Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Originally posted by reporter_assinado


Just to add some specifics to the above. You can't put two items with conflicting class requirements into the eternity cache. So it doesn't matter where the class requirement is coming from, you can't put two items with different class requirements in the cache at the same time.


This ambush type is unbalanced and will no longer spawn in 0.9.2, sorry for not getting this one right in 0.9.1.

14 Jul


We aim for every 3-4 months for larger patches. We’ll also continue doing hotfix and regular release patches to address issues or put out features that didn’t quite make cutoffs.

13 Jul


Originally posted by alfredoleggio1234

Good to know, thank you. Curious about timeline of releases though and how we will get to 1.0 this year, I thought you would want to give such a big feature some time before 1.0 for bug fixes and balancing.

I'm sorry, I don't have details available about the specific timeline of upcoming releases.


Originally posted by alfredoleggio1234

Rising Flames didn't change the game enough for you to have a completely different gaming experience than before, game is on a good path though. Definitely worth checking back in when the trading/ssf faction stuff is out, which should be before 1.0. Probably around end August/mid September would be my guess, no official info.

Item factions will not be available in 0.9.2


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Will there be some twitch stream for any announcement or will you just have some setups for people to try out upcoming stuff without any live stream?

I'm not 100% sure on this but my advice would be to keep a weather eye on the Gamescom communication in general. I think they do an opening night show thing that's probably streamed. We will also be pushing out social posts during the event to keep people who aren't able to attend in person up to date.


I love easy fixes. Got it. Thanks.

11 Jul


Originally posted by Zinere

Also, may I ask, did something happen to our servers or the way our latency is handled because a lot of us are having serious lag issues?

Nothing has changed in the server infrastructure, no.


I’m personally starting an audit of skill tree nodes and descriptions for pre 1.0 alterations. We should simply just not call this sacrifice.


Welcome to the community! - Judd, game director


Originally posted by Zinere

Can we also get a fix for the spawning into an oblivion when you tp to a party member when you are not *there for the echo to be loaded in?


Yes. I don’t know the status of that one off hand but it’s certainly on our radar

10 Jul


We have a large networking update that has been in progress for a few months now that we’re confident will address a lot of this. In short, in many instances that happen frequently we are transmitting more data than is necessary and is causing things to flow less quickly than it should. We have two engineers fully dedicated to the effort with the support of others. Over the next couple patches you should see this happen less and less.


This currently has a fix internally and is being verified by QA. Apologies for the frustration.

08 Jul


I asked about it and they said it was already up. I'm off on vacation at the moment so I didn't really check properly. I hope they got it because I think it would have gone poof yesterday from twitch.

Either way, thanks for doing that, I think it was a good one.


Originally posted by vvvit

This is newbees killer character sheet. I mean, your logic is perfect and make sence, but what is point of character sheet that doesn't show your stats actually? If this is intended, then you need explain to all player that logic.

That's the thing though, it does show your stats actually. It doesn't show your minion's stats.

It shows the stats you have for summoning new minions. It's your character's stats on your character sheet.

You are right though, it isn't a good character sheet. We have a revamped character sheet with information for your active skills in early development. It's a project that has been pushed back several times in favour of other things.

It's a tricky thing to show in one place regardless because not all your active minions will necessarily be in range of the totem so you can't just say "all your minions have this buff". Ideally each minion would have an individual character sheet but then again, that's probably super inefficient to look at right?

We will be improving the character sheet at some point. I hope sooner than later.


Originally posted by BulkyMix6581

Not true. This effect is visualized in my character's sheet: My health regen increases when I summon a frenzy totem (but not the minions regen)

Also I tried summon my minions AFTER I activated a totem and the health regen was not visualized either.

Either the buff is not working or the character sheet needs a serious rework.... In any case we need a confirmation from a dev about what is happening here.

Yes it is true. I'm one of the people who made it.

The stat you have pointed out in your character sheet is your own "minion health regen". The stat you are referring to on yourself is your "health regen". The totem grants "health regen" to you and to your minions. It does not grant "minion health regen" to you.

The character sheet is displaying the stats correctly.

The minion's "health regen" stat is not displayed anywhere.


Originally posted by Wanna_make_cash

Hey I'm a potential new player and I was wondering if you could help explain what sorta systems your game has that make it a little more complex than Diablo but not overwhelmingly so like poe, and if you plan to stay in the middle area without leaning too far either way with future updates

(Also is tornado stormwolf druid a possible build hehe)

We do intend to stay somewhat in the middle in terms of complexity while having a ton of build variety and interesting itemization.

I was in the middle of typing out more but realized I should really just link the website that says all of what I’m saying but better:


Originally posted by PierreGrenX

Visual bug. Was confirmed recently.

Not a bug, working as intended.


The stat in your character sheet is what new minions you summon get as a bonus. The frenzy totem doesn't change your minion health regen stat. This gives existing allies, including minions health regen. This effect isn't visualized anywhere in the UI.

Edit: please stop downvoting the reply to this which challenges me. They might not have been correct but they weren't inappropriate or mean. We worked it out later down the chain.


Sounds like she may be marriage material! Glad you two are enjoying it together