Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

23 May


Originally posted by Valcrion

The Weaver uniques sound pretty kool. Question though to make sure I am understanding this right. Weaver Uniques are their own special uniques? For instance we wont get a Bastion Weaver Unique.

Correct. Weaver uniques are their own special uniques, and no existing uniques can have Weaver's Will.


Originally posted by WhoThatDow

Added a new Added Crit Chance and Bow Attack Speed hybrid affix for Bows.

i hope this is base crit

It is

21 May


Originally posted by Smaptastic

Is there a way to search for the exact stat?

No, it is an extremely simplistic search system still. It will be expanded on.

20 May


I'm sorry, I don't have any info on it.

There is a discord link at the top of that website which is run by the creator. That's probably the best place to ask.


Originally posted by New_Cod_5838

I am confused too! Hmm, I think I can simplify my question.

If I take the Skill Soaring node in the Druid Swarmblade tree it will convert the damage from my Locust Swarm from my damage to minion damage. The tooltip reads "Locust Swarm now scales with your minion damage rather than your damage."

If I then stack my character with "increased minion damage over time" will it increase my locust swarm damage? Locust Swarm is scaled by DoT damage to begin with. I just wanted some clarity.

You rock with these awesome quick replies!


Sorry for the confusion. I often muddy the waters with too much info.


Originally posted by New_Cod_5838

Thank you for the quick response! If a skill like Soaring Scorge (Druid swarmblade) indicates that damage will be sourced from "minion damage" (and not player damage) would this factor in equipment with the increased minion damage over time modifier or only the straight minion damage?

I'm a little confused and I think I'm just going to repeat myself with the word minion added.

If it's a minion dot ability, it gets increased damage from the stats, increased minion damage and increased minion dot damage.

Edit: ok I get the confusion. Dot is a subset of damage. If you increase all damage you increase all the damage of the things in the set of damage. So increases to minion dot damage are used as part of the set of minion damage. What is really happening is all minion damage stats are handed to the skill and it just applies the relevant ones. So if you had 100% increased minion hit damage, that would also get passed on but it wouldn't do anything and would just sit there in the background.


All dots are damage but not all damage are dots.

Increased damage affects dot and non-dot damage.

Increased dot damage affects dot damage and doesn't affect non-dot damage.


Originally posted by burbic03

I love this response! After 3 chars I was desperately wanting account wide mono not char. Going through and unlocking each time I really started feeling the burn from not having things unlocked.

Well that's not changing. And the changes won't be ready in 0.9.1 but we have some monolith changes in the pipe for increasing the speed of unlocking empowered with alts and making the monolith as a whole more fun.


Originally posted by Magic2424

We don’t need a way to level faster, we need a way to get to empowered faster or a way to make getting to empowered more fun (but they won’t do that)

Yes we will.


Originally posted by Stillhart

I really like the idea of items that level with you. The mace that gets damage per level, while bad, is always fun to use. Having an option that's not bad sounds good to me!

That mace is also getting a big upgrade as a leveling item with the changes to legendary item level calculations.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

They have said they want the supporter packs to be the best deal you can get for your money. After the recent price adjustments it seems like back mtx will hover around 5$, portals around 10 and pets probably 5-10, so the "value" of these supporter packs would be around 35-40$.

Now if they wanna make the packs the best deal it would only make sense to price them at 20$ or at most at 30, otherwise you might aswell buy 350 points and just grab any mtx you like instead of the set combinations from the supporter packs.

The concept of different individual mtx of the same category being on different tiers is kinda lost in this analysis I think.

19 May


Originally posted by 7tenths

Yes. That was the exact point. You have to regionally price anyway. It's not preventing the need for it.

It only obfuscatates cost to the user. Especially since you're using 120 points for $9.50 to buy an effect that cost 165 points. It's math that's intentionally difficult to do on the fly.

Instead of just listing the cost at $13 it's 165 points that you have to spend $19 to get and have left over points in a closed system.

Sorry I misunderstood the claim that we aren't doing regional pricing of the points to mean that we weren't regionally adjusting the purchase price of points for local currencies, which we are.


Originally posted by 7tenths

Because they aren't regional pricing the points?

Stop. There is no benefit.

Point purchases are regionally priced though.

17 May


Originally posted by Inverno969

It looks way better but I still feel its missing something. It needs like a wispy particle system that emits trails from the mesh as it moves. Or a green ghostly trail that emits along the ground as you float. Something to make it more ethereal...

We actually tried that a few different ways, but all of them looked poor with attack and casting animations, with the trails heavily interfering with the other VFX.

16 May


Originally posted by feelingweller

They have announced plans for factions but idk about guilds

One of the upcoming "Item Factions" is called the "Merchant's Guild" this has nothing to do with the general game concept of player grouping and organization, often referred to as a "Guild".

13 May


Originally posted by Axl2TheMaxl

Has Dbrunski's video upped the interest and motivation here?? I hadn't heard of this game and it looks so cool! I don't have the time to figure out a gaming PC so I only play console, hopeful I can play yalls cool ass creation some day

While it certainly didn't hurt, we have a planned timeline to 1.0 launch and it doesn't include a console release. We will still be looking to consoles as a post 1.0 option.


Originally posted by LordMotas

For completeness:

Normal 1 Affix item

T1 - 42%

T2 - 27.6%

T3 - 13.8%

T4 - 6%

Edit: technically this isn't possible because a 1 Affix item is inherently a Magic item X_X But since we have the formula, we might as well list all the data.

Welllllllll, you can kinda get a normal 1 affix item. Once you seal a magic 1 affix item, it becomes a normal item with 1 sealed affix. I know that also isn't useful because you can only seal 1 affix but it's still kinda cool.

11 May


Originally posted by Billy_of_the_hills

I appreciate that you guys are doing your best to fix these bugs, but in all honestly I'd have to say that at this point the words "one of" don't belong in that sentence.

That's a fair response. Again, we do agree it's at the top of the list. Please do know that we have been actively working to find a fix for it (see patch notes for failed attempts) and agree that it warrants our continued time and attention. Working on it.


Hey everyone, sorry this one has been elusive as we've been unable to find a consistent reproduction case internally. We're now entering the QA/bug fix heavy part of the development cycle for 0.9.1 and this will be one of our highest priority bug fixes.