Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose Dev Tracker

12 Jul

Hell Let Loose is an indie title that was given the opportunity to grow, thanks to you, a community of passionate players.

Weโ€™re keen to acknowledge that it has not been an easy period for the game and community - with poor communication around recent changes, the premature discontinuation of PTEs, and what was a less-than-ideal trailer.

Initially, the 2023 roadmap set out to offer an ambitious plan to increase content delivery on a linear and predictable timescale - one year of the war for each game calendar year - while inviting more like-minded players to experience Hell Let Loose. However, weโ€™ve stepped back and thought carefully about the way we introduce these new features - ensuring we are deepening the existing experience - as opposed to potentially splitting the player base and diluting it.

We have spent the last several weeks in many discussions, revisiting plans and reshaping them with the aim of preserving the core aspects of Hell Let Loose, whi... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Jun

Hey everyone,

We have been investigating reports of some servers having not moved over to the latest game version for the Update 14 patch, which was released this morning. These servers were missing from the Enlist screen, however, working with our Game Server Providers and partners, we have rolled out a fix that involved switching to a different version of the server exe file, but are still investigating the underlying cause.

All servers should be starting to come back online, however, if you experience particular performance issues, please use our new report link[team17.helpshift.com] where you can directly report any in-game issues, and share helpful information with the team.

Update 14 Patch
As our investigations into some of the issues raised with Update 14 have r... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

16 Jun

Hey everyone,

We would like to start off by saying thank you for your dedication to Hell Let Loose. The voice of the community will always be an important influence for us, and we understand that your trust is earned with actions - not just words.

To ensure we can deliver higher quality updates, we will be delaying Update 15.
We have already begun revising our plans, and are reviewing what these changes mean to the existing roadmap - and intend to keep you up to date with any progress and changes, across developer briefings.

Today, we can announce the initial steps we are taking:
  • Weโ€™re putting plans together for structured PTEs, where players can provide feedback after each session that will be filtered into the development process. In order to ensure this process is effective, weโ€™ll be rolling this out in stages, while building upon it.

  • Weโ€™re working on ways to adjust our schedule to see what is pos...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

13 Jun

Weโ€™re sorry, everyone.

What weโ€™d hoped would be an exciting and immersive trailer for our next update - Devotion to Duty - has unfortunately fallen short of expectations. We understand that you were eagerly awaiting the trailer, and we deeply apologize for the disappointment, frustration, and sense of let-down felt among the community.

Hell Let Loose has always aimed to provide an authentic and immersive experience, and the latest updates havenโ€™t reflected this as well as they should have. We hear and value your feedback and are dedicated to actioning it across future updates.

Team17 and Cover 6 Studiosโ€™ vision is to remain true to the game's origins, retaining the core strategic squad-based shooter Hell Let Loose is known for, while inviting more like-minded players, so everyone can enjoy the game.

Like Hell Let Loose, communication is the key to success, something we are continuing to work to improve. With an initial focus on improving t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Jun

11 Jun

09 Jun