Hyper Scape

Hyper Scape Dev Tracker

29 Jul

This is a duplicate post so I will be closing. Please note that creating duplicate threads is against the forum rules. You can continue the discussion here.
    Ubi-AJ on Forums - Thread - Direct
Your feedback across all of our channels has helped us to improve the game and we are introducing another way for you to provide your feedback with the first of our regular Hyper Scape Community Surveys.

Please consider completing this short 5-minute survey below as it will help us to constantly improve the game based on your feedback


Thanks a million
Hyper Scape Community Team

28 Jul

We find cheaters as annoying as you do and we've been actively dealing with them since Open Beta began.

You can read our full plan against cheaters and hackers here!

27 Jul

-Protocol V
For a rifle that hits incredibly hard, it should be projectile-based.
Anyone can tap anything within its line of sight, no matter what distance they're at.
If it remains hitscan, it should have some damage drop-off, but keep headshot damage as the same.
After thinking about it, making it projectile base could potentially kill the weapon off. With the amount of movement options in the game, it would make it incredibly difficult to hit anything. I do think having damage drop off would be the optimal solution, especially for those kills at over 300 meters away.

It hits pretty hard at its rate of fire.
Feels like a better Ripper compared.
Give it increased recoil on hipfi...
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I personally have not been running into Shotgun players that much and personally don't run the Shotgun because I don't usually like playing shotguns. I've seen more community members talk about how inconsistent the Mammoth can be. It is certainly a good gun as long as you can actually hit your shots with it.
Hey there! What area are you tending to drop in? There should be plenty of buildings with loot inside or supply crates nearby. Our Gameplan video explains where you should be able to find loot.
On KBM, you can use scrollwheel to swap between your weapons. There is no option to rebind that at this time though. I've passed along the suggestion however!
We have been banning hackers and plan to continue to do so! We have more player report tools coming soon. Please make sure that if you come across someone who may be cheating or is soliciting cheats, you can reach out to the support team so we can properly flag these things to the right people.
Reiterating what I mentioned on another thread again: It is important to keep in mind more casual players when looking into weapon balancing. If weapons are considered too difficult, less players are likely to keep playing because it is a negative experience.
I don't think either of these should be outright removed yet. If anything, the possibility of nerfs should be looked into. D-Tap has a range limit of how far it can go and feels like a mosquito to me. It is understandable that some players are getting upset at the D-Tap since it feels like a noob weapon, which is partially the goal. However, the D-Tap shouldn't be incredibly overpowered and should only really be regarded as a small leg up for newer players. We will keep an eye on comments about the D-Tap and looking into data from the game about the D-Tap's performance.
Same thing for mine! I have been collecting feedback from all of our social media platforms regarding the current state of Mine. I appreciate an... Read more
I think the problem most people have with it is the fact you can just place it ontop of enemies. Even after using teleport or slam, the mine will continue to chase you. Wall can certainly help counter mine, and taking corners seems to also help counter mine.
The issue with the Reddit post is the amount of mines he was running into. Mine has a short cooldown which allows you to replace mines quickly after they are being destroyed. While he might not have actually gotten hit by the mines, the issue is the furstration of running into way too many. The reason players are running Mine more now is because Mine seems to be performing really well due to the amount of damage it does and it's amount of health.

26 Jul

Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on the current state of the game.

Would you be willing to go more into what changes you are hoping to see for each weapon?

an assault rifle may as well be a sniper from across the map with how ridiculously pinpoint it is.
Ripper does feel like it has minimal recoil, and the reticle with the Ripper can make it hard sometimes to try and shoot farther out.

but when you shoot someone point blank with a shotgun and only do 20 damage only to have them turn around with the same lv1 shotgun and instakill you, that is pretty janky.
It can depend ... Read more
Thank you for sharing your concerns for the game! I can see that you want to enjoy the game and want it to do well.

I brought this up on another thread but I'll reiterate it here as well: When looking into weapon balancing, there are many factors to keep in mind, even when proposing an idea. We have to keep an eye on factors that are turning players away from the game to ensure a balanced experience, especially since our goal with the game is to make it inviting for everyone. This includes making some weapons accesible for newer players, like the D-Tap.

With discussions around the D-Tap, it seems higher level players are getting irritated with the D-Tap because it is a "noob friendly" weapon and feels essentially like a mosquito. Many players, like myself, tend to use the D-Tap as a tool to finish off players who are trying to run away mid-fight. However, I think the D-Tap has a trade off where it doesn't do a ton of damage in exchange for it's mechanic. ... Read more
No problem! I did see that Reddit post and did flag it up to be checked into by the team.
Hey there! Please be sure you are flagging any suspicious players through our support portal so we can take a look. We are also planning to share more details on our plans against cheaters in the game soon. Keep an eye out on the Twitter and news website for more.
As I pointed out on another thread, the main issue players seem to have an issue with is being sniped from spots they physically cannot see. Some players are getting sniped at from outside of the rednering distance because of the fact the sniper scope allows you to see farther out.
The sniper seems to be okay in a closer range, but getting sniped across the map is not a super fun experience.
Originally Posted by Faren_Hawke
The issue is theres just no reaction to have against a sniper. I can get killed the moment i walk out a building to a sniper even when im ducking and dodging around.
In this game that from my perspective is all about speed and reactions, you shouldn't have a weapon that can instantly kill anyone.
It's definitely a frustrating experience to play around sometimes, especially when you are up against a fully fused sniper. The game is definitely fast-paced and has a lot of movement, so a sniper can seem a bit awkward at first. However, because you are supposedly moving around a ton, it should be a bit difficult for snipers to land shots.

F... Read more
I didn't actually play Darwin Project. Can you explain a bit more what your suggesting?
Thank you for sharing your feedback! I have seen several players speaking out about wanting self-damage for these explosive type weapons, mostly the Salvo and Komodo.
I have noticed players mostly getting upset at the fact they are dying to these weapons because they are considered noob weapons. It is important to understand that a lot of players feel the game is pretty difficult to get into. We have to keep in mind the more casual players within weapon balancing and making sure weapons are still fun to play. We will continue to monitor the ongoing discussions around these weapons!
    Ubi-AJ on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone,

Thank you all for the feedback you have been posting. We wanted to start a thread to see everyone's thoughts on the weapons, hacks, and overall game after our Open Beta Patch 0.4. Please let us know your thoughts!

Thanks a million
Hyper Scape Community Team