EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

22 Oct


While the map does show interference levels, it doesn’t have a direct toggle for CRAB beacons deployed in space. Analyzing the map and comparing ESS bank levels certainly can give a nod to where someone has been running the site - but activating it doesn’t immediately light up the map.


We’re looking into this!


We are planning a mass test on Singularity on Tuesday, October 26th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time)!

What exactly is being tested?
New audio voice limiting system tied to the new engine sounds:

  • Mac + Windows client performance
  • Feel of the scene with the culling of sounds
  • New engine and modules sounds

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Ensure that the launcher is patched to the latest version (important for Mac)
  • Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal.
  • More detailed instructions are available ...
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21 Oct


Thanks for the poke, I’ll further your poke to a techie.


Thank you for the report,
We’re able to reproduce this consistently each time the ‘Check on Market’ button is clicked from the Skills Catalogue (no need to close/reopen the skills menu or character sheet each time). We’ve logged the issue and are investigating the cause.


Just to provide a little more clarity - there is loot in the CRAB deployable when the site is completed.


The (fairly important for sentries) +tracking roll is still guaranteed positive.


We are looking into the issue that caused the max locked targets of +2 to be removed and will update accordingly!

20 Oct


UPDATE 11:25 UTC - Work was completed ahead of schedule and Tranquility is back online and accepting connections! Please enjoy your internet spaceships.

There will be an extended downtime on Thursday 21 October while we conduct some upgrades and testing on our database hardware. Downtime is expected to last until 11:45 UTC however we will be back up sooner if work is completed early.

We’ll keep you updated in this thread and on the EVE Status Twitter account.

19 Oct


We’re looking into this, at the moment this seems to be a glitch, thanks for the heads up sir.


Summon The Swarm - Now Live!

The Summon the Swarm update is now live in EVE Online, providing daring pilots with a new opportunity to earn exciting rewards!

Thanks to extensive player testing on the Singularity test server, a number of improvements have been made that significantly enhance the experience of the new update.

Jump over to the article for more information and a CONCORD Preliminary Field Research Report.



CCP - Jobs Keep sending those applications. London especially is growing exponentially :eyes:

18 Oct


The deadline for flagship submissions for ATXVII was October 15th and this year we managed to get every team to get their submissions in on time! (with a few last minute reminders) That’s probably some sort of record.

Below is the table of flagships submitted for each team which they may field during the tournament in November.

Team Ship
A Band Apart. Scorpion Navy Issue
Arrival. Barghest
Boundary Experts Barghest
Bright Side of Death Barghest
DarkSide. Scorpion Navy Issue
Deepwater Hooligans Scorpion Navy Issue
Entropic Thunder Barghest
Esports Petopia Barghest
Exodus. Barghest
Fancypants Alliance Barghest
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16 Oct

    GM_Goat on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sheltark Sykari is the winner of the Community Vote in the GM Week 2021 Cosplay contest! He joins the other four winners that were selected by an expert panel of judges and were revealed here:

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15 Oct

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14 Oct


The Community Team read the forums and relay the sentiment back to the developers on a regular basis. There are many insightful conversations and discussions that happen on various platforms that we always try to be mindful of and address where possible.

If you ever find yourself in a position where you’d like some more clarity on a topic, feel free to ping me and I’ll do my best to give a response with the information that I have available to me.

When it comes to EVE discussions, I cannot promise that we’ll implement every design that players bring up - but I can promise that such discus...

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I’m unable to reproduce the issue on my side. Could you submit a bug report in-game (F12). Please attach screenshots of the issue occurring and we’ll investigate.


There was a similar issue involving Cmd+A and Cmd+C on the Personal/Corporate asset pages, where those shortcuts were not selecting or copying the entries correctly. We’re currently investigating that issue and will include this as part of the investigation.


We’re currently investigating the distorted font issue and are planning to address it in a future patch. I can’t give a timeline just yet, but we are looking into the cause.