Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

30 Aug


Originally posted by ShittyBeatBoxer

Is there any form of matchmaking as of yet?

We do not currently have any way to automatically sort you into groups with other players as a kind of "drop in" style of forming parties. We are looking at additional options for finding parties, though not being implemented for 0.9.2.

Currently you need to seek out other players to play with. Alongside outside approaches, With towns you can also encounter players in town, and link up with them using the dedicated Town chat channels.


Originally posted by jahchatelier

Will we be able to trade? If i drop items on the ground will other players be able to see them or interact with them?

Loot is instanced in Last Epoch - You can only see on the ground what is yours. There is currently the option of Gifting items in game: If an item drops while you're playing with another person, and they are present for the drop, you can gift that item to them. For 1.0, we are working on Item Factions, which will expand on Trading capabilities with the Merchant's Guild. You can read more on our plans for Item Factions here: ...

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Originally posted by atheistunicycle

Will it be so that you only find players at the same quest state as you? Or could I go back and find players doing quests I have already completed?

It doesn't look at quest state at all for matching you with other players. You just need to be at the same town (such as Keeper's Camp, or End of Time). Some towns are more likely to have players in those quest states, where End of Time is more likely to have players of all quest states as the endgame hub.


Hello Travelers!

In preparation of Patch 0.9.2 - Runes of Power, we are enabling the updated Town functionality on all servers. While playing solo, entering a town will now match you with other players in the same region so you can meet other players in Eterra, and find allies for the fight ahead! If you find yourself already in a party, you will instead be given a town instance for just your party to keep your friends close. This change is being pushed out live to all of our servers, and no client update is necessary. You should soon be meeting up with all the other Travelers throughout Last Epoch!

External link →

⚠️ Hello! The team is aware of and currently looking into several reported instances of Server Outage affecting your gameplay.

Online Characters will not load nor save any data if you happened to be on the Server before the outage began. Please understand that characters are not lost, just temporarily unable to load. Players not currently connected will not be able to load any Online Characters. If you cannot see them in your list, as above, your characters are not lost, just temporarily unable to load.

We will continue to update you as our team works to resolve this! Thank you for your patience!


Offline or online? I'm not sure what's going on but if you're online you can get someone to portal you ahead a bit and continue from there.


Originally posted by MattyBass87

Curious on why disintegrate has such a large variance displayed to actually real damage?

Not sure. If I had to guess, some commonly used node is probably being overestimated in power.


Originally posted by PurvaZivs

There will also be rogue exile that can randomly appear in campaign and monoliths and will drop items with new drop only affixes

Exiled Mages*


The current campaign is what the game will launch with. It is not finished yet.


DPS tooltips are designed as a tool to help with gear upgrades but not to compare skills to each other.

29 Aug


Thanks to everyone who came out and visited us at Gamescom. It was a great privilege meeting so many of you that have supported us through early access face to face - we could not appreciate you more.  We of course had a blast having the chance to share our work with so many new gamers as well and we're thrilled to be creating action RPG content for you all for many years into the future, and we'll see you guys in 0.9.2 on September 7th!

- Judd (Mox)
Founder EHG/Game Director LE

External link →

Originally posted by orunim

Does that convert to controller input and if so which buttons? If you know that is

Not sure, you can check in the input configuration menu in settings. You can also access it through the bottom screen UI menu button just to the left of the mana orb.

It's probably in the radial menu that you can bring up too.

Sorry, just been a few since I've used the controller.


Originally posted by orunim

Thank you so much. This community has been nothing but the nicest people just trying to help and I’ve posted 3 questions in the past 20 mins lol like one after the other I really don’t like when I don’t understand a game because I have so much experience most games ui’s in certain games like these they are very similar so yea it’s just been really humbling. Thank you so much for your kindness

To add on, you can also press G in game to bring up a guide with info and tips on many different topics of you want to get deeper into it.

26 Aug


Glad you’re enjoying it. Welcome to the community - Judd

24 Aug


Originally posted by Night-Sky

Don’t forget all the items missing 3D art when equipped.

That's not going to be completed by 1.0. We said the weapon and off hand slots done by 1.0.


Originally posted by noother10

Each patch doesn't mean they've only worked on that patch and nothing else. Any patches we're seeing are to keep us interested, remind us the game is still there, give us more things to play with and help bug test and balance test. It's quite possible that a lot of the 1.0 changes/content won't show up in any patches leading up to 1.0.

I'm very interested in seeing the faction system patched in before 1.0 though as they said it would show up during 0.9 somewhere. It's a significant system that is unique to LE, very different to other games. It'll need a bunch of testing to ensure it's working as expected and produces the results they want. If they withheld it until 1.0 and it didn't work properly, it'd potentially be a big disaster, as it impacts one of the core systems of any ARPG, loot.

If you watch the opening night Live segment for last epoch from Gamescom. It says item factions coming at 1.0

23 Aug


Originally posted by Aurorac123

Im just not sure how difficult it is for someone to login to their dev account on the forums, go to announcements and post 'Hey everyone! It's been quiet for a bit while we work on stuff, but as announced at gamescom, 0.9.2 is coming on sept 7th! The update will also include one of the 3 remaining masteries, in the Warlock! <Insert tease of some other stuff thats being teased at gamescom.

I found out about gamescom stuff from the remains of the race community, and then we've had to look at mobile footage of screens at gamescom, and try and find random articles talking about teases and stuff. Im sorry but 'Gamescom is about more than last epoch' makes literally no sense. You arent running gamescom lol. At the very best all you're saying there is that you value new people who might comeinto the game, way more than those of us who have been around (not to beat a dead horse, but looking at the race community, would be unsurprising ngl)

For all the speak of community, it...

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I certainly understand the frustration that a convention has access to press information before we get into our normal blog posts for 0.9.2. That's part of the differences in release of information with taking part in a convention just before a patch release. Hearing of those things at the convention and wanting the in depth looks of them.

What I mean by them being separate is that at Gamescom, we're trying to introduce players to Last Epoch, and of course we want to show our latest and greatest for that. However, it doesn't contain a lot of information about 0.9.2 beyond Runemaster: There's a couple little tidbits hidden in the playable demo, but there's other features coming as part of 0.9.2 which aren't at Gamescom - at all. This is because it's a Game Demo of Last Epoch first, which then features the Runemaster, rather than a 0.9.2 early access.

We haven't yet gotten into 0.9.2 news which will be our Dev Blog posts coming - Gamescom Trailer was just the patc...

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Gamescom has made things a lot different for 0.9.2, as we have an appearance at Gamescom, where we also released the news that 0.9.2 is coming Sept 7th, with a preview of the new Runemaster Class! There's a lot of news floating about from Gamescom, including that of Runemaster - however Gamescom is more about "Last Epoch" and getting out there with all the people that don't know us yet, rather than being a "promotion for 0.9.2".
We will absolutely be doing Forum Blog Posts for the various features coming in 0.9.2 as we continue to approach the patch date!


Originally posted by Deenman23

I can't believe i missed that wtf,im sure i was watching closely for sales on a bunch of games...sadface

There has never been an official sale for more than 25% so that would have been from a key reseller.


In 2 weeks there will be a really flashy new mage mastery, Runemaster. If you like elemental spellcasting, this is a big class. Announcement just went out and we are showing it off at Gamescom so you'll be seeing more info about it as people get their hands on it.