Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

21 Jul


Originally posted by trildemex

I’ve been here since Rogue was introduced and I loved the game since the day I bought in.

I still like the new updates and features and I appreciate the constant hotfixes, patches and bug squashing.

However, I find myself enjoying the game much less ever since the multiplayer patch. An hour of effort and playtime now achieves maybe 70% of what I could do in offline. Maybe that number feels inflated, but it definitely feels that way.

3 minutes to run through a map (in story) followed by 10 to 30 seconds of transition completely kills any momentum I’ve built up and for me this is the biggest pain point I’m having.

I used to be excited to jump on to get a few hours of play after work, but now I look at the icon and I think about how much time I’d waste on loading screens.

I have faith that the team will get this fixed eventually. Your team has earned it after I saw how you guys were going to handle trade (a seemingly impossible philosop...

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Loading times and smoothness of online play is the actual top of our priority list to continue to improve. I have a lot of high caliber engineers working on this and we have clear paths defined to improve them! We agree that a 10 second loading time, for example, is unacceptable


Originally posted by Rhiwion

As someone who has only been lurking and looking at LE from a distance for a while now I can‘t stress how much I‘m looking forward to the 1.0 release and seeing how hands on you as the devs are with your community. I don‘t know how you think of your competition in this genre, or if you even strictly think of it as competition, but I personally love that LE seemingly fills a niche between Diablo and PoE that people will hopefully naturally gravitate towards if neither of the other two manages to scratch that itch. I know I personally am looking forward to juggle between D4, LE and PoE2 as my whim dictactes, haha.

Yea we actually use this in our main marketing points - in the competitive landscape we aim to stay easier to come in, understand and make builds than PoE - so slightly less complex and have more depth than the Diablo games.

We put a lot of effort into making sure you don’t have to exit the game to understand game mechanics or anything else (G for in-game guide)!


Originally posted by LurkingHare

Lovely! I'm glad to have come back to LE and I'm amazed at all the improvements since the last time I played.

Haha glad you’re seeing them. Lots more to come


Originally posted by fuzzboxing

Can we get more mobility skills? Also, I love the crafting system , it visually so intuitive, didn’t have to read any guides just learned it by using the shards and looking at the crating UX .

There is a new mobility skill coming in 092 that is internally a team favorite! We’ve been having some other general discussions on mobility skills that I shouldn’t share the details on just yet - but saying that so you know that mobility skills are on our mind and being talked about.


Originally posted by EgregiousGames

I've been watching this game for years while playing Grim Dawn. I'm sort of a "wait until it's done" kinda guy (the live-service seasonal stuff never appealed to me)

Love what you're doing with the game though. I continue to watch the updates with bated breath. One major request would be: I would love it if you guys combined offline and online characters like Grim Dawn or others. The idea of having to make separate characters, or being unable to go online with my offline characters if I feel like it later - that's not my favourite.

Completely understand the want there, however the reason we do this is so that people cannot modify offline characters and then bring them into the online realm. This is necessary so we can have ladders that aren’t just filled with cheaters, an actual item economy, hold race events, and other things. Grim Dawn isn’t server authoritative in the same way LE, PoE, and Diablo are.


Originally posted by icelink4884

So I'm a complete ARPG Casual player. I play games now for story than the grind and am really enjoying the game so far. With that, I'd make 2 suggestions.

  1. When going to a lore note, allow it to read the wine thing without having to click the arrow key.

  2. Allow me to hit a bit to expand spoken text without immediately jumping to the next line.


Speaker: the dog was runnning....

If I hit the button, I'd like to see: the dog was running through the forest.

What trends to happen is it jumps over the non spoken text to the next line.

Oh that’s good feedback and I don’t know if that one is on our radar. I’ll bring it up today with the world and story team. I suspect this isn’t a huge amount of effort to change


Originally posted by Adriac99

Excited for combat feel updates to polish. Judgement feels great while earthquake sounds kinda wonky, or rive has rigid animations etc

Yea we have some tune ups to do to animation and VFX timing of networked abilities - like Rive. It’s tracked in our production queue and we’re working through those lists! There’s other things like making sure each enemy has good flinch animations so you feel each hit impact, all of the imperial enemies needing death rag-dolling so bones fly off in a satisfying way, mastering sounds. We have two people working through all of this atm and it will do wonders for combat feeling crunchy


Originally posted by vomit_devouver

LE is my 2nd favorite ARPG right behind PoE and I'm excited to be a consistent player for hopefully years

We’re all huge PoE fans as well. One of the coolest things about having started EHG and Epoch is getting the chance to speak directly with Chris and his team. We have a great relationship and plan to stagger our releases so our community and team can play both Cycles/Leagues without too much overlap


Originally posted by Telethebasin

Glad to be here. LE is a truly enjoyable ARPG experience, and I cannot wait to see what 1.0 brings. Been with you guys since 0.8.

Appreciate your early support! Couldn’t have done it without you guys that backed us early


Originally posted by SwordofMercy

Hello Judd & Thanks! I picked this up a few months back but didn't start playing until last weekend & for now I'm hooked.

The biggest issue i see right now is stuttering/rubber banding. Other than that the game is more polished than POE's early days.

Looking forward to 1.0 changes, will there be a wipe at start? If yes, what will get affected & what won't?

Glad you’re enjoying it! Yes we believe we’ll have much of the rubber banding addressed by then. We are using a network library that is sending a bit of unnecessary data back and forth quickly for some actions that happen very frequently and have been working towards removing that library all together for a lower level networking solution where it’s used. Funny enough we got our first internal playtest session in with the new solution yesterday and it seems to have gone very well. This should make a big impact there and we’ll continue to push for better and better client and server performance

At 1.0 we’ll have our first Cycle where existing characters will be moved to Legacy (non current season)and everyone can start the 1.0 content on fresh characters. Each Cycle existing characters will move to Legacy


Originally posted by perrythepig

Can't wait. Give us a date so I can take time off? <3

I'm trying really hard to cultivate a reputation as the guy that never knows dates. And I actually don't know the exact date. I know when my stuff has to be done because we are doing an earlier cutoff this time so we can do more rigorous testing.


Hello everyone, game director for LE / CEO of Eleventh Hour here. We do see a lot of new people coming to LE in the last few days and I want to welcome you all and give a little info.

First of all, LE was an after hours project that I started 6 years ago right here on Reddit that we spent evenings planning and creating a vertical slice to take to Kickstarter. Enough kind individuals took a leap of faith to get us started and we’ve pushed hard to make Epoch what it is now - and over that time we’ve had the opportunity and great pleasure to update the game significantly as we’ve progressed, earned the community’s support, and hired more fantastic and talented individuals with the mission to make the next great ARPG. Our team has been built from passionate Diablo-like game enthusiasts and developers like many of you!

I’m thrilled to hear the positive responses our new players are having and please know that there is a ton of polish coming this year to the game. Some t...

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Originally posted by xDaveedx

You got any of dem juicy rough ETA's somewhere between tomorrow and in 6 months?

Sounds about right to me.


Originally posted by perrythepig

I'm awfully excited to stream the game. For now, there's low public interest, and I'm avoiding burnout in LE. As soon as there's any reason to play, I'll be online.

I was actually just looking to see what you've put out recently this morning. I wasn't too surprised to see a lul. I think we will have something fun to sink your teeth into next patch :)

20 Jul


Originally posted by miffyrin

"Someone official leaked" is great wording :>

For when you don't want to throw the boss all the way under the bus.


Originally posted by walkman312

Cool. Thanks. I’m not on the discord and hadn’t seen it elsewhere. Was just curious if that was official.

Someone official leaked that our internal goal was end of the year in the in-game chat a couple months ago. It was later confirmed on reddit, discord, and on the dev stream that our internal goal is the end of the year. We aren't ready to actually set a date yet but things are looking pretty good overall.

19 Jul


Originally posted by DraethDarkstar

How much money do I have to bribe you guys to get an update to the Acolyte's summon skeleton skill that gives it a Necrotic conversion somewhere?

I’ll bring it up in our design meeting


Originally posted by Rar3done

Hey any news on console port?

It’s something we intend to do but after we are stable in our live release development cadence. We’re a new team so I don’t want to spread us too thin too fast. Pc first!

18 Jul


It’ll be here before you know it. So much polish and good stuff going into the game right now! But remember, 1.0 for us is just kickoff.


This is simply not implmeneted yet but certainly on our radar and will be coming. It's just not as high priority as some of the things that we have those engineers working on before 1.0.

Thank you for supporting our team and LE! We very much appreciate it.