My first Soowon meta clear is my best gaming memory ever.
Excuse me while I proudly print out this comment and frame it <3
I love that the Charr version's face is on the bottom of the paper bag
This is a known issue that's being tracked and investigated.
I'm so sad it's East Coast, *cries in West Coast*
Total Wine appears to have some at some West Coast locations, if that's of use. (If not, maybe Pyrotorrick can toss you a pack?)
Maj. Armstrong when
OP, lookin' fly
you can listen to all of the soundtracks on youtube. i’m a big fan of ibs sound track and eod soundtrack. the original game theme song is still perceived as one of the best of all mmos
Fun story: before I joined the company, I had some friends who worked there, and they invited me to come playtest. I was running around Queensdale, trashing bozos and saving villages, and generally having a grand old time. (Get rekt, centaurs.) Colin, of all people, was watching over my shoulder, looking for pain points and unexpected play patterns and the like -- typical usability testing stuff. At one point, he stopped me and apologized: "Sorry about the music. We can kill the sound if you'd prefer." I hadn't even noticed that the audio was bugged, and that the "Saga of the Norn" track had been looping the entire playthrough. "Hell no," I told him. "I feel so...epic."
A decade and change later, I still love the music. : )