Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Originally posted by eds444

Or bowmage (multishot + reign of winter bow) = to mimic ice shot w greater projectiles. Just not the 'explodes in a cone of shards behind the target part'

Yea, Bowmage is probably best. Was just trying to find skills that were the same base functionality.

  • Detonating Arrow (converted to cold)

  • Warpath

  • Multishot

11 Jun


Originally posted by shodan13

Hmm, I'm playing offline, do I have an account?

Yes. It will authenticate with Steam.


Originally posted by shodan13

Thanks, having to register there really limits the access for people who have plenty of other games to play rather than try to get this one fixed.

Even the notoriously buggy Pathfinder series just had a handy alt-b to submit bug reports and automatically add a screenshot you can doodle on if you want.

If you are already playing the game, it uses the same account so while there is an extra step, it's not an extra account.

06 Jun


Please reach out to our support team!

05 Jun


Cool ideas! We’ve actually brought up a couple of these internally in game design meetings as well, especially tying them to dungeon rewards. We have an idea that we’re going to try out that’s a bit different that a few team members are pretty enthusiastic about, but we enjoy these conversations because it’s possible someone will come up with something better than we’re imagining atm!

04 Jun


Originally posted by eds444

Just checked and you are right. the ticks are faster now and feels better. Was it changed recently or is my memory wrong and it was just as fast before?

It has not changed.


Originally posted by eds444

I voted no but I wish they'd make the disintegrate skill ticks more frequent than it already is... like 2 ticks per second

It ticks faster than the damage numbers are displayed. So it's actually faster than that already.

01 Jun


Originally posted by jarnvidr

Just now getting a chance to log back in. I was able to run all the way to Deep Harbor without any issues this time, and load times seem much faster as well! Seems like whatever the fix is, it worked!

Glad to hear it and thank you for checking! Much appreciated


There was an issue with a specific server region unrelated to the patch around this time. Can anyone that was experiencing this let me know if you’re seeing the issue resolved? We’re no longer seeing those errors on our end

29 May


Good callout - I've just raised this with the design team


Originally posted by Teraus

One thing I've noticed is that the game doesn't explain how the player comes in possession of a shard of the Epoch after Balthas uses his two shards to travel in time. Was this an oversight, or just something that will be addressed by the next version of chapter 2?

I expect that it will get tidied up. Lore is well aware of the disconnect. When I asked about it he groaned and mentioned wanting to fix that.

28 May


Originally posted by Certain_Reputation82

The word "yet" has never looked so good.

Please say you'll be sharing your awesome game eventually with us poor folk, who could only afford a PS5 OR a PC and not both...

I chose poorly :-( Nobody's problem but my own of course. But still sucks. Haha.

That's still the plan. It'll be something we start looking at post 1.0 launch.


Our whole team agrees. Dev team is looking at solutions.


Originally posted by Manatroid

I’m going to give just one criticism to it, and it’s not even necessarily one that has to be addressed by that chapter itself.

I started a new Mage and got a little thrown by how the game gives you the old intro for your character, and then the game thrusts you into your trek to the peace-talks. There’s a left by a traveler that supposedly asks for your aid in these peace-talks, but it’s not clear if it’s actually asking your character specifically to join or if it’s just, like, an invitation to no-one in particular.

The solution would involve re-doing the intro cutscene to make it more clear whether or not your character was aware of what was actually going on. I can’t remember if it was mentioned that those cutscenes are going to be re-done in the future or not, but I imagine it’s probably lower priority for patch content.

They are going to be redone.


Originally posted by Dinosauur

Is it applied, with this workaround? 🤞

Should be, the only thing wrong with it is that it's just backwards so the raycast gets blocked by the back of the frame. As far as a controller is concerned, it's just a normal node.

27 May


Yea they are a bit longer right now, apologies. We are working to reduce them with both small and large efforts. Later this year we expect them to be significantly reduced and in the short term we can shave a bit of time off them.


Originally posted by Papag171

They look really great! They need to have a look at the sabertooth now after looking at these haha

new sabertooth is nearly complete!

26 May


This is a general visual bug with non-skill specific conditional effects not being reflected in tooltips or the stats sheet. It is actually applying to the minions themselves. Julra gloves were bugged before and a side effect of that bug was that tooltips sometimes reflected their effect as if it were correct.


We're working on a fix for this.

In the meantime if you're in online and experience this issue, I'd suggest joining a party with a player who has a character beyond the blocker and portalling to them.