
Icarus Dev Tracker

14 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 119, with the spiky introduction of Brambles.

These homegrown deployable defenses provide an environmentally friendly way to defend your base, being able to be grown from seeds and harvested before being deployed around your base.

We’ve also got news on our next big update and paid content pack, Laika and the Creature Comforts DLC.

Also included are some more balance fixes for Networks and Batteries and info on next week's update.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Improved performance of T3 Spawn Blocker by significantly reducing the number of times it will update the spawn blocker area. It now only updates when adding or running out of fuel
  • Updated modifier effectiveness display, scaling around 100% instead of positive or negative effect. This better shows that less effective modifiers only have X% effect. Eg a 20% effectiveness modifier shows as 20% instead of -80%, ...
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13 Mar

    Shamm on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Where can I report bugs or make suggestions?

Please submit bugs and suggestions to Feature Upvote[icarus.featureupvote.com]. First, do a search to see if someone else has the same feedback or problem. An answer may already be posted or you can upvote the existing ticket.

Where can I get advice about how to play the game?

You can ask other players in these Steam forums or join the official ... Read more

08 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to week 118. We’re continuing our work on the Resource Network update from last week, with a bunch of fixes and balances added, along with a few new features that we mentioned were going to be in this week's update.

We’ve also got some info on next week's update, and some mission fixes that were needed to address the impacts of the new Resource Network.

Hop in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Added Total Growth Speed indicator to Crop Plot inspection UI
  • Fixed railing orientation on all floor pieces so now railings will be the correct orientation (especially on stairs)
  • Fixed issue with Water Troughs where the water would not appear in the mesh when it contained water
  • KILL LIST / FRACTURE: Fixed Decals not removing grass, these should be much easier to find
  • Fixed Processor recipe icons width, now correctly has 7 across again. Auto processors now have 3 acro...
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29 Feb

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Batteries are here.

Not only have we refactored the entire network system to allow for batteries and variable flow rates, but the system itself has been heavily optimized to be more efficient in both network traffic (that is sending data from the server to clients) and server processing (that is the amount of calculations done from second to second). This aims to improve both server and client performance when it comes to resource networks.

This has been a long process, and we’ll go into detail below on the extensive changes and reworks we had to do to deliver it, including multiple reworks and a lot of man-hours invested on our end.

We break down the new system, what you can expect, a host of new items as well as balance changes that have come along with it.

Jump in and check it all out below.

Notable Improvements:
  • Water networks are now accessible at Tier 3 (find out more below).
  • Sprinklers are no...
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22 Feb

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 116 is here, and it packs a punch, with the new Trench Shotgun added to the game.

A Tier 4 variant, the Trench Shotgun is our most powerful close-range damage dealer to date.

We’ve also got a rebalance and improvement on the Shotgun damage/ammo system, and some long-awaited news on Batteries and Networks.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Added a setting to disable camera movement & rotation when interacting with deployables
  • Fixed Honey Smoked Bacon not benefiting from Carnivore talent
  • Mission OASIS: Fixed collection step requiring collection of a lure that is now developer locked, preventing mission progress. Replaced with Gold Ore Lure
  • Fixed 'complete the tutorial' achievement from occurring as soon as a player's first character is created. This was caused by the tutorial mission having been changed to optional, effectively marking it as complete automatica...
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15 Feb

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 115 brings three new types of Shotgun Shell to Icarus - Cold Steel, Miasma and Obsidian.

Exclusive to Prometheus, these pack a punch with their own Freeze, Poison and Burn modifiers along with some hefty damage and rare materials to craft.

Batteries and Networks continues it’s thorough testing with our community, and you can get an update on where we are up to inside.

Hop in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Updated chairs to prefer placing characters in front when getting up. Will place to the right or left if there is not enough room in front of the chair, instead of only trying to place right
  • Fixed collision on nearly every beam to prevent collision outside the visible mesh
  • Fixed mission NOMAD: Greatly reduced the wait time if the side objective is complete before the next primary objective is granted
  • Fixed an issue with the lantern not being able to be prepared ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Feb

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 114 is here, with a new shocking backpack to buy.

The Ion Backpack gives improved yields for key metals needed in electronics production and also has the unique electroshock modifier for combat, otherwise only found in select ammo and tools.

We’ve also completed week one of our Batteries & Networks testing, and have an update on the progress.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Fixed BIG SHOT: Stockpile on Hard difficulty not having room to fit all required trophies.
  • Fixed Electric Deep Ore Drills not showing the correct mining time.
  • Update carcass inventory UI to show modifiers, allowing players to read the modifier explaining that creatures are attracted to the carcass.
  • Fixed a bug where windows couldn't be placed on the dual window slots (2 building pieces to make 1 window frame)
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Feb

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 113.

After the bee-pocalypse of last week, we imagine some of you will be happy to hear that this week brings some adjustments and balances to our fuzzy new friends.

We’ve also got two new rugs for you, in Buffalo and Woven variants, and some QoL improvements, including the ability to now share couches with your pals.

Jump in, have a read, and then enjoy some slightly less terrifying cave adventures.

Notable Improvements:
  • Fixed several bugs with the Stockpile mission type where missions would get stuck or auto complete when not intended
  • Added the ability for Prospectors to sit with their friends on the same seat / couch
  • Added the Suit Slot UI to most inventories and processors so players can access anything slotted in the food / water / oxygen slots when interacting with devices
  • Curtains and windows can now both be placed on window frames and can no longer in...
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26 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to week 112.

This week is a larger update, as we bring you the brand new Apicultural system where you can become a beekeeper in Icarus.

Fit with Wild Bees, Beehives, a bespoke beekeeping system and even Bee breeding, you can start producing honey, beeswax and multiple new recipes, right away.

Originally posted by author: We are committed to weekly updates in Icarus and to always be providing new content / fixes / optimizations from week to week. These updates can vary in size, as things like team availability and task size can range from ones that take half a day, to several weeks or even months. One thing we will try to do is be conscious of this and after a period such as the New Year Holiday where we kept things light and safe we’ll give you something we’ve been working on for a while.

Rocketwerkz isn’t as big as some other studios but are proud of our commitment to our games and w...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

24 Jan

19 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Week 111 is here and we’ve added the Smoker along with nine new recipes for you to enjoy.

From Melon Smoked Giant Steak to Tea Smoked Freshwater Fillet, there’s a range of new tasty recipes to try out with unique buffs, perks and benefits.

We’ve also got an update for you on our ongoing work on the batteries and networks project, along with next week’s buzzy update.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Backpacks are no longer automatically re-equipped whenever a piece of player equipment is added/removed/damaged - this fixes the bug where the medic backpack's modifiers would be re-applied every time the player took damage
  • Fixed a bug where the crop growth rate was being added instead of multiplied, resulting in a growth rate of roughly double what was intended
  • The mission communicator no longer plays noise when it reloads back in (no more weird bzzt noise when roaming around the ma...
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