Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by trimorphic

Please focus on stability and bugfixes rather than new content or features.

We’re certainly focusing heavily on this right now. We have many people dedicated solely to addressing bugs and polish up till 1.0 and have even brought in two additional developers to focus on chewing through the bug list! I expect our bug fix section in the 0.9.2 patch notes to be massive.

06 Jul


Originally posted by moxjet200

Love the visual mock-up! This would be a very powerful material - I’ll put it in the same discussion thread on our internal channels

Have it queued to talk about these in an upcoming design meeting


Originally posted by moxjet200

Your logic is sound. I’ll take this to our design team to discuss. Thanks for taking the time to write this

Getting back to you on this! We discussed this in our design meeting today and the team agreed that what you’re pointing out is a real issue that we want to solve and the issue is two-part: the disappointment when a unique with LP has a worse than hoped for outcome with a large time investment but also the slower than ideal continued item progression very late game which puts so much emphasis on these moments. We’re looking to solve this with item factions giving an increased rate of item progression late game in their respective bonuses. We decided that we don’t want to have a crafting material that reverts a legendary craft but rather provide ways to have more chances to obtain these types of crafts more quickly. We suspect that item factions and our plans around them will help this tremendously, though if we see that this doesn’t help in the way that we’re hoping we will continue to iterate.

Thank you for raising the topic, it turned into a good discussion with the team...

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Sorry you feel that way. I’ll say that we have a ton of planned updates and content that we’ll be releasing in the upcoming months and years and perhaps you’ll enjoy the game better in the future. If you have any specific feedback on what you feel is making the game not up to your liking we may be able to act on it


Originally posted by DiabloFourPhones

I doubt you will need to get max level to trade for some items with rare affixes. Either way, that isn't what I am asking.
It is an example. If having an alt to trade for rare affixes is the best way to get those shards for your CoH character, is that kind of thing something they would want to avoid or not.

It's the kind of thing we want to avoid being the most efficient way to play and therefore become the meta. Generally speaking with systems like this, the most efficient gameplay becomes the meta.

Also, you're right, you won't have to level up to the max to trade high tier affixes but what you do have to level up will mean slower leveling up of CoF and what favor you do earn for MG is favor that you aren't earning for CoF.

If splitting the factions is a gameplay style that appeals to you as a player, go ahead. If you are looking to optimize your interaction with the system, my advice is to plan to stick to one or the other.


Originally posted by DiabloFourPhones

How do you guys feel about CoF players having a trade alt to buy gear with rare stats to get shards for crafting on their CoF gear?

I think the theory forgets that each faction level up individually and each require favor to be interacted with. I think you'll be more successful sticking to one or the other. I've seen several dual faction theories to game the system and so far I'm not concerned about any of them becoming meta.

If people enjoy doing both then that's awesome, have fun.

The big thing we want to avoid is having those new player tutorial videos coming out promoting having a MG alt or a CoF alt to be the most efficient.


I think you bring up a very solid concern. It was one of the biggest concerns we had too.

The amount you can interact with either system is regulated by favor. Favor is something you earn by killing monsters while you are representing your chosen faction. Each action you wish to take in either system, selling an item, buying an item, buying a prophecy and more, will cost favor. This is the primary balancing dial that we will be able to turn in order to fine tune the relative power of the two options. CoF falling behind? Maybe drop the favor cost of prophecies or bump up the favor selling cost of exalted items. There are a bunch of favor dials to turn in order to get things feeling good. It's going to take a few cycles probably but we've built in enough ways to balance the systems relative to each other that we should be able to get them fairly close.

And because you can't really take items from one side to the other, I think we are fairly insulated against attemptin...

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Originally posted by zG_Hyper

Does that include Hail of Arrows? I think the in game description says enemies can only be affected by one at a time but I can't check right now...

It does include Hail of Arrows.


Increased Cooldown Recovery speed only affects the skill cooldowns of the active skills on your bar.

05 Jul


Originally posted by Samjok-o

Thank you so much Judd. Also, please consider my Rune of Favor idea as well (and consider many others too, if you can), there are plenty of ways to mitigate the terrible feeling of complete loss of progress:

Love the visual mock-up! This would be a very powerful material - I’ll put it in the same discussion thread on our internal channels


Your logic is sound. I’ll take this to our design team to discuss. Thanks for taking the time to write this


They will take damage from multiple ice vortices like that, and this isn't specific to ice vortex. In general in Last Epoch a target can be affected by multiple overlapping damage over time areas at the same time.

02 Jul


Originally posted by silent_dominant

The skill sata it scales with intelligence. What doe that do?

Hold alt to see the details of how attributes scale each skill.


Only minion stats affect minions unless otherwise explicitly stated. For example, ballista has a node that has it inherit your damage modifiers.

Skeletons have no such node.

Also, as a side note, we don't have the stat "9% added minion damage". Added damage stats are flat, if it's a percentage, it's either increased or more.

29 Jun


Come give it a shot! I suspect you’ll like it. I built my team out of people who deeply love this genre to combine and push the bar on the best aspects that have existed. Many people are getting hundreds or even thousands of hours of gameplay from their purchase already. We have an incredible amount more planned and for the community to be excited about in the next couple years.

  • Judd, game director/CEO

Happy to hear you’re enjoying it and we appreciate you taking the time to say this. I’ll screenshot and share with my team this morning - I’m sure it’ll give everyone a boost. Cheers!

28 Jun


Congratulations to you and your significant other!


I've been on a misinformation information mission lately with regards to comments about the monolith system.

We have no plans for a new or revamped monolith system.

We do plan to add new features to the monolith and improve elements of what is already there too. The core system is not under review.

26 Jun


Originally posted by BulkyMix6581

May I ask how many devs there are in EHG team? In my opinion, if important UI problems like this, are not on the top of the priority list (which means there are hundreds of issues to be fixed first), then

a) it will be a very very long way to 1.0 version

b) you will be in beta forever. Even if you reach 1.0, it will be a beta also.

Don't get me wrong. I am one of those aRPG fans who voted with their wallet, didn't (and never will) buy diablo IV and preferred last epoch. After 250 hours in the game I have pinpointed hundreds of bugs and UI issues which need to be fixed. I have posted some of them in LE forums and some of them here. To tell you the truth I paid for LE linux native client which is seriously broken and needs to be fixed (and the problem persists for 4 years, from what I am reading). So if there are problems that can't be addressed for 4 years, where last epoch's team is heading?

Disciplines needed to update this consist of a combination of level design, tech art, and UI designers, which are still pretty limited. Those same disciplines have been on things like performance, necessary UI updates, and reworking outdated chapter and end game content. There will still be plenty of work on things post 1.0, though we are hoping to find time for this before. We actually have a branch with a different map outline design that shows some promise but that’s only a portion of it. We’ll get there!


Haha very rare to see! And yes, 4x T7 is possible.