Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

26 Jun


We’re very aware of this. We intend to tackle in from both reducing brightness in some zones and changing the overlay map outline visuals. It hasn’t reached the top of the priority list but it’s certainly talked about a lot internally and tracked as an upcoming sprint task

25 Jun


We’re working on them right now but they’re not in game yet!

24 Jun


So, I feel compelled to share a story looking at your setup. It looks like you may be a security officer of some sort due to the camera screens - when I was 12-14 playing Diablo 2 non stop, staying up way way too late because I was entirely obsessed, I gamed frequently late night with an overnight security guard. Sometimes we’d have to pause our bloody foothills or Baal runs because something showed up on his camera monitors. Those were some of my favorite times and were very formative in my obsession for Diablo-likes and played a big role in why Epoch exists.

Anyway, glad you’re enjoying the game!


Glad you think so - we do too. There’s a lot to look forward and much planned for post 1.0!

22 Jun


I vote yes.

21 Jun


Originally posted by Nepodobni

Do you like ARPGs? Do you like your Torchlight, PoE, Grim Dawn, D2 and similar? If so, it is worth. Beware, it is beta, endgame is ( still ) not that great, missing variety and more options. Pretty much gear hunt/ gear check in endless grind loop. There are few bugs here and there, nothing major for me.

That being said, i bought this game like 3 months ago, i ONLY play this since ( after 1k hours in PoE and about 200 in Grim Dawn ), now played around 250 hours and still enjoying character creation and different builds, have two chars in endgame ( lvl 100 and 92 ), third on the way. Devs are responsive and take care, community is good. I can‘t wait for 1.0.

We’re knocking out those bugs as fast as possible and have big plans for end game additions! Thanks for the recommendation, Nepodobni. Glad you’re enjoying it and welcome to the community, WildAd

20 Jun

19 Jun


Originally posted by Acedin

Interesting. Do you have the thread where they communicate this? :)

Right here, right now.


Runemaster will not be a minion mastery. There will be no minion skills added under Runemaster.


We’re looking into this

17 Jun


Originally posted by Independent-Hurry743

Hyped for the upcoming story-cutscenes in LE! XD

Me too.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist

Yeah, I think this just doesn't occur to folks, but it seems pretty obvious to me. Item type is limited so that the affix pool isn't POISONED. Belt affixes only on belts, of course!

Sometimes we make unique items that on the surface seem "kinda meh" but sometimes the secret is that it has off slot affixes which let you get more than usual of a stat or can free up another slot.


There are definitely learnings we have from D4 already. I’ve got my animation team in there taking notes as fast as possible as an example! Haha.


Every affix has which slots it can appear on selected very carefully. If any exalted could go with any unique, this would bust wide open and we would have to start doing some silly things like nerf cooldown and mana regen affixes by 75%.

As others have said, it doesn't need to match sub types. The base type has to match and they can't have conflicting class requirements.

Also, if you can put them in the cache together at all, it worked. It checks if they are compatible right when you place them in. I suspect that you might not have done the last step of time traveling.

If they are incompatible, it will tell you why.

Also, julra always drops a pair of items which can be used to make a legendary item.

15 Jun


Originally posted by acbro3

Hi, things that might help you stay engaged are: - farming blessings to push a build further - try to beat T4 bosses - push to x00 corruption - try out different void knight builds and level further in the process. It is really easy to Respec. I sometimes try out new builds on the daily. - try to collect different uniques

Otherwise, also leveling up another class or mastery or build around a particular powerful unique or item you found.

This is what I would have said, so thank you for the helpful response Acbro. Additionally there’s arena. We have multiple end game updates planned but some of the larger additions to Monolith may take a while longer. Glad you’ve enjoyed it thus far!


Originally posted by wicked_reddit

Reported here and the official forums

Thanks for reporting there. We do see it


We’ll check this internally. I haven’t played a Drain Life build on gamepad


Originally posted by CheesePudge

None atm. Iirc Devs said more will come and there are total 12 Acts. We just dont know if they will come in 1.0 or after 1.0. probably gonna be some season/league/cycle thing im guessing

The final story chapters will come after 1.0

12 Jun


Originally posted by Solidux

Would this place be a good place to follow builds?

Yea, great place, it's linked in the side bar. The site's creator is actively developing it too.