Greetings Capsuleers!
We’re on the Road to Fanfest and the Community Beat is here for it
Let us know what you think, what you’d like to hear more about, and of course - what your dough-status is like.
Until next time,
Greetings Capsuleers!
We’re on the Road to Fanfest and the Community Beat is here for it
Let us know what you think, what you’d like to hear more about, and of course - what your dough-status is like.
Until next time,
Compressors will be high slot modules
As mentioned in this week’s Road To Fanfest Dev Blog, there are upcoming changes to material compression, giving an improved team-mining experience. New in-space compression modules will be added to the Rorqual, Orca, and Porpoise, which also add the ability to compress Gas and Moon Ores for the first time. This post will expand on the outline in the dev blog, giving you a lot more details, and enable us to gather your feedback.
Helpful capsuleers,
We’re going to be putting the new chapter of the AIR NPE to SISI later today which adds a new Mining experience. Your feedback is as always invaluable so getting your thoughts on how you feel after trying it out and any issues you may find are most welcome by the team.
I’ll add the things here which we are already aware about which you might encounter. If you come across any of these then feel free to ment...
Read moreWe’re investigating the cause behind this and will have an official statement soon™
The prevailing theory is that the BRM’s were not properly communicating from 10 February until yesterday, so the drastic swings were the accumulation of 6 days worth of activity hitting at once. This would, of course, cause systems to seemingly have dramatic changes in short time periods.
The teams have been actively investigating since yesterday, and as soon as there’s confirmation we’ll let you know
Hey! Thanks for watching- hope you enjoyed hearing from CCP Bergur and CCP Rattati!
This format was more of a chat with those two rather than a Twitch Q&A format, so your question wasn’t ignored we just had a lot we wanted to get through and the format didn’t make time for questions. Maybe in the future we can do a Twitch Q&A!
Yeah, it does.
It is mostly due to me being hesitant to announce anything before it is 100% confirmed (and this time the...
Read moreHey everyone!
Road2Fanfest1200×628 200 KBToday at 17:00 on CCPTV myself and @Carneros will be sitting down with CCP Burger and CCP Rattati - our Creative Director and Director of Product, respectively - to chat about Fanf...
Read moreHey!
A new mirror will be deployed today to Singularity. I’ll update here as soon as it is completed.
Edit: The mirror has been completed now. Everything should be the same as with the last mirror. Skill points from the last 6 mass tests have been re-deployed (btw: there will probably be a mass test next week).
Hi! Sorry for the slow response - just wanted to confirm that there were no unannounced changes to wormhole mass restrictions.
For characters that cannot train, there should be no blinking even if the blinking option is toggled. The warning sign was replaced with a pause icon to indicate that that the character is not eligible to train (due to alpha restrictions, or other characters on the account training).
The blinking should happen if and only if the character is eligible to train and currently is not. The rationale is to remind players that may have overlooked their skill queue being completed.
The issue in question was resolved and released in the patch this morning
Read more‘Accidentally’
thanks for pointing that out… there is a slight defect with it and we hope to deploy a fix for it very soon
I’m also here hoping @CCP_Paragon or someone explains the DBS/ESS change a bit more. Does the new mechanic only kick in at DBS minimums, or is there a scale where reduced bounties (<100%) get the missing ISK transferred to the ESS.
No it does not only kick in at minimum, it scales. The extent to which it scales is a bit of a DBS mystery.
They are aware
Hey just wanted to chime in here. The skill UI notification is incorrectly alerting players in scenarios where they cannot train skills. The teams are working on a fix for this and we hope to have it out to you soon.
Also whats a homeblest?
It’s a delicacy of a biscuit which is covered on one side in chocolate, so it’s dark on one side and light on the other. Sort of like how the Venture, Prospect and Endurance looked like when taking hull damage before the fix in todays patch.
Hi folks o7,
We have a new monthly patch on our hands which went live today, 8 February. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.