lest bitte den Rest dieses Posts, um herauszufinden, wie ihr die Informationen bekommt, die im Ticket enthalten sein müssen.

Eins vorweg: Bitte postet die Informationen NICHT als Antwort in diesem Thread, da sie persönliche Daten enthalten. Erstellt stattdessen Support-Tickets, wie oben erwähnt. Zudem ist es wichtig, dass ihr eure Beschwerden über die Netzwerkinstabilität in ...

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We are planning another mass test on Singularity on Thursday, August 25th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time)!

What exactly is being tested?
We are going to test some experimental audio changes. These changes aim to remove the popping that can be heard when the client tries to play too many sounds, which can happen in busy situations like fleet fights. It will also reduce client CPU usage by limiting the number of sounds actively playing at the same time.
The music and important sounds like the UI and gate / wormhole activations will always play, but other sounds are being prioritized based on how relevant they are.

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal.
  • More detailed instructions are available ...
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17 Aug


Further, DTAG customers may want to consider adding their complaint to BGP Flaps, Long-lived TCP Connections | Telekom hilft Community on DTAG’s forums.

I want to comment on that thread:

Ist halt kein Telekom Problem … die nutzen das Peering was der Anbieter vorgibt.

We have seen this happen at ISPs, where they do get the correct BGP information from Cloudflare on the route to Tranquility but the ISPs’ equipment either has out-of-memory issues or a prefix limit and throws the correct routing i...

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Some EVE players who are customers of Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG) and have been affected recently by random disconnects have reported to us that they have resolved the issue by installing https://cloudflarewarp.com/, which is software from Cloudflare, and using it in full WARP mode. You can read more about this software here ...

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The issues were happening in ISPs’ network systems before reaching the local Cloudflare locations in Australia.

See also my next post with more details about Deutsche Telekom AG as that may be relevant to players in Australia and New Zealand.


Yeah, the threads have been merged, as there was very much overlap between the threads.

Bookmarks: That’s odd, I am not aware of any change, which could have caused this. Please send a bug report about this, if this is still happening. It is quite likely that this would also happen on Windows, if this is indeed a bug.

Issues 2-4: This sounds to me like some modifier key (shift, option, command, control) might got “stuck” somehow. We had such bugs in the past, but I have not heard about this for some time. Could you check if this is still happening after restart? In this case it would be also good to send a bug report about this.

16 Aug


Definitely did! I’ll reach out to my Magician friend and see where the teams stand on this one.

15 Aug


No changes were included in either of the previous patches. I’ll poke with the teams to see if RNG is being a cruel mistress or there is in fact an unexpected reduction in sites spawning/being completed

14 Aug


1. Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

In order to maintain an environment where everyone is welcome and discussion flows freely, certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

  • Trolling
  • Flaming
  • Ranting
  • Personal Attacks
  • Harassment
  • Doxxing
  • Racism & Discrimination
  • Hate Speech...
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12 Aug


Oh sevens!

The latest installment of Community Beat is here!

The EVE Online community is vast, and the Beat aims to help pilots discover new parts of the community that they may not have been aware of before. AI art, EVE meets, videos, and NPSI events cover this week’s edition. If you have any comments, or want to know more about something, please let us know below!

Until next time, fly safe!


That is indeed a bit of a mystery.

A sudden route change will result in stateful network devices on the new path to reply with a TCP RST to reset the connection. At that point the EVE Client needs to reestablish the connection to Tranquility through the new Cloudflare location that the network connection is going though. Normally this will result in all running EVE Clients to reset since normally they would all be transmitting and receiving messages.

There is an edge case if the network route flips back and forth very quickly and it so happens that one the clients was not transmitting/receiving then it would stay connected (or there would be packet loss but a re-transmission would be requested and succeed and no RST packets would be sent.

Hence we suspect some other network equipment failure at Deutsche Telekom AG where only some of the connections are terminated (for reasons unknown to us).

We are not seeing this pattern from other countries starting 1-2...

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11 Aug


Hello Pinaka Hakoke,

We are aware of this issue and will hopefully have it fixed soon. Sorry about any inconvenience caused by this issue.

Thank you, CCP Possum.

10 Aug


Just noting that I’m going to be using that thread @Mike_Kingswell linked for DTAG disconnect issues.


First off: Please DO NOT post any of your details as a reply in this thread as they will contain private information. Rather send us a support ticket with those details; but most importantly open a support ticket with Deutsche Telekom AG about network route instability (if DTAG is your ISP).

Earlier this year then customers of Virgin Media UK experienced a very similar issue as is described in this thread and as we are seeing in metrics now for Germany. See this forum thread: 20...

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Hello Nelliver Cadigal,

We are aware of this issue and hope to have a fix out for this soon. We are sorry if this has caused any inconvenience.

CCP Possum

09 Aug


If you are a Deutsche Telekom AG customer and have been experiencing more disconnects since 1-2 August, then please create a support ticket. If you are playing from Germany and have been experiencing disconnects since the beginning of August even if your ISP is not DTAG, then we want to hear from you. We are trying to understand what is happening in this graph:

... Read more

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Greetings Spacefriends!

The details of the next Alliance Tournament are now live!

I’d love to hear what your plans are this year! Let me know :smiley:


No, Officers and Commanders can spawn in the regular Asteroid Belts too. This is specially only for some systems that have no belts like systems in Curse.


How many free Sp do you have ?