Hyper Scape

Hyper Scape Dev Tracker

18 Nov


Originally posted by PittsburghKid2468

Are we talking days, weeks or months? Regardless, tdm is awesome. More maps needed though.


Probably not WeekS, certainly not Months. But I don't have an exact date yet!


Keep in mind that damage does count towards your rank, so while it's not a direct 1-to-1 of counting Assists explicitly, the damage you contributed to your Assists definitely also contributes to your Ranking. I have passed this on to the team to consider though!


Originally posted by -cantthinkofaname_

Is that a pc thing? I play playstation

Ah ok, yes, it is a PC thing. In that case, after some basic troubleshooting steps (hard reset the console, re-download, etc) I'd try contacting support.ubi.com for some help, as that sounds weird!


Originally posted by papafingers

Almost immediately, they tweeted that there was an issue with the scoreboard. Apparently, individual kills are accurate but everyone else's numbers are off. They're working on a hotfix.

Correct! Your kills are right, the total kills are right, but the teammates' values are not updating properly. Will be fixed in our next title update.


Shorter regen on TDM is planned, stay tuned...


More maps coming in the coming weeks!

Cross-play is planned for Platforms around 10th of December, you can read all about what is planned for Hyper Scape in our Introducing the Lab article ...

17 Nov


Originally posted by STAS1S_OW

The thing is...this isn’t new information.

We’ve known aim assist for KBM was in the game for a while ever since the first increase in ADS aim assist near the start of season 2.

We’ve known it doesn’t move ur crosshair or snap to targets based on just the feel of playing the game, and we know it’s either something to do with increasing hit boxes of bullets, increasing hit boxes of enemies, or some sort of bullet magnetism.

What players want to know is WHY Ubisoft decided KBM needed some sort of aim assist in the first place. We want to know WHY this so-called “aim assist” needed to be upped three times in the last month and a half alone.

For accessibility. We want Hyper Scape to be a place where everyone can come and play and have a good time.

And up to now, so far this hasn't been the case for far too many players. This aim assist stuff is one piece of a ton of work being done to make the game more accessible to a wider group than the small numbers of incredibly skilled folks who are really invested in the game currently on PC.

If we can solve this, and we'd love your help in getting there, then we can really take a look at what it means to support and grow the competitive playerbase of the game. Because when we say we want everyone to enjoy it, it doesn't just mean newcomers, it means you guys as well.


Hey everyone,

Thanks for the post! I know this is an important topic to players, so wanted to provide a little more insight. To be clear, we've always had per-weapon aim assist parameters for all input types- which helps us tweak the efficiency of each gun. The KBM aim assist does not include snap to target, or adhesion, and it's been in the game from day 1.

The patch will just be tweaking the already existing parameters. It is not the same type of adhesion aim assist that controllers have. We will of course monitor the discussion and gameplay after the patch. We know this topics and other are important, and with many changes coming tomorrow we will be keeping a close eye on the gameplay and meta to make sure this game can be the best it can be.

Join us this Friday for an AMA!
Opening thread @ 2 PM ET
Devs start answering @ 2:30 PM ET

From our recent patch to weapon balance, we can't wait to give you a look at what we're working on!