Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

10 May


Originally posted by ItsmeYaboi69xd

What's the point of this other than using an item for a unique LP craft?

Or if you want to have the same weapon in both hands.

09 May


Originally posted by matek11523

I don't know in what degree you can be open about this, but what makes it impossible to implement this option?

I wouldn't go so far as to say impossible really. I can't really give the exact details but it's essentially that we looked at doing it but there was a really bad performance problem that we don't have a solution to. It might be possible to fix but it is still a relatively low priority thing. Low priority, high difficulty, unknown time investment items get extremely deprioritized. I just don't want to get people's hopes up by saying maybe because there are just so many things we will work on first.

Now, also remembering that I'm really not trying to get your hopes up but this was the same answer we were giving to an old performance problem which forced us to cap the display number of active ailments on a target at 15 per type. This was very recently solved out of the blue and we got lucky and were able to take it from the "No" list to the "Done" list.

So barring some sort of epiphany coming to someone in a dream, for now it's just, No.


Sorry, no. There is a technical problem that prevents this.


A whole bunch of stuff happens to your character visuals. Some are kinda subtle but the big ones are that the player light gets very red and the screen has a big effect on the edges.

08 May


Originally posted by Suspicious_Trainer82

Downvote all you like but it certainly would’ve made my play through a lot smoother and I am positive I’m not alone on this. It’s not criticism, it’s constructive feedback.

Hey there, we are aware that the existing tutorials are not obvious enough because we do get this confusion fairly frequently.

If you would like to reference this information in game in the future, every character has this pop up when opening the skills menu for the first time. Every time you respec a skill it tells you this in big red letters. And it is also available in the game guide by pressing G.

I think they are downvoting because you closed at least 2 tutorials saying this in order to do a respec.

07 May


You can only specialize in one mastery class. Once you do, the lower section of all mastery class become available to place points in.

So I think you probably already have.


Originally posted by Odd-Investigator-996

I would, but I can't find it. The online character files are lumped together in an autosave folder somewhere.

You would have to manually enter your info into the build planner. You don't have any files on your computer which represent your online characters.

03 May


We’re aware and we’re spot treating when time permits. There’s been talks of redeveloping the hideable system all together as adjustments individually are taking a decent amount of time. At best, we remake the hideable system, and at worst you’ll see much less of these in the future as we tackle them individually and are more mindful of the issue when making new areas.

02 May


Originally posted by Cricetola

Ahh got it thanks, thought OP meant CDR affix on items didn't work and I was confused

The really confusing part is that technically we don't even have CDR. ICDRS fills the same role but it's mechanically different in how it scales.


Great suggestion. I agree that would be nice. I’ll post it in our UI channel


Originally posted by CounterPointCharlie

the chance is low enough that as humans, we can't properly comprehend how low the chance is

Sounds like we're fighting Boltzmann entropy!
Suppose one had been playing continuously since the Big Bang: is there a greater than 50% probability that a 4LP RV would have dropped by now? Because I'm totally willing to skip to another branch of the multiverse if necessary.

Lol I don't have the numbers easily available. I also feel like people generally lose their ability to properly comprehend the size of numbers in a situation like this around 1 million.

01 May


Originally posted by Altaneen117

Great but a 1 in a trillion trillions is a greater than 0 chance but it is effectively 0. They should post rates or give us an idea of rates.

It's rare enough that you shouldn't plan to have a Legendary Ravenous Void in your build, let alone a 4LP version. I don't know what the actual numbers are off the top of my head but the chance is low enough that as humans, we can't properly comprehend how low the chance is.


Originally posted by SonOfFragnus

Show me one RV legit obtained that has a 4 or even 3 or 2 LP roll on it. Even BiS build guides don't have that shit with even 1 LP on it. Nothing above 80 Effective Level is even worth considering as having the possibility to roll 4 LP.

As far as I'm concerned, it's not technically possible and saying otherwise to OP is stupid.

I think it's an important signpost example. If RV is technically possible to be found with 4LP as one of the rarest LP items, then so are the other ones. So, from a strictly technical standpoint, RV is possible to drop with 4LP. There isn't anything which explicitly prevents it.

I get the impulse to say that it is technically impossible because it is practically impossible, however because they are looking for information regarding the system as a whole, I think it is important to be precise.


Originally posted by SonOfFragnus

No, it is not even technically possible for an item with an effective level for legendary potential of 100 to drop 4 LP. You will NEVER see a legit Ravenous Void for example with more than 1 LP. I'm not even sure 1 LP is possible on that item...

No, it is technically possible for Ravenous Void to drop with 4LP. It's just so rare that it's not practically possible.

30 Apr


That name is fantastic


Originally posted by massiveboner911

Your game is amazing. Good job and well done.

Thanks :)


It can't take a sealed affix at all. If you are 100% sure that it did for certain, please make a bug report on the forums.

It randomly picks from the 4 available unsealed affixes with no weighting.


Originally posted by massiveboner911

Do you know what their gonna do?

As a senior dev on the game, yes. I can't really share details yet though.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Dubbien

This still happens, just for info. Hopefully you can fix this.

We found a cause that was unrelated to rubberbanding, the ability was incorrectly getting buffered on the server which resulted in it going off twice. A fix for this will be included in the next hotfix.


Originally posted by paul20z

3 months later but just found this and the explanation was helpful. Does corruption also increase the chance of a rarer item to drop from echo bosses? For example, I've killed the boss of The Stolen Lance about 10-15 times but he ONLY has dropped one of the 2 set items each time. I need both of the other pieces he drops. is he more likely to drop the rare additional item with higher corruption?

Yes, each timeline boss has 4 specific drops. Two of these are common and it will always drop one or the other regardless of corruption. Then there are two rarer drops that have a drop chance that scales with corruption, and one of these two can only drop at 100+ corruption.

In the case of The Stolen Lance the set items are the common drops, Wings of Argentus is the rarer drop that requires 100+ corruption, and Throne of Ambition is the other rarer drop.