Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 Aug


There is an old bug that I thought we fixed but this is the exact symptom.

Right before entering the zone transition, change your default audio device or unplug your current audio device. It should allow you to load the new zone if it's the same bug.

11 Aug


Of course not! If you can play the game right now you’ll be able to play at release.

I see a couple comments doubting if 1.0 will ever come out… I know it’s been a long journey to go from ARPG players banding together through Reddit, going through Kickstarter, and building this large game… but our next patch and 1.0 are not far away now. Thanks for your support and helping the dream come to life!


Originally posted by erikbolt11

What was the question that got removed?

The comment I replied to. It was asking what incentive there is to play cycle if the main content is rolled out to both cycle and non-cycle.

Edit: I also don't see it as removed.

Edit 2: I'm still getting used to the official app here, it looks like a normal post to me. When I come onto the desktop site, I can see that it has been removed though, sorry about that.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Great question, we are still working to define that line. We are going to experiment a bit and look to feedback on it. One thing is the ladder. We might also include specific items to only drop in the cycle. We haven't landed on exactly what the details of this will be.

09 Aug


Originally posted by A_Rave-ing_Zektrus

Sadly the truth eh haha As always you guys do great work and your community engagement is fantastic (day 1 of multiplayer was wild)

Have you discovered any need for change to CoF since announcing it with the graphic? Will we also still be getting the "friend trade token"?

Yea, that's resonances.


Originally posted by superawesomeman08

shrug, can do, maybe octoberish?

0.9.2 is coming before 1.0 still.


Originally posted by A_Rave-ing_Zektrus

That all sounds very intimidating. As a casual "item for my build here and there" and frequent "crafting for myself and selling the lesser outcomes" Kind of player I do hope LE can have some enjoyable trading as many people seem to need that.

I personally like getting everything myself in most games and so far its kept me wanting to farm out some drops as I have to do it myself. This also make drops for other builds that much sweeter to try out, as they are not just "before you play this char buy a T7 stat" which makes it less exciting to imagine builds when it starts with a buyable shopping list. I'm sure when the end game has more options i will enjoy it even more and more people will enjoy grinding out chase item drops.

We've put a lot of complex stuff in place to fine tune the numbers and prevent exploitation but using the system will be very streamlined. This should all sit comfortably under the hood and you can pay as much attention to it as I do my car.

It's also an optional system because you can just pick CoF instead and still do limited friend trading with resonances. Party drops being tradable in the party is also sticking around.

08 Aug


Direct trading will still come with the exact same limitations and costs as using the bazaar. You just have to coordinate the trade yourself so it's harder. The only upside to direct trading is that you'll know who you are trading to.

The obvious concern here is that people will sell huge items for unreasonably cheap in game for real money outside right?

We have many restrictions and requirements in place that make item selling en masse, at best, very impractical and easily detectable.

If you are selling many things to many different people for 1g all the time, that's going to be super suspicious.

You have to level up your MG rank in order to sell the big ticket items, this is a lengthy process that adds to the time cost of making a new account after getting caught. You also can't hide items on mule accounts due to the 1 time traded rule. You also have to farm favor to do the selling each time.

You can't move the items around various accounts...

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Originally posted by eggboieggmen

so a Snoop Dogg operator is out of the question??

Not even the d-o-double-g gets past that I’m afraid

07 Aug


re: silly cosmetics - I’ll give a couple examples of what’s over the line for us. As a PoE fan, I’m still upset by the Razer logo footsteps introduced in PoE back in 2013, haha. I also am not a fan of really silly stuff like whimsyshire in D3. We’ll be a bit more lighthearted at times but things like this have a more global impact to the perception of the world in my opinion and have no place in LE. We won’t be introducing any entirely immersion breaking cosmetics, levels, or other for that reason.

05 Aug


Originally posted by StonejawStrongjaw

I would assume that it only is calculated after then ability is used to trigger its effect.

You use the attack and then a variable is check for mana Cost => 10 then (code) sort of system, and it doesn't check the man's cost constantly.

That's my assumption at least. Good way to test is just go hit something and see if the damage is higher.

This is exactly how it works.


Ill make sure we check this out

04 Aug


Originally posted by Renediffie

I don't think adding more skills is the way. Limitations are generally good as they force decisions.

It also sounds like you are exacerbating the problem by playing a hybrid of several archetypes.

While we do understand that the want for more abilities, what Renediffie expressed here is our exact philosophy and why we intend to stick to this many skills. Perhaps a dodge roll in the future as an additional button press?

03 Aug


Haha plenty of CT references packed in! When I built the team I was looking for people who love Diablo 2 and Chrono Trigger. I think there’s still even some CT refs that no one has found…

Check the elders names and the alternative name for the “wings of time” in CT for example :)


Originally posted by IntrstllrXnMstr

I saw someone post a picture of the item that’s a nod to Rainbow. I can’t wait to get further in and see what else there is. Loving what I’ve seen so far!

I’ll also catch some of those dev talks.

There have been a lot but if you want to see the important clips from some past ones, the YouTube channel actionRPG does a highlight clip video each time.


Originally posted by IntrstllrXnMstr

Is he the one that runs the dev talks? Maybe I’ll listen to some of them!


that's me

There are some more obvious CT nods like the name of the game and the ship in CT. There are some less obvious ones like to specific items and a skill coming next patch has a big one.

31 Jul


Item factions, large end game expansions, pinnacle bosses, etc. will help this a ton. It’s all planned! I love the Bowsers Staircase Analogy and am going to borrow that one haha.


Originally posted by wiggle_fingers

Love the rainbow sword from diablo 3

Funny enough, that's just a coincidence, this is actually a nod to a different game.


Very valid question and observation. The short answer is that we’re working/iterating on it and they’ll be improving before 1.0. But, who likes short answers…

When it comes to the social features being a bit slower to update it is because we’re currently using a system that is not completely ideal where we’re polling for changes to many social interactions/statuses and we’re being a bit conservative with the poll rate as we evaluate the impacts on cost this has to us. We’re essentially querying a database for updates and upon those queries were fetching other associated data from multiple sources. We have identified things that we’ll be doing for social features that will make this feel much less sluggish but in the future we’re very interested in a slightly larger system rework that can make these updates happen near instantaneously. We want to make sure by 1.0 these updates are at least drastically improved.

As far as “lag” in terms of network lag, there are some...

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